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Fractured Neck of Femur/Pinning Hip Pinning after ski accident

Hi @Klassy and @myglasshalffull thanks for the encouraging words. I think its great advice to get out and walk and stretch a bit. Today I skipped one of the muscle relaxant doses because I really didn't need it. I took two extra strength tylenol instead. My hubby also wrapped my hip and it felt good to have the compression. I think I will do that for the longer car rides.

I definitely will take my cane to the beach. I am so not looking forward to walking on sand:( I remember they have these wheel chairs with the big wheels at the beach for people to use so I might have to go that route.
Hugs to everyone who is still in pain. I hope everyone is feeling optimistic.
@myglasshalffull I wanted to say don't worry about the flight. I went on a flight to Europe back at 7 weeks and I brought two empty ziplocks on the flight and asked the flight attendant to fill them up so I iced the whole way. If there is any way you could pick a seat with a little more leg room I would recommend it like premium economy? I think it was a $50 difference and so worth it. I am sure you will be more than fine. By then you will be 4 months post op right?
Yes, 4 months by then. I'm doing well w/o cane inside, still bring outside with me due to uneven surfaces in my yard.
We've been going for walks last few days and it feels wonderful.
My son purchased our tickets as my Mother's Day gift, I'm not tall so leg room won't be an issue, just the sitting but I'll get up a couple of times and walk about and pretend I'm using bathroom! LOL!
I'm not tall so leg room won't be an issue, just the sitting but I'll get up a couple of times and walk about and pretend I'm using bathroom! LOL!
Wear loose clothing, stay adequately hydrated, avoid alcohol and crossing your legs.
Flex and extend legs and do ankle pumps too.
Just wanted to quickly check in and say that I have NO pain today! Went for a small walk, got my hair done and went out to dinner tonight with the family. No pain killers and no muscle relaxant either. I feel so good! Woke up and did the new exercises the PT gave me and about an hour later felt the need to ice. Iced for about 20 minutes and it felt fine. I am elated. Hugs to all of you.
A day with no pain....what we all strive for....:egypdance:
Good to hear you are doing better.
Hope you have a peaceful easy Sunday!
Thanks everyone! A beautiful glorious day here in DC. Had brunch in the city with the family and on to see Picasso’s blue period at the Phillips Collection! Hope everyone is having as good a day as I am. Feels great to be alive!
Brilliant updates! Wonderful to read your good news.
Happy Four Month Anniversary!
It sounds like you’re out having fun and engaging in life. Hopefully you enjoyed the Picasso exhibit. Thanks for all of the kind support you sprinkle around the forum.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you so much! It feels really really good to feel stronger and better each day. I definitely don't take it for granted!

As for supporting other people on the forum: like I said its been an invaluable part of my recovery. I have learned so many useful things and the thing that sticks out the most is how resilient people are! Everyone has been so positive and kind to one another-its such a joy these days when the world is so troubled:( In circumstances when people are in pain and are physically and emotionally drained and vulnerable, everyone still takes the time to offer words of support to someone else! It makes you believe in humanity again. Best wishes for a lovely weekend for everyone here.
@Snoopy55 I had a skiing accident causing a federal head compound fracture which resulted in 3 pins in my hip on March 22 this year.

I wanted to say thank you for your thread on this forum. There is so little information online regarding recovery from hip pinning compared with Total Hip Replacement. Reading your comments helped me realise it really is a slow process and not just me. It was reassuring to read that I am not the only person experiencing frustration at the 'paint drying' pace of life necessary to heal a hip fracture with 3 pins. It was really helpful. I still have mild pain in the hip and after 10 weeks and am still using one crutch to walk but investigating a walking stick. There are hooks, t shapes and ergo shaped so trying to figure out which will be the best.

Hope your healing continues go go well.
I‘m sorry to read of the misfortune of your skiing accident. We have many stories of hip pinnings here. Also, we have some Recovery Guidelines for you. We invite you to start a thread as a place to document your journey and receive advice, encouragement and support as you’re healing. I can leave you a link to other Hip Pinnings there, as well as our Recovery Guidelines of which many will still apply. Recovery from Hip Pinning can take as long as, if not longer than THR, so hang in there and please join us!
Hi @Crabby! I am so glad that my posts helped you. Much like yourself I also could not find that much information online about hip pinning and after many searches online I finally ended up at Bone Smart. Even though most people have had FHR surgery the advice and support has been invaluable to me so as @Layla suggested I recommend you start your own thread and you can post daily or weekly updates about your recovery.

I definitely was not prepared for the time it took to recover from this surgery even though my brother had broken his femur exactly a year before me and told me that it took him a full 6 months to get back to normal. I remember when he came to visit me and we went for a hike and at the onset he was limping a little and I asked him why are you walking like this and he said its just when I first start but then it goes to normal and I said its been 6 months!! That said I was still not prepared to not engage in my daily life for 6 weeks let alone 6 months!! And of course I hindered my own recovery over and over again. So if I have any advice for you its that you take things slow and steady and let your body heal.
In regards to the type of cane you should get if you are doing PT your PT should tell you which to buy.
Welcome to the forum!
Hi everybody-

I put my 14 year old yellow lab down last night at midnight and I am just devastated and heart broken. My husband and my two daughters held him as he fell asleep and passed away peacefully. I can't tell you how hard it is to come home and not have him be here wagging his tail and running to go get his toy. He was the most amazing dog and even though he is my second lab that I have put down its still so painful. I have been crying off and on for most of the day and looking at his pictures:sad:. My younger daughter was 6 when we rescued him and she is now 20 so he grew up with them. I am happy that he was only sick for 3 days and when they told us that he had a mass the size of a small grapefruit I knew we had very little time so we brought him home last night and gave him some steak. He started coughing and wheezing around 11pm when we were going to bed (he slept in our room every night) and my husband and I just looked at each other and said its time and took him to the vet to be put down. I will miss him forever.
Oh Snoopy, I'm so sorry about the loss of your beloved dog. It sounds like he had a wonderful life with your family.
You did right by him at the end... it was the most loving act to give him a way out of his suffering.
I wish you and your family peace and comfort.
Oh Snoopy…I’m so sorry. I know the heartbreak you’re feeling in losing a long time companion. Our furry friends certainly worm their way into our hearts and become one of the family. Losing them feels devastating. We’re Lab lovers also and have had several. I’m sure you have many photos from your 14 yrs together and I hope that soon looking at photos brings smiles instead of tears. Sending a warm hug your way. :console2:
@Snoopy55 I just read your thread. I’m glad you‘re doing better. I’m very sorry about your pup. It’s such a hard thing to go through. My thoughts are with you. You will never forget him but in time, the best memories will be in the forefront.

Oh Snoopy, I'm so sorry about the loss of your beloved dog. It sounds like he had a wonderful life with your family.
You did right by him at the end... it was the most loving act to give him a way out of his suffering.
I wish you and your family peace and comfort.
Thank you so much. We had such a great time with him. He was half beagle and half lab but he looked just like a lab and acted very goofy most of the time. In the end he only wanted all of us to be together as my girls are leaving for Europe on Sunday. He knew somehow:(
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