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    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Roxi rocking on.
      People rush to stop icing like it's shameful, if it feels good do it. Most of us get ahead of ourselves thinking that since the hard...
    • Eman85
      Wait too long?? I waited over 30 years from my first appointment with a hip surgeon. They're replacing all of it so it's not a problem...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Roxi rocking on.
      I did my heel slides lying in bed. I used them for fixing my socks after using the sock aid to get them started, I could reach my ankles...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Roxi rocking on.
      I can cross my leg sitting in a chair and lean into it for a stretch or do it lying down and feel the tightness of the muscles. I'm not...
    • Eman85
      I never went to any PT and don't seem to be lacking any functions. You were there for the first go round, do you think you need intense...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Roxi rocking on.
      I got a good laugh out of your toilet seat ordeal, not laughing at you but with you. I always recommend the bedside commode frame that...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Pain in LOWER Leg.
      I had pain in both legs outside of the hip area that went away after THR. My right I was having pains in the instep of my foot like I...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Roxi rocking on.
      I used a bedside commode frame placed over the regular toilet. It was adjustable so the height and handles made it easier to sit, do...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Chichi's Left THR.
      It will be interesting to see what your OS recommends for recovery. Some turn patients over to PT's that get a little too aggressive...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Seem to be going backwards.
      What was your question? I think you have the answer. Don't use the no pain no gain idea of recovery, it doesn't work well for the...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Once again scared as heck.
      I think I'd hit pause and possibly get a 2nd opinion.
    • Eman85
      Are you icing? There's no normal, just common and knee pain is common from the wrenching to dislocate the hip. I had bruises that were...
    • Eman85
      Ice, it's the best pain relief. The first 2 weeks are tougher for some than others, but for all the first 2 weeks are the worst and it...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Left Anterior 8/16/24.
      Ice feels good, I like things that feel good. I iced a lot the first 6 weeks or so especially after any longer walks but basically any...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR sportbrown's Hip Recovery.
      Have you looked into simple stretches like chair yoga? It can be less stress on the body but achieve the goal of becoming less stiff.
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