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TKR FC Bayern's House of Healing

Ouch! It happens. I think we all do it at some point. Hope recovery is quick.
Wow, that looks like a really good dinner there!
Out of the ODIC today, me knee is back to where it was. My quads and hamstrings are still a little sore but that's one place where there is gain from pain! I'm glad the knee has recovered because I have a new challenge for it on Sunday when I fly to Knoxville. Planning on wearing a light compression sleeve, taking zip-locks for ice, and my TENS machine all aboard with me, so I should get by.
So I had a nerve conductivity done today because of the issues I've had with my pinky and ring finger on my right hand being numb and a lack of strength and control of my right hand. As I expected I came up positive for cubital tunnel syndrome. This was caused by my living 24/7 in my recliner with my arm resting on the arm rest in my first 2-3 weeks of recovery when I couldn't sleep in bed. So more surgery in my future. :thud: On the positive side when the nurse found out I was recovering from a TKR she asked me to talk to her co-worker who is having a TKR soon. She asked me who had done my surgery and if I was happy with him (which I am other then the reluctance to provide pain meds) turns out she will be using the same surgeon. I'm pretty sure she is a new Bonesmartie as of tonight because I told her how much this site has meant to me. So much good information and the support of everyone on this forum has meant the world to me. Thank you BoneSmart and all of you Bonesmarties that have supported me through my recovery. You have made my journey so much better then it could have been.
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Just got back from a trip to Tennessee, Flights went great, no pain or need for ice. Used Ziploc's and ice from the hotel ice machine to ice at night. My knee is pretty swollen mostly from lots of walking and no chance to even put the leg up at all during the day. Off tomorrow for the Caribbean, not sure how much scuba diving I'll be able to do. When we booked the trip I imagined it wouldn't be a problem, but I obviously didn't know at that point what I was really signing up for having a TKR. :scaredycat: Not going to sweat it too much, if it means two weeks of lounging on the beach drinking umbrella drinks I think I can survive! :rotfl:
@FCBayern , I was just thinking about how your business trip went :) So glad to hear your good report! Enjoy your deserve it :martini:
Hi all, it's been a little crazy getting caught up at home and work after being gone for 3 weeks so this is the first time I've had to catch up with everyone's threads and post myself. My wife and I had a wonderful 2 weeks in Roatan (Honduras). The weather was spectacular and my knee was pretty cooperative all in all. Didn't walk as far on the beach as in previous trips but enough to enjoy without joining the ODIC! I was even able to scuba dive 17 times. :wowspring:The first 4 dives the knee was achy the whole time but after switching fin combinations around I found the right mix and my knee was happy on all the dives after that. My youngest son (36) was able to join us for the week and we were excited to be able to share the island with him. :yes!: My knee still has cranky days and when I drive my van-pool I can count on a day I need to ice. Unfortunately my ice machine doesn't want to work after 3 weeks of inactivity. :sad: It starts circulating but the water isn't moving after 2 minutes even though the pump is still running, looks like Amazon will get some more business from me, after a day when I know I've done a lot it still helps tremendously to ice overnight.
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Well I'm back in my recovery chair again. The Ulnar nerve compression I experienced during my knee recovery led to needing an ulnar nerve transposition where they move the nerve out of its channel in the elbow to the inside of the arm. Apparently my tendons had large calcium deposits the were impinging on the nerve and 4 weeks of resting it on the arm of my recliner when I couldn't sleep in bed was the straw that broke the camel's back. At least this recovery is much easier, I'm a week in and have been off the pain meds for 3 days already. I'm down to typing with one finger instead of two though.:heehee:
@Josephine Is it normal to still have nagging aches in the knee 6 months out? When I've been particularly active I understand why but it seems to have gotten more frequent and happens if I'm active or not. Ice helps, Tylenol does not.
Oh gosh yes! Some unlucky people get it up to a year later. But how often does it occur? Daily, weekly?

But I must ask what dose of Tylenol you were taking when you decided it doesn't help!
@Josephine its been happening 5-6 days a week lately. It hadn't been more that 2-3 days for some time and mostly when I had been extra active so that seemed pretty normal to me. When the frequency went up activity or not it concerned me some. I've been taking 1000 mg of Tylenol every 6 hours.
It seems to me like you need a stronger pain med. Perhaps Tramadol - 50mg with the Tylenol 2-3 times a day.
Unfortunately that just won't happen here in the states, doctors are completely paranoid about providing pain medication due to the rampant abuse of opioids. After week two I had to get my PCP to provide pain meds the OS wouldn't approve anything after the second week. In my mind it's completely ridiculous, I've seen studies that show healing is slowed by excessive pain but doctors are more concerned with law suits.
I found that in the first year or so everything from weather changes, to moving wrong, to overdoing could aggravate my new knee for several days to a week at a time. Hopefully things will settle down for you.
Glad to read that. I overdid it and it's been going on 3 days of resting and hoping it'll settle. Maybe improving somewhat today, I'm back on 6 hourly Tylenol. Been a hard lesson but probably will deserved.
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@Celle @Jockette Hoping maybe on of you can offer some advise. I'm now at 8 1/2 months since my TKR and I've been following the Bonesmart guidance that activities of daily living is all the rehab we really need. My flexion is great but I'm still about +5 on extension. My issue is that apparently 20+ years of dealing with a bad knee wore my hip out. The hip on my right (TKR) side is a complete mess and I will be having a THR in the near future. The hip is really affecting what I can do so I'm concerned that I'm not able to do enough to get the knee to at least 0. Standing for any period of time is difficult without the knee being able to be straight.

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