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THR And now the healing begins

I went to physical therapy for an evaluation by Chrystel on October 9. She thinks my right knee is improving, and I agree it is. I can often walk without a cane and without limping. Walking without limping when I am not using a cane takes a great deal of focus. I try to go without my cane around the house, but sometimes I still need it, even here. Since I am having cataract surgery on 3/22 and 4/5, if all goes well on 3/22, and I would be restricted as to some of the exercises I have been doing, I am on a hiatus from physical therapy until 4/20. Chrystel gave me three exercises to do twice a day from now until then. She said I can continue with the others if I want, but these three are what she wants me to do regularly. She said if I have improved a great deal by 4/20, she would like to see me every two weeks or once a month for a while to make sure I continue to do well.

I saw Dr. Bradshaw yesterday, and he said he will always approve physical therapy when the PT and the patient thinks that it is helping. I won't be seeing Dr. Bradshaw again since my knee seems to be making progress. However, he said anytime I want to come in and see him, I am welcome to do so. I am so glad he did my hip replacements and that he is there if I need him.

One week from today is the first anniversary of Lynne54, Timo50, and my THRs done on March 23. My how time flies when one is having fun! :egypdance::spin::dancy:
Today is the first anniversary of my first THR. It seems like a long yet short period of time. I am so grateful that I no longer have pain in my hips. Thanks to everyone on BoneSmart who made my recovery less difficult. Being able to vent my pain and frustration and feeling validated made a great deal of difference. Thanks to you all.
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Happy belated hip anniversary! The years are zipping past us so quickly, but I bet you are indeed feeling great relief with your recoveries.
You have a couple more to celebrate soon. Glad the PT continues to give you the needed support and encouragement, too.
So glad to see your updates. :yay:
Oh my, I missed this post too.
Happy One Year Hipversary @wander03
2023 will be a Sweet Year!
Happy One Year Anniversary!
We're happy to read that being a member here made for a less difficult recovery, wander.
Thanks for all of the support and heartfelt contributions you've offered here over the past year! Much appreciated by many I'm certain. Only three more months until, Lefty's, one year anniversary. Time surely flies.
A great Spring to you! :flwrysmile:
Happy belated anniversary @wander03 from me too. It is great to hear that your hips are so good and even the knee is improving. Good luck with the cataract surgery (I think one done already?) and wishing you a lovely long stretch of no surgery to come after that so you can enjoy all those wonderful replacements. Ain’t modern medicine a blessing!
Thanks to all for the belated first anniversary/hipversary greetings.

@Klassy I was supposed to have the first cataract surgery on March 23; however, my body was exposed to and got COVID on March 17 and 18. I went to Fayetteville those days and visited with my daughter Jennifer. She thought she had a sinus infection. Nope. She took a COVID test on Sunday, March 19, and it was positive. She got it at a retirement party on March 14 for a woman with whom she works. She works at home and rarely goes to the office. She said she would not have missed the retirement party, but she wishes she had not gotten COVID there.

I tested positive on Monday, March 20. My doctor gave me Paxlovid, which I finished on Saturday morning. I seem to have had a relatively mild case, perhaps due to my having gotten all four vaccinations. I had an extremely sore throat, fatigue, and sore muscles, but no fever. I took tests on Sunday and Monday that were negative. My fatigue has abated quite a bit over the last 24 hours.

Since I had to cancel the surgery on March 23, my first cataract surgery is the day I was going to have my second; that is, April 5. Then the second surgery will be on April 25. I will go in to have my second surgery check on May 2 and should have completed everything concerning cataracts then.

Such fun! I am extremely grateful that the COVID I had was relatively mild. I had gone these three years since COVID reared its ugly head without getting it. Jennifer felt terrible about having given it to me, but I assured her that I know she would have told me to stay home and not come to Fayetteville had she known she had anything more than a sinus infection.

Yes, modern medicine is a blessing. Absolutely.

Onward and upward! Life is good.
Hello, there. It's me again. I had cataract surgeries on April 5 and April 25. I go in to get my prescription tomorrow, May 15. I will be so glad not to have to switch among my (new) reading glasses, (new) sunglasses, and an old pair of prescription glasses that I use for the computer. Although I have not had them before, I've decided I'll probably get transition glasses this time. I can easily see well enough to drive now without glasses, so my (new) nonprescription sunglasses will probably work for driving. I'll decide when Jennifer comes down on Tuesday to help me pick out the most flattering frames.

