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    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR TLHR recovery journey.
      Many have the leg length discrepancy post-op. I don't think it's much of a bedding in thing, don't want any of the hard parts moving or...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread Revision THR AJ’s LHS THR.
      My right had pain in the glutes in recovery, could not tie my shoe for quite some time because of the pain back there if I bent my knee...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Time to commit?.
      Yes, I waited 30+ years before committing. Not saying it's what you should do as it's all up to you and your situation. You had one done...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Cannot sleep in bed.
      I didn't do any exercises with my right. Being able to walk with good posture and no limp would be the first goal and that in itself is...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Loose Hardware?.
      While your doing the google searches look at what a hip displacement does to our muscles, it ain't natural, to say the least. I don't...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Cannot sleep in bed.
      PT is overrated, did it with my left as I didn't know any better skipped it with my right and just walked. No downside to skipping early...
    • Eman85
      Welcome to Bonesmart and the ODIC, 2 memberships at once! This THR experience is different for all of us and even different for each hip...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Loose Hardware?.
      Sounds like you're doing too much Dr Google! Take a minute and relax, take it from someone that was in the same boat and I thought I...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Ante's Recovery.
      Walking is good, walking slowly with good posture and no limp is the goal. To achieve the goal it's best to walk a few good steps...
    • Eman85
      Is it? For many it's a year or more and it is still easy to hurt the muscles.
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR TLHR Dec31st 2024.
      Change things up and try the method that worked for most of us. Skip the exercises for a couple of days, sit and ice and see what...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Ante's Recovery.
      Simple answer, yes. I can still push myself too hard and get pains in either hip.
    • Eman85
      And then there's me, I'm the guy that waited, was showed replacement hip at 30 waited until 62. It's an elective surgery so only you can...
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Post THR.
      Same advice as before, take a break from everything and sit and ice. If pain goes away it shows you might have been doing too much.
    • Eman85
      Eman85 replied to the thread THR Made it to the Other Side!.
      Day 2 there is no too much too soon, anything beyond a bathroom trip is too much. Read the recovery guidelines and understand how long...
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