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TKR ski_bum's Recovery Thread

That's how I wore my knees out.
29 years hard chore skiing moguls over 100 days per season.
Since you feel better when you move I hope you keep on skiing.... maybe just back off the moguls a bit until it feels right. You mention IT band being too. I roll it out a lot.... it seems to ease everything for a while when I do it. If you don't have a foam roller a wine bottle works great.... as does a lacrosse ball.... or a pastry rolling pin. It's best to drink the wine then roll.... or drink the wine while rolling something like that. Here's my progression for skiing with a bum all day, then limp to the hot tub ..... then ice and anti-inflammatory. Then get up the next morning and do it all over again.

True story.... years ago I was at a conference (all ski instuctors) and a friend saw me limping in the hotel one night. She was real concerned about it but my answer to her was simply...." don't worry I ski better than I walk". Which was at the time very true. Not so much right now which is why I'm embarking on this journey.

But in all seriousness it seems like your experiencing a soft tissue imbalance... it either wasn't balanced well during surgery or is just old fashioned tight. Have you consulted a massage therapist or a physical therapist who is well versed in functional movement more so than just strength and flexibility. Even sometimes a highly skilled personal trainer can shed some light on things. Just my $.02..... I'm just trying to help you think out of the box.... I am not a healthcare professional. Heal well my kindred spirit.....
That's how I wore my knees out.
29 years hard chore skiing moguls over 100 days per season.
Since you feel better when you move I hope you keep on skiing.... maybe just back off the moguls a bit until it feels right. You mention IT band being too. I roll it out a lot.... it seems to ease everything for a while when I do it. If you don't have a foam roller a wine bottle works great.... as does a lacrosse ball.... or a pastry rolling pin. It's best to drink the wine then roll.... or drink the wine while rolling something like that. Here's my progression for skiing with a bum all day, then limp to the hot tub ..... then ice and anti-inflammatory. Then get up the next morning and do it all over again.

True story.... years ago I was at a conference (all ski instuctors) and a friend saw me limping in the hotel one night. She was real concerned about it but my answer to her was simply...." don't worry I ski better than I walk". Which was at the time very true. Not so much right now which is why I'm embarking on this journey.

But in all seriousness it seems like your experiencing a soft tissue imbalance... it either wasn't balanced well during surgery or is just old fashioned tight. Have you consulted a massage therapist or a physical therapist who is well versed in functional movement more so than just strength and flexibility. Even sometimes a highly skilled personal trainer can shed some light on things. Just my $.02..... I'm just trying to help you think out of the box.... I am not a healthcare professional. Heal well my kindred spirit.....
Thank you for your comments and great suggestions. I find it hard to drink wine when rolling my IT Band so I bought a good roller.
I did ski for 96 1/2 days 6 months after RTKR and missed the last 5 days of the season because my LTKR booked March 31st. 2022.
We did not have a big snow season 21/22 so not a lot of Powder, Trees & Moguls.
I still have some IT Band issues with my first knee and that is why they put a Button under my knee cap for second surgery so things would slide freely.

I watched both my surgeries and the second one they were doing more trimming, slicing & sucking to fit the same parts in due to muscles were tight from skiing right up to day of surgery.

We know so many (old) people on the ski hill with knee replacements and talking with they all said best thing they did. After my first knee and still having some pain, I asked several if they get any pain? To add to your funny comment, they all say not until they take the skis off.

I know a Natural Pathic Doctor and he told me not to quit skiing as the up & down motion creates a chemical in the body to help with pain. I trust him, lol.

Yes, I have a physical therapist but walking, ice machine & stationary bike stops pain until I stop moving my legs.
Hot Tub 6: AM, coffee pot and 1 hour is the best! Sometimes more than once a day.

This morning, done the hot tub, showered, just in from 40 minute walk, leg is pain free and now relaxing with the ice machine hooked up as I reply.

Now, you ski instructors are always teaching, turn on the tops of the moguls, it's easier!
My comment is, if I don't ski the valleys there won't be any tops, Ha! Ha!
All the best to you and interested to read your recovery. Don
Update after Cortisone Injection in LTKR Tissue yesterday.
Did not take any pain meds yesterday nor this morning and pain is reduced 70%
After 1 hour hot tub, shower, 40 minute walk, no pain, presently hooked to ice machine.

Thank you everyone for wishes, comments and suggestions, especially wine bottle for a roller.
I have been having terrible pain in both knees.
At first I put it to weather change.
It does not appear to be swelling.

Aug. 30th Surgeon injected Cortisone but that was little relief and only for one day.

How do you know if there is any infection? Ultra sound?

I will make another appointment with Surgeon or maybe better visit Family Dr.

Thank you and all help will be appreciated.
Your family doctor should be able to order bloodwork to look for infection.

If that is fine, then you might want to consider getting a blood test for a metal allergy. I’m not sure how you would do that in Canada, so ask your family doctor about that, too, or ask your surgeon. A blood allergy test is much more accurate after a joint replacement, than a skin patch test, since the metal implant is inside your body.

If you don’t get any satisfaction from either your family doctor or your surgeon, you might want to consider a second opinion with a revision surgeon who has no association with your current surgeon. This does not automatically mean you will need a revision, but this type of specialist has more experience diagnosing problems and finding solutions, and new eyes on your knee might see something your current surgeon is missing.

