Hip Infection THR from hell

I called but he is out of town so I get to play with this mess until I go see him on the 25th. They did give me steroids and muscle relaxers which make feel a little less pain. The more I read on the the psoas tendon release the more I think thats where I am headed? Most say they feel instant relief. Ive been at this for 7 months now... I am starting to feel defeat!! Have a great day!!!
I'm sorry you have to wait another week before you can meet with the OS.
I hope you find temporary relief in the form of the meds.
Seven months is a long time to be suffering pain. Hopefully when you meet
with the OS you can agree on a plan of action that will finally bring you permanent relief.
Feels like you're putting a band aid on an axe wound.
Hoping you hang in there this weekend (like there's a choice)
I feel so badly that you hurt so much.
I'm sure you are up for whatever they need to do to alleviate that pain.
Much sympathy!
Good morning everybody. Just checking in. I stopped PT. I can't take the pain anymore. 7 months post op and I still can't walk without pain. Appointment today with the ortho. We are going to discuss the Psoas release procedure. Everybody I know personally that has had a THR says they don't even know they had it done thats how good they feel. Ive read countless articles about Psoas pain and I have every symptom. I hope I get some relief from this!
Best of luck at your appointment today. It sounds as though you've done your research
and with a nod from your doctor you may soon find the relief you deserve.
You've been through a lot. Prayers for some permanent pain relief :prayer:
Please let us know how it goes.
Went to the Ortho.... Wants blood work and an MRI. Then we go from there??? Thanks for the kind thoughts
Want the best for you! Will remember you in prayer. Sorry you have to go through this.
Please keep us posted.....you'll find support here.
Wishing you comfort and peace!
Wishing you a resolution.
Glad you stopped PT, if the help isn't helping...well, you know.
:fingersx: for answers.
:fingersx: :prayer: Hope you get results soon so you're able to move forward.
Keep us posted and have a great Sunday!
Prayers for answers dear Fractured.
You have really been through it.
Will be anxious to see what they think.
Try to have a good day!:) :-) (:
Well if it wasn't for bad luck I'd have none at all. Ortho called... I need to have an aspiration. He didn't like the looks of the MRI. I have fluid build up in the thigh. Hopefully it hasn't made it into the implant. Blood levels were a little elevated he said. Also a lot of inflammation. Lucky me.
Ugh! I'm so sorry. Not fair....enough already.
When is this taking place?
We'll be thinking of you and I'll remember you in prayer :prayer:
Please keep us posted.
Oh no I’m so sorry. I hope that they can do this soon and that you’re soon on the road to recovery. You are in my thoughts and prayers
:banghead: oh my stars...
Sorry you have to have the Hip aspirated but yes, they need to get that fluid off of there.
When do you go for that procedure?
I'm honestly disappointed you are still having so much trouble.
You do need some relief from am these complications.
Keeping the faith for you!
Thank you ladies.... Having overnight to think it over... I have had 3 injections. Is that the fluid they see. And I have had the same consistent pain all along? Now thinking things out like I did at my old job... I was told my blood levels were slightly elevated. I also have sinusitis from hell right now along with a sore throat. Hmmmm
So I thing the Good Doctor is just covering his back. Smart man. He doesn't want to send me to another surgeon and not have all the bases covered. I have no fever, my leg isn't hot. I just have a lot of snapping and popping. Characteristics of an inflames Ileopsoas Tendon. Now I do have a mass on the side of my leg, I think it's scar tissue. Don't forget I was ripped open twice in 14 days. Thank you as always for all the support and kind words. The aspiration shouldn't be to bad since I have no feeling in the thigh? I will let yaz know ASAP!
Now I do have a mass on the side of my leg, I think it's scar tissue.
Probably not. And I would think scar tissue would show up differently on an MRI scan - but I am not a medical expert. Is your aspiration scheduled already? Best to find out what is going on as soon as possible.
Ok.. Just came back from the aspiration. Fluid was a little yellow per the person drawing it out. But she said it could also be from the cortisone injections??? Now the waiting game. Nothing but fun!!

@Jaycey Ive had a clump a something on the outer side of my thigh since the revision surgery??? The groin and that other area of my thigh has been tender since then??

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