TKR Cococay in pre-op

Cococay I’m so sorry for your last minute anxiety! As if the worry of surgery wasn’t enough. My original date for surgery was April 7, and it was officially cancelled the week before due to COVID restrictions. It was successfully performed on June 30, but that gave me 2.5 more months to worry about everything! So I feel your pain. I will cross my fingers for you, but I know the hospital I work in outside of Philly is postponing elective overnight procedures 1 week at a time, hoping that our bed census begins to decline. Is there any way your OS would do it same day? Our ambulatory procedures are able to continue as scheduled.
When I first consulted with him about scheduling surgery I had asked and he said no.
So far I’m still on track for the 15th but I believe that its a constant changing situation- last week when I asked the coordinator told me they go by 14 day numbers or something so she felt they would hear in first couple days of month- so I’ve been just waiting for them to call-anxious. I have my preop tomorrow morning- - feeling very real. Sounds like they had got people rescheduled fairly quick after yours had been postponed. Are you feeling ok? Happy you did it?
I was also a bit concerned that my recent surgery might be cancelled. It wasn't, thank goodness, but in the past my revision was cancelled and rescheduled. That was a hard pill to swallow, but I got through the wait and eventually had the revision. If you're cancelled, it will be a letdown, but you're strong and you will get through it.

Reading through your thread, I notice you vowed no nasal covid swab. All I can say is good luck I hated it but still had to have both the throat and nasal swabs. Try to hold very still and let them do it so you don't have to have multiple attemps as I did. I'm a huge chicken about those things and even though I tried to hold still, my natural reaction was to back my head away, which meant she didn't get what she needed so had to repeat it. It wasn't fun, but it also wasn't anywhere near the pain I'm currently in, so in retrospect, I'd rather the dreaded covid test than my current pain.......
I’ve been so nervous-both petrified of the surgery and afraid they will postpone it- so last night I was so worried- thinking about my preop and what if they say surgery is to risky etc and -what if walking in the clinic is to hard how will I make it to lab end X-ray- since I struggle going just a few feet- so needless to say I couldn’t sleep until close to 4am. I still got up on time but fell right back asleep and woke up a half hour after my appointment!! Which by the way is odd being I normally am at work by that time.... I called the clinic and asked to reschedule even though I missed this without calling. So now I’m scheduled for Friday. Unfortunately it’s at a different location which is a lot bigger so I’m having someone with to let me off at the door.
As of now I’m still on schedule for 12/15, but daily the news talks about how incredibly high the virus numbers are in Minnesota- they are now postponed through 12/11–. I keep waiting for a call but I’m hoping since I haven’t got the call yet it means I have a good chance of it going ahead.

@lovetocookandsew yes I still am hoping to do a saliva covid test. The clinic connected to where preop is as well as the hospital I will be at does use the nasal swab. But I have a test I was mailed that I can do with a professional over zoom and then overnight it to the lab and get results in 2-3 days. Not sure if it’s ok though. Hoping!!!!
Hi everyone- so I had my preop this morning! I had a friend ride with so I could get out at the door cuz it’s such a big clinic- I didn’t realize how big. Trying to make it to elevator and down the hall to check in was so hard- when i did check in they got me a wheelchair and pushed me to room and to lab then to the elevator after. It was spirit crushing and so embarrassing. I must of said sorry 25 times.

The appt itself though was good. My labs get automatically released to the my-chart app but the provider has not reviewed them yet- I think it seems ok. except maybe glucose which was 146 -I’m not diabetic-and I hadn’t eaten since the night before so although it’s a little elevated— it’s not that elevated right?? My white blood cells are out of range-low— but not by too much I don’t think. I guess I don’t know enough about it to know if a little out of range really matters.
Still on schedule for the 15th- I really hope this means it won’t be postponed but I feel like I won’t really know till a couple days before.
its starting to feel real for me.
I'm scheduled for Dec. 14 and share many of your concerns. But my surgery is going to be outpatient at a surgical center, so I'm hoping that makes it less likely to be postponed. My Covid test is scheduled for Wednesday 12/9 and then I'll be quarantining, meaning I have to get all my pre-op shopping done this weekend.

I live alone too, but am planning to have my daughter, son, and sister taking turns staying with me for the first 3 weeks. I'm hoping after that I'll be OK on my own. On the plus side, I've been working from home since March, so expect to be able to continue to do that at least part time after the first week. And since the next two weeks include Christmas and New Years, they are short weeks anyway, so I don't have to take off a lot of time.
It all seems surreal to me— sometimes I feel hopeless-like actually getting to a point where I can walk and be at least kind of normal is an unattainable “dream”. I hope that’s just depression talking and not actually true.
I think back to how I took for granted all the time before this started to get to a life changing point.
argh- sorry- I don’t mean to be so negative.... I’m glad you have family that will be there to help you. It’s getting close!
I hear you Cococay! You are not being negative. Expressing all your feelings is perfectly fine, advisable I’d say. That’s why we are on this forum together! I’m thinking of you-any day now yeah? It’s not a dream! You are on your way to way less or no pain and a lot more mobility!! I’m glad you are going to your parents for a few days after right?! I haven’t a choice but to be alone-I have folks to check in on me tho. How are you today?
I know your getting worried anxious etc. etc. Trust me you will get thru this just do not use me as an example. Most everyone does extremely well. Recovery is going to take time as many times as it's been said ice and elevate take your pain meds as scheduled ( do not wait till your in pain ). Your going to be miserable at first ( I know that better then most ) and it is okay. Make sure you have your home set up so you can get what you need w/o tripping or falling remember you will either be on crutches or using a walker. Having back up ice packs is a good idea. I used to instructions from this site using 1 gallon zip lock bags 2 cups rubbing alcohol and 8 cups water and they work great!!. Look at it this way your surgery is the 15th by the time I have mine the 31st your going to be on your way to recovery and I will be going thru this ordeal yet again. Stay positive you will be fine.
I’m sorry for the late reply Cococay, as I just saw your response. Yes, I am absolutely glad I had the surgery, but it took me 5 months to say that. I definitely had my ups and downs, as you will see in my recovery thread, and maybe there will be more to come. But being able to walk again, without that awful limp, made it all worth it!! Hoping you will get your surgery on schedule, and wishing you well with recovery!
Good morning Cococay,
I hope you are getting as prepared as we can for this surgery. You are having yours on the 15th and I am the next day. We will get through this together. You might have to remind me of this later down the road. Have a good day, we are almost there.
Hang in there, Cococay! You are strong and ready for this! I have faith that your surgery will go off without a hitch and you'll be cruising along toward recovery!
I am looking forward to checking in on you and cheering you along as you have done for me.
Cococay! Couple days left! All the blessings to you! I can’t wait to check in on your recovery! Here’s to the other side!!
@Cococay, we are surgery "twins" on the 15th, however mine is on my hip. Had TKR in May of this year so I know your nerves are on edge. Within 24 hours of my knee replacement I distinctly remember thinking that I spent way too much time/energy/apprehension/worry getting prepared to go into surgery. I'm confident you will see that too after your surgery!
I hope you’re doing ok. Cococay, we’re thinking of you!
Hello @Cococay
Stopping by to wish you all the best with your surgery tomorrow.
Before you know it you’ll be resting comfortably at home on your way to regaining life as you knew it before the pain began. I’m sure many look forward to following your healing journey and offering the support and encouragement you so generously give here.
We‘re rooting for you! Wishing you comfort and all the best as you await your big day.

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