TKR Susie-Q's 2nd TKR Recovery Thread

@jaspa , well now you'll know what to expect with the second one. :wink:

Yesterday I realized the past few days I had done too much. I was tired and my whole body was sore. I measured 115 yesterday so I'm getting there. I'm at 0 extension but she put my ankle on a towel and worked on me a little bit, gently pushing to get me to be a little more hyper-extended like my right knee is. With Christmas shopping, decorating, regular housework, etc, there always seems to be a lot going on this time of year. It's pretty easy to over do it. I iced and rested most of the evening and today I feel a lot better. We got the Fall and Christmas boxes put away in the garage, I carried all the lightweight empty boxes and hubby carried the heavier ones (I store some of my every day decs in there to make space available for Christmas decs around the house).:wreath::plugging-in-xmas-tree-smiley-emoticon:

I made homemade chicken noodle soup last night with stock from my sister's turkey. Grilled cheese to go with it. It was tasty. I need to bring my father in law a prescription today and I'm working for 2.5 hrs. The rest of the day I'm going to try and rest. You know what that really means! I'll be vacuuming and doing dishes in between all of that. :whistle:
Because your knee is still healing, even though it's already made a lot of progress and has done a lot of healing, your body is still sending energy to the knee. That means you don't have quite as much available to do your regular daily activities. You have more than you had a month ago, and so on, but you're still a bit low. That's why you tire more easily than usual. Over time this too will pass, but until then, pacing yourself is a good idea.

I notice you mentioned the PT "gently pushing". Was the PT actually pushing on your knee, or was she encouraging you to push yourself a bit more to get more extension? PTs should never push on your knee themselves to force extension or bend, not even "gently". Using your own muscles and movement to gently stretch your knee is productive; anyone else pushing or bending your knee to get it to do what they want is counter-productive and shouldn't be done.
Let me explain it this way...... I take off my left shoe and then lie on the table, bending both knees. She massages my left knee, working on the ligaments and tendons, gently, not pushing very hard. I bend my knee as far as I can and she holds it in place. Then she relaxes the tension in my knee for 10-20 seconds and then bends it again just a tiny bit further. Not to the point of pain but perhaps a some discomfort. Then she releases the tension again and helps bend it again, maybe a micro amount tighter. I realize this is not for everyone. She doesn't hurt me, I'm not crying out in pain and I don't have any discomfort or pain later. So for me, this is working. This is not my first rodeo, this is my second knee so I know what's going on. If she ever went too far I would let her know and she did a couple of times in the beginning. Again, not to the point of pain or agony and never any residual pain later like so many other's I've read about. My knee really feels great, considering.... I'm still having a bit of residual left hip pain and I'm not sure why. I discussed it with my PT and she agreed to have me remove the pillow I had been using to elevate my left leg while on the reclining couch. That will allow that muscle to not be so cramped up while sitting. So far, so good. It feels like it's slowly getting better.

My body soreness and tiredness lately has been my own doing. I've got a lot going on and have just been acting like I'm back to normal, which is my own fault. I need to slow down and remember I'm only 3+ months post-op. Happy to report my 2-1/2 hours at work today went well. It's so nice to not have knee pain when I'm on my feet!!! Also, I woke up this morning feeling much better than yesterday. Resting and icing tonight.
Milestone: After working today for 2 hours, walking the dog, making dinner and doing the bike for 10 min this evening, I was able to walk down the stairs from the bonus room like an normal person, one foot after the other! I did use the railings for support in case it hurt but I didn't rely on them too much and was able to do it without pain. It also might have been after warming up my knee on the recumbent bike but I'll take it! :yay:
Ok, that last milestone was short-lived. It still hurts going down the stairs. It was a one-time fluke. I'm sure things will continue to improve but I'm NOT walking down the stairs with each leg yet.

I'm also TIRED.... the past 5-6 days has been way too much for me and it shows. Trying to find time to rest and slow down but there's so much to do! I don't know who agreed to set up our wrapping station upstairs on top of our pool table (ok, it was me) but in a house that doesn't have many stairs and I rarely go upstairs except to do the recumbent bike, this is a lot for me. I've had help moving everything up there but it's still quite a few trips up and down when you're not used to it. Christmas decorating, shopping, wrapping, the occasional working (even two wimpy hours) plus all the normal housework, cooking and grocery shopping is a lot. I feel so out of shape, sore and tired. I know, I know, slow down! It's all self-inflicted, I know. Sitting and resting right now, hoping I feel like a quick nap soon. I need it!

