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THR Hi! Post THR recovery

@JohnWilky Just curious - who gave you this Gluteal Amnesia diagnosis? Can't say I have ever seen a member here with this issue. That does not mean it's not real! But I imagine the exercises to get that glute to fire are very tedious.

Are they having you do bridges and planks? Both will indeed strengthen your glutes. But these put a lot of weight into that new joint. Please go easy and give that hip some TLC.

Have you thought about seeing a chiropractor or osteopath for this?
Thanks for the reply J, that is reassuring re nobody with similar surgery and recovery have not reported / posted any symptoms as such.
It was my recommended Physio who ‘ diagnosed’ following a couple of thorough examinations, tbf it all seemed plausible especially after reading so much about the so called syndrome on the net.
There is even suggestions that the whole subject is a myth which seems as possible as any of the other ideas.
I agree it is strange diagnosis considering Bonesmart have had no posts regarding.
Going from Physio to Chiro to Osteo doesn’t fill me with confidence from experience, I think I would only go along that route if I was sure I was seeing an expert on this particular condition.
Just for info , if I rest a week or two the problems become less , but on return to exercise hey presto it’s back .
Thanks for the concern .
I had great results working with an osteopath who also did acupuncture after any adjustments. Yes, you do need someone with expertise in engaging the glutes.
Just for info , if I rest a week or two the problems become less , but on return to exercise hey presto it’s back .
Yes, the glutes not firing are going to aggravate other areas that must compensate.

So sorry you are dealing with this! I do hope you find a resolution that you can work with.
Hello JW,
Just playing catch up here. I'm sorry you continue to be plagued by discomfort and pain.
If you type Gluteus Medius Tendinopathy (appears to be the same as gluteal amnesia) into the SEARCH at the top of the page here on BoneSmart, a few threads will show up where this was mentioned. I also found some info online that you may, or may not have read. While I am unable to leave a direct link, the information I read was on ( I am not recommending this site only because I am not familiar with the majority of their content, nor its validity, but thought you may want to check it out for yourself and see what you think. The article I read was titled - All About Gluteal Amnesia.

As always, I wish you speedy relief. Please stay on touch and let us know how you're doing. I like, Jaycey's, advice to consider connecting with a reputable Osteopath.
Take Care!
Cheers Ladies much appreciated as always , been g children sitting so not had chance to research , in fact pretty much done not a lot ( rested the hip ) aside some morning stretching , but still painful today. Strange but I feel does make it better , but Sod’s law the other areas get dodgy , can’t win.
Good luck everyone and thxs again
For anyone that bored ( especially with me ) my latest update .Mar1 2021 since I went under the knife so that’s 18 month.
Well, just to remind formistas I have early stage Parkys too , not complaining,it ain’t that bad , just a bit of shaking and stuff.

Anyway 18 very quick months on the new hip is nowhere near as good as I thought but ! I go gym ( getting that in early) almost every day , concentrating on CT , Bike , and walking treadmill , I’m just confident / mobile enough to start rowing, weights and swimming, so all in all not bad , oh and I’ve played football ( soccer ) without any real issues ,apart the from the abuse of the sad **** who are lumbered with me , for the last 4 week or so , of course I ache like a b****** on Sunday but hey at 69 I,m still cutting it with some very much younger quality lads who really shouldn’t be playing with me shaking slowly around hence .

I ICE after most whatever I do and heat prior football and that gives some relief ,stretching helps most times but the hip doesn’t like it.I’ve give up on my Physio she was good but I think I’ve probably got complicated problems which would require more frequent visits and probably not new hip issues.My right Hip is fine fingers crossed , get aching lower back but take zero medication ( aside a once a day Parky pill ) so I really can’t complain can I.

If I hadn’t have new Hip installed I would have been really struggling with the Parkys as extreme cardio and weights are advised to offset the inevitable for as long as possible, so with that in mind it’s been a massive success.

