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Joining BoneSmart is easy and FREE! You will have access to our award-winning forum and website full of educational articles and resources.

While BoneSmart’s content is provided as a service to the community, voluntary contributions from individuals and families are our largest source of funding.

As an Insiders Club member, you not only get the satisfaction of knowing that you make BoneSmart’s service possible, but you also unlock a variety of exclusive perks.

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Join a community of over 45,000+ passionate patients who make a lasting impact through their financial support of BoneSmart. You become part of a movement that drives meaningful change and expands the reach to the joint replacement community.

Your financial contribution fuels the magic of BoneSmart! By joining the Insiders Club, you provide the essential support that makes everything we do possible, including:

  • Captivating and thought-provoking programs on (that you can also stream on-demand)
  • A treasure trove of joint replacement topics, video-on-demand, and special features like our Ask the Expert and Patient Spotlight
  • Digital content such as YouTube videos and newsletters
  • Vibrant events like Joint Replacement Awareness Day, showcasing patients and surgeon experts discussing joint replacement topics and cutting-edge techniques
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