I hope you can find a solution for your pain. Keep us posted!
Your family doctor should be able to order bloodwork to look for infection.

If that is fine, then you might want to consider getting a blood test for a metal allergy. I’m not sure how you would do that in Canada, so ask your family doctor about that, too, or ask your surgeon. A blood allergy test is much more accurate after a joint replacement, than a skin patch test, since the metal implant is inside your body.

If you don’t get any satisfaction from either your family doctor or your surgeon, you might want to consider a second opinion with a revision surgeon who has no association with your current surgeon. This does not automatically mean you will need a revision, but this type of specialist has more experience diagnosing problems and finding solutions, and new eyes on your knee might see something your current surgeon is missing.

I hope you can find a solution for your pain. Keep us posted!
Thank You Jockette. I can ask Family Dr. to order blood tests by phone.
Sorry to hear your still in so much pain..I hope you find answers soon. If everything medically looks good then maybe try acupuncture or dry needling. Dry needling releases tight areas quicker than therapeutic message and is performed mostly by licensed PT here in the US. I don't know about its availability up there. Good luck.. ski season is just around the corner.
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Hi @ski_bum, I saw your post regarding nickel allergies in another thread and thought I’d comment. I notified my surgeon that I thought I had a nickel allergy and he set up testing before surgery. I had patch testing and nickel popped up right away. If you suspect your issues may be due to a nickel allergy, I hope you can get in for some type of testing soon!
Thank you.
Makes sense they should do tests before.
I have an appointment but 3 weeks away.
I am having so much pain in both knee now.
First knee was getting much better until lately.
Update, Blood Tests, X-Rays, Nuclear scan.

Today, I have reached the 3/4 century.

June 10th., 2021 RTKR.
Recovery fairly well, main issue IT Band.
When walking it felt like the knee was pushing out the side.
Turns out it was the IT Band.
As knee was healing & swelling reduced the IT Band was more exposed and when walking it would pop out. Not so painful as weird feeling.

March 31st., 2022 LTKR.
I had so many second thoughts of cancelling but was talked into surgery due to wait lists.
Surgeon placed a button under knee cap to try avoid the Right IT Band issues. Only partly helped.
First 2 months recovery was going well until PT insisted I do all exercises 3 times a day.
After 2 days of that both my knees were painful under knee cap.
Reduced some exercises, continued walking 40 minutes a day, ride stationary bike 15 minutes reduced pain during.
Pain in Calf & lower knee has never gotten better.
Aug. 30th., 2022.
Surgeon insisted on a cortisone shot in the knee saying inflamed soft tissue. Did nothing.

Since second knee surgery when I wake in the morning and my hands, knees, toes, other previous injured areas are stiff & sore, I know there is a weather change.
When mentioned this to Surgeon, he said I should go to the airport, apply for a job as the weather man. Yes, it was funny then, not so funny now.

Visit with family Doctor, was surprised with the comment.
Doctor ordered blood work for possible infection or allergies to metal. Both negative.
Also ordered X-Rays of both hands for possible Rheumatoid arthritis. Negative.
Ordered Nuclear Bone Scan. Inconclusive.

New Nuclear Scan of white blood cells, Bone & Bone Marrow booked starting Nov. 24th., 25th., & Nov. 30th..
Fingers crossed but something is causing calf pain.
Happy Birthday! You aren't supposed to feel bad on your birthday, that just isn't right.

I hope your tests find any problems you made have and if nothing, then I pray your pain goes away.
Update from Nuclear scans.
Today my family Dr. followed up from nuclear scans, by phone.
Advised I have Osteomyelitis in my left knee replacement, March 31st. 2022.
Has forward the results from the scans to the Surgeon for follow up.
I am waiting for email copies of the results.
Will update again when have more information.
Thank you for any help.
Just received the results of Nuclear Scans.
Waiting for reply from Surgeon.
Thanks for all help.

Following autologous labeled white cells, 4 hour and 24 hour planer and CT fused
imaging of both knees have been obtained.
There bilateral knee arthroplasties. There is a focal area of abnormal white
cell localization involving the left knee prosthesis involving the anterior
margin of the medial left femoral condyle just medial to the femoral component
but within bone. The remainder of white cell distribution otherwise shows no
other abnormalities.
Focal osteomyelitis involving left medial femoral condyle adjacent to medial
margin of femoral component of left knee arthroplasty.
@ski_bum Looks like the CT confirmed what your family doctor reported - osteomyelitis. What is your surgeon's plan for treating this?
@ski_bum Looks like the CT confirmed what your family doctor reported - osteomyelitis. What is your surgeon's plan for treating this?
Thanks for question.
Family Dr. forwarded report to Surgeon Thursday afternoon. I phoned Surgeon office but closed at 2 PM, office & Surgeon off Fridays.
I left a message but will contact first thing Monday morning.
Will update as soon as I know.
Thanks again.
Surprised, Surgeon's receptionist contacted me first thing this morning.
She booked me for x-rays and visit with Surgeon Dec. 7th., plus faxed requestion for blood tests which I had done this afternoon.
Will updated after Surgeon visit on Wednesday.
Thanks for all input.
I’m glad you heard back today and a beginning plan is already in place.
Best Wishes! We're here in support for you as you so graciously are for many. You are appreciated!
I hope your appointment goes well on Wednesday.

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