I'm sleeping well but still find that The Knee gets itself into positions it doesn't like during the night and is painful and stiff to move around. During the day, it feels pretty good.
@Susie-Q I really struggle with my stairs and there are 14 going up to my bedroom. Going down is so hard and painful so I try NOT to make many trips up/down the stairs.
I had a lot of activity today and my knee is whining loudly.
I concur with Rubyroo that you are indeed Wonder Woman. Lol! I was happy to get our tree up today and will work on getting ornaments on Thursday. Will have a big day babysitting tomorrow. I’ll be exhausted when we get back home.
Got to have breakfast with 3 high school friends and we had a great time!
Steps kinda suck. The last 3x I went to the gym and pt at the healthpark. I took the steps. Its the 2nd floor but has 3 different flights. I did it one foot after the other up and down. Boy I'm slow and fat but going down im paranoid. but I have been doing it. you go your doing great. Hang in there.

I came back to report that I am definitely NOT Wonder Woman. I wanted to make sure you all know that. Even though things seem to be going well, I do have my setbacks and "false" victories. :curtsey:

Two steps forward one step back and some days it's one step forward and TWO steps back! I wrapped a few more presents today, taking things slow..... after my last post I actually took a nap on the couch until I was rudely interrupted by Whirlpool calling to reschedule a service call.:hissy:

Tomorrow is my second to last PT. :spin: I'm going to walk the dog now since I didn't do it this morning. The neighborhood Christmas lights will be pretty!
I don't know who agreed to set up our wrapping station upstairs on top of our pool table (ok, it was me)
hahahahaha, that will learn you! :rotfl:

It's just not beginning to look at all like Christmas in my home. I think I'll pull out my authentic Charlie Brown Tree and throw that on the table for effect. It seems working full time, even at my desk all day, leaves me in a place where I.Can't.Even with the decorations. Good on ya that you are doing it! I'm sure it will perk things up a might.
Susie-Q's 2nd TKR Recovery Thread
I meant to come back and reply after my dog walk last night but got caught up in a tv show. I just wanted to mention how wonderful it is that while I'm walking (and huffing and puffing because I'm tired and out of shape) that I have no pain in my knees at all! The rest of my body has soreness from previous inactivity but The Knee is good. It cries for attention at night when sideways motion causes aches and pains but during the day it's quiet.

Hawkie-Q, do you have Trader Joe's stores where you live? The've been selling these cute little Grump Trees in pots you can put on the table. Makes me think of the Grinch and Who-ville.

Susie-Q's 2nd TKR Recovery Thread
Saw this on Facebook today and it describes how most of us feel at least a few times during our recovery:

I'm still tired from yesterday's tired. Today isn't looking so good and I've already used up tomorrow's tired. :mcoffee:
That is awesome that you don’t have pain with walking. That is when I get into the most pain. I start the day pretty good but as the day goes on and I am on my feet more, I am in a significant amount of pain by evening time. The clicking/popping when I walk HAS gotten better but it makes it uncomfortable to walk.
I am hoping that this clicking/popping goes
completely away! I am going for a massage tomorrow as I have so much hip and back pain due to limping before and after this surgery.
So true on the thing about being tired! Thanks for sharing!
Hi, SusieQ. I’m hoping you are able to take it a little easy today & get some rest! I worry about you wearing yourself out. Do take care of yourself.

This second surgery really hit me hard! I am just taking it a day at a time, pacing myself as much as possible, & a little better each day. But it’s been slow. The first 2 weeks, I had either PT here at home, or a Dr appointment nearly every day, so it was hard to rest & recover. ( home care was a bit unpredictable, so rest was a challenge). But much better now, only PT 2x a week, & one Dr appointment, same place, where I now get my PICC line dressing change & blood draw. I am making myself take it easy this time. Christmas activities & decorations are far less than usual. But! Our beautiful, warm tree up, thanks to Grandpa, daughter & grandson, garland on the mantle, & socks for Santa hung soon. And my manger scene from my teenage years. A lot else won’t be up this year. And, festivities that we normally endulge in, will have to wait til next year. But that’s OK. I’m enjoying our twinkling sweet tree & our mantle from the couch a lot when I rest. And looking forward to Christmas afternoon at the kids’ home, complete with grandson! Making myself do my exercises & rest & heal plenty for that.