I am still in physical therapy for my knee. As I mentioned before, I had a hiatus until April 20. I've had a couple of evaluations since then. Chrystel suggested last week, and I agreed to start, aquatic therapy two times a week starting this week. I had to get a swimsuit, which I ordered online. It is not the best fit, but it will work with the swim shorts I ordered to wear with it. I am a bit excited about water therapy since it is supposed to be good for the joints. Maybe it is the thing that will resolve the tightness in my knee. I can walk without a cane with a relatively slight limp, but my lower back starts hurting after a bit. I would really enjoy being able to walk without a cane. That has been my goal with physical therapy since surgery on July 19, 2021. I hope I am able to attain that goal with the latest therapy.

Has anyone had water therapy and was it beneficial? I would be interested in knowing how the experiences of others were.

The mother of a friend of mine is having a knee replacement tomorrow. In a comment on Facebook, I suggested that he tell his mother about I said that I found the information and encouragement from other members to be very helpful. He said he will have her read my comment. I will be watching for her to sign up under "Knee recovery."

I'm going to check a few of the posts. I hope all are doing well. Onward and upward!
It's always nice to hear from you, wander!
I hope the aquatic therapy helps resolve the tightness in your knee. Go slow though, it's easy to overdo it in the water. I do hope you will eventually be able to walk without a cane. :prayer:

Thank you for the kind words in regard to BoneSmart and for sharing information about the site. It is appreciated as are members like, yourself, who share their journey and offer others encouragement and support.
Happy Mother's Day!
@Layla Thank you for the caution about overdoing it in the water. I have never been a "water person" and do tend to overdo. I will definitely keep in mind that, as in all things, I need to practice moderation in my aquatic therapy sessions.

My Mother's Day has been enjoyable. My son and my daughter and her husband with their newest rescued dog Georgia Lee were here this afternoon. And there were no arguments between my son and daughter. That is a rare occurrence!

I hope you also had a Happy Mother's Day.
Sounds like you had a lovely day. I did also, thank you!
I spent time with my kids and grandkids which is alway enjoyable.
Stop back at some point and let us know if the water therapy is helping. Good luck, wander!
Aquatic therapy seems to be somewhat beneficial for my right knee. It seems to be a bit less constricted. I remain optimistic that I will be able to walk unassisted.

Chrystel wants me to participate in aquatic aerobics at Mercy Fitness and go to aquatic therapy every other week for two or three more appointments. I went to aquatic aerobics on Monday, and it seems a bit fast paced for me. And I have never been a water person. I think one-on-one aquatic therapy is better for me than a class with 20 other people. However, I am considering going back to the class next week and try to be less inhibited like most of the other people seemed to be. If I go under the water (and chances are very great that I will), I will just flail around until I am able to right myself. This is what I am envisioning. Whether it will become reality is not a given.

I plan to take my first road trip since before the pandemic the last week of June. I’m driving to Prior Lake, Minnesota, to visit my friend Debra. We talk on the phone a lot, but it’s been a few years since we’ve seen one another in person. I’m looking forward to it. I am trying to walk more without a cane, but I get fatigued in a short period of time. I guess I’ll just have to pace myself.

Onward and upward!
I went to aquatic aerobics on Monday, and it seems a bit fast paced for me.
Aerobics are for fitness - not for healing. I would agree that would be a bit too aggressive for a new hip. Up to you. It's certainly a good way to build up stamina and strength.

Have a great road trip - safe journey!
I’m at 6 months and enjoying it although I’m tired afterwards. I don’t do everything that is suggested but I can do more each time I go. I can see that it is easy to get carried away though when your body is still healing.
Enjoy your road trip and be sure you take the cane, there's no shame in using a cane if needed and it helps you feel less fatigued.
On my recent trip to Texas I packed my cane "just in case."
I'm sure you will build up your confidence in the water the more you go.
@Jaycey June 27 will be the first anniversary of my second THR. When do you think it will no longer be considered a "new" hip in determining appropriate exercise?
When do you think it will no longer be considered a "new" hip in determining appropriate exercise?
In some cases any new activity will result in that hip complaining. But we are all different. Just take it slow and steady.

I always started with doing half as much as I thought I could. Then if I was not uncomfortable the next day I added a bit more of the new activity.
Nice to hear from you wander! I think you should do whatever water aerobics class makes you feel most comfortable. After all, you want to be relaxed, not stressed. I can't believe it's been almost a year already since your THR. Safe travels to Minnesota later this month. I hope you and your friend have a wonderful time catching up in person.
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