For what’s worth all new and upcoming hipsters ,follow the brilliant ,caring, super fast responses ( did I miss anything out girls ) from Bonesmart,seriously it has been as good / vital as any meds or exercise .
Take your time ,slowly slowly , it’s one step forward two steps back but you get there. My heart goes out to anyone who has suffered complications and I wish them speedy pain free recovery.

Good luck everyone , I’ll try and hobble down to the pub to watch the match.
@JohnWilky Great update! Sounds like you are really doing well. Daily gym visits at only 18 months out is amazing. Yes, I know you are motivated by other factors. But it's great you are getting back to an active lifestyle.

Please stop by once in awhile. You inspire our members in waiting!
Aww, JW :friends: I love your update! I'm happy you're getting back to the things you love even though its not as quickly as you hoped. Your post will be an encouragement to those following behind you. Enjoy the match at the pub :cheers: and stay in touch!
Hello Wilky - I’m a newbie here, and have just been catching up on your recovery journey. I’m glad you’re getting to the gym; I saw the Paxman documentary about life with Parkinson’s the other night, and it’s clear that exercise can make such a difference - it was a smart move getting that new hip, even if it has taken a little while to bed in. Keep on dazzling those young lads on the football pitch with your fancy footwork (but give yourself a rest every now and again, too). Thanks for sharing such an inspirational story.
Hi JW My oh my, don't you sound chipper! You are right, there are the good and bad with most stories, the difference is that you persevere.

I wish you continued improvements and that the Parky symptoms remain minimal.
@JohnWilky This is a great update, John. I certainly can relate to the "it's not perfect" scenario but then it doesn't need to be as long as it gets us back in the game. Best wishes going forward. Certainly stop by now and again to brighten our day! :)
@JohnWilky so happy to see you stopped by and shared an update. As always you continue to do amazing things!
Are you missing me ? ….miserable mopes ! For what it’s worth another month onwards and not a lot of change since yesterday’s update ! Does it still hurt yea ,but nowhere near as bad , is it better yea deffo, how is it bed ,poor !!! Tbf don’t blame Mistress Wilks , oh sorry ? Yea no discomfort or pain. Do I take any meds ? no only a couple of Erdingers now and again.What about walking yes that fine , it seems the more I exercise the better it is. But still stiff and a tad achy post but only for a day or so.
Enjoying the World Cup but not the cold weather and the energy crisis ( I mean mine )
All the best everyone hope you have similar experience, good luck .
Believe it or not, you just crossed my mind this morning, JW! It's always great to hear from you.
I am sorry you still deal with discomfort and pain, but thankfully it's not as bad as it once was and exercise helps. I think some of the stiffness we experience comes naturally with age. Glad you're enjoying the World Cup.
Stay warm in the cold and have a great day and weekend! As always, thanks for stopping by!
Hey JW! I've been feeling very stiff with all this cold and rainy weather. Enjoy the World Cup and stay warm!
Happy Christmas BS controllers ,and a great New Year, not forgetting of course all BS formistas hoping you’re having a hobbling happy painfree Christmas or an athletic rapid recovery .
Won’t bore folk with my continued improvement ( just have ) suffice to say happy enough as it stands .
Will post further details in New Year ( hold you’re breath)
Hope the Yanks are not suffering too badly in the reported awful weather over in the US , it’s a balmy 6degs with freezing rain here in the hills around Manchester UK ,so a trip for a light gym session and a steam in order.
All the best everyone
@JohnWilky Nice to hear from you. Sounds like you continue to progress - well done! Wishing you all the best for the New Year!
Ahhh, nothing like a "boring continued improvement" to give the BoneSmart staff good cheer!

Happy New Year!! Glad to see your update. :new-year-toast-smiley-emoticon::snow::snow:
Nice to hear from you, JW!
I hope you had a lovely Christmas. We will look forward to visits from you in the New Year. Cheers if we don't hear from you before NYE! Many blessings to you in 2023.

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