For anyone that bored ( especially with me ) my latest update .Mar1 2021 since I went under the knife so that’s 18 month.
Well, just to remind formistas I have early stage Parkys too , not complaining,it ain’t that bad , just a bit of shaking and stuff.
Anyway 18 very quick months on the new hip is nowhere near as good as I thought but ! I go gym ( getting that in early) almost every day , concentrating on CT , Bike , and walking treadmill , I’m just confident / mobile enough to start rowing, weights and swimming, so all in all not bad , oh and I’ve played football ( soccer ) without any real issues ,apart the from the abuse of the sad **** who are lumbered with me , for the last 4 week or so , of course I ache like a b****** on Sunday but hey at 69 I,m still cutting it with some very much younger quality lads who really shouldn’t be playing with me shaking slowly around hence .
I ICE after most whatever I do and heat prior football and that gives some relief ,stretching helps most times but the hip doesn’t like it.I’ve give up on my Physio she was good but I think I’ve probably got complicated problems which would require more frequent visits and probably not new hip issues.My right Hip is fine fingers crossed , get aching lower back but take zero medication ( aside a once a day Parky pill ) so I really can’t complain can I.
If I hadn’t have new Hip installed I would have been really struggling with the Parkys as extreme cardio and weights are advised to offset the inevitable for as long as possible, so with that in mind it’s been a massive success.
For what’s worth all new and upcoming hipsters ,follow the brilliant ,caring, super fast responses ( did I miss anything out girls ) from Bonesmart,seriously it has been as good / vital as any meds or exercise .
Take your time ,slowly slowly , it’s one step forward two steps back but you get there. My heart goes out to anyone who has suffered complications and I wish them speedy pain free recovery.
Good luck everyone , I’ll try and hobble down to the pub to watch the match.