I really do hope you’ll be kind to yourself, & get some much- needed rest. And if you don’t get a few things done this season, you have done so amaze me! So now, do something for You, rest, & try to be a slug for a day or two, be kind to yourself, you deserve it.
Today is my last PT! Unfortunately scheduled right before a two hour shift at work. I don't know if it's because she feels like she's got limited time with me but she sure put me through my paces on Wednesday and I was SORE afterwards! Mostly my quad where it joins the top of my knee. I'm sure it's all the trips up and down the stairs I'm doing now wrapping presents. I also went to the mall Wed to return something and get a few things (Cinnabon for Christmas morning, they went into the freezer until then) I will tell her today to take it a bit easy since I have work 45 min after PT. I think I'm getting enough exercise! I measured at 116-117 so creeping up slowly. Yesterday I took it easy, didn't walk the dog at all but I did wrap a few more presents so did the stairs a few times plus I changed our sheets and did some laundry. Tried to rest up a bit for today's activities. Made a new recipe last night of low carb chicken taquitos, it was good!

Yes, the lovely Christmas tree and lighted mantle. @Catalien45 , I can sit and see my tree and mantle from the couch too. One of the reasons hubby insisted we put it in the family room. If it were in the living room we'd never see it. We solved that problem last year by getting another tree. I like seeing a Christmas tree in the front window so now we've got two. We need those lights this time of year, it's so dark..... I turn them on during the day too. We've got a small lighted village and my mother's lighted church that's at least 60 years old. I love Christmas time but I will also be glad for the light to come back. Summer is my favorite time of year with light into the evening when I can spend time outside on my patio. Now that we have air conditioning, I don't care how hot it gets outside!
Last PT was today. I told her not to work me too hard but we did the usual exercises and I ended with Ice and stim..... then I went to work. I was only supposed to work for 2 hours but for some weird reason, my boss only scheduled 2 other workers and we ended up having 14 ladies all there for a team-building workshop from their workplace. We were hopping!! So at 2:45 there was no way I was going to leave the two of them to handle everyone for the full 3 hour workshop. I ended up staying 3-1/2 hours before I finally said I needed to go. My back was sore, shoulders, etc. Knee was pretty good but I could tell I'd been on my feet a LOT. I told my boss I had stayed longer but didn't feel happy leaving when things were so busy. My boss said she would have stayed (she was there at the beginning) but it was her daughter's birthday so she went home. So when I got home I REALLY didn't feel up to making steaks like I had planned. Thankfully, my hubby realized this and offered to go get pizza. I had some wine and took a nice warm soaker bath. I feel like a new woman!

So being officially done with PT, she sent me home with exercises to do, told me to make sure to stretch my knee as much as I can to continue to get more ROM. I ended up at only 116/117. Also to keep doing the recumbent bike daily. I really should go in and get a massage like I'm hearing some of you are doing. @Sks1997 and @benne68 A friend gave me a gift card for a massage a few years ago but I never used it. The idea of some stranger touching me seemed strange but there are days when I would like to do it. I had a neck and shoulder massage once at a scrapbooking weekend and ended up with a massive headache. I know my lower back could really use something.
I think massage all depends on how sensitive your body is. I have found that I am highly sensitive, in every aspect, which I think explains why I haven’t fared well with them.

My first one was a “relaxing” massage, my daughter gave me a gift certificate for it after her wedding. I felt awful when I got in the car to come home from it, which confused me, as my daughter said she always felt so good and relaxed after one.

My next 2 massages were a few years later, when I was having back issues, and the chiropractor I went to set me up with the massage. It took me 2 days to recover from each one!

It was years before I attempted another massage, and this time I told her (a different person from the others) I was very sensitive and that I wanted the the gentlest one she could give me. Finally I found that wonderful feeling people talk about!
My old massage therapist figured out early on that i couldn’t tolerate the deep massage and so she always did the more gentle and relaxing ones and I almost fell asleep sometimes. It was sooooooo wonderful. The one I had this week was not too relaxing but my muscles are so tight and messed up that I allowed her to go deep in some needed areas.
I know this gal so I am not concerned about her touching or seeing my body. She is very professional and keeps other parts of your body covered as she works on an area. You can leave your underwear on. It makes it easier though to have your bra off for her to massage your neck and back. Some people get totally naked! I am not that comfortable doing that, LOL!
I honestly can’t afford to do them often but right now, just trying to get myself back to normal and feel better all over. I will pick back up on some yoga poses and stretching soon.
The idea of some stranger touching me seemed strange but there are days when I would like to do it.

@Susie-Q I had the same reluctance initially. But my daughter gave me mother-daughter spa visit as a gift and I couldn't not go. I felt so good afterwards that I've been going at least once/month ever since (although not for 8 weeks post-surgery). It's helps not just for muscle tension, but also improves circulation and lower blood pressure. Mayo Clinic has a great article about the benefits and how to choose a good therapist:

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