THR Mayhip8's recovery thread

Hope everyone had great Christmas and massive hugs to my special amigas @ahipgma , @Mayhip8 and @Calgal but festive cheer to absolutely everyone on here! I'm still feeling stuffed and come new year it will be strict diet (oh I've done the research on weight gain post thr but won't share until the 20s!) anyway blessings to all and enjoy the time leading up to ghd hew year and catch you all soon xxxx
I hope you had a lovely Christmas, Mayhip, and with any luck, Righty, isn't making you suffer miserably.
Stay focused on the New Year and the new hip you'll soon be sportin. :chuckmarch:
Best wishes for a pleasant weekend.
Just passing through to wish a Happy New Year to you all and hoping your celebrations include wishes that will come true. Sometimes New Year's Eve can be hard, a time of reflection and sadness for whatever reason, but I really do hope we all have a fantastic 2020 xxx
I'm still feeling stuffed and come new year it will be strict diet
I felt the same way last week @ChrissyW but since I've been struck down with nasty nasty head cold since Saturday, I've lost all my December weight gain! Definitely did the trick but not recommended! :mcoffee:

I agree with you re New year's Eve being sometimes emotional. My first (now ex)husband nicely chose a NYE party to inform me he didn't want to be married anymore, so I spent years in a NYE funk (even though it was truly a blessing in disguise!) . I've been unusually emotional since this THR experience. Not sure why, but it's made me revaluate lots of things going forward. I think when you're experiencing health issues you find out who your real friends are - and sometimes they aren't who you think they were. :chinstroke: It can be a real letdown. Thank god for you and @Mayhip8 and @ahipgma and everyone else in this wonderful community!! Let's hang out together in spirit tonight, holding hands and singing auld Lang syne, and form an international support net for all recovering and soon to be recovering (that means you @Mayhip8 ) hipsters. All the best to you, to us, in 2020!
I agree with you @Calgal that this year has been an emotional ride -it has reaffirmed strong friendships and to have had the opportunity to reach out for support and get additional magnificent camaraderie & friendship from all of my buddies on here has meant more than I can ever explain. I will most certainly be thinking of you all As the clock strikes midnight the corks go A popping and the fireworks start lighting up the New Year sky :happy-new-years-toast-smiley-emoticon: we shall hold hands and dance around to Auld lang syne I shall be singing from the top of my voice.:new-year-toast-smiley-emoticon:

It was my intention and plan last New Year to have two new hips and be dancing this New Year - Especially tomorrow- which is my mother-in-law’s 90th birthday.

We know the plans didn’t fully come into fruition and who knows why !-that will be revealed in the future no doubt - but do you know what? I’ve had a fantastic few days of socialising, dancing ,singing and being with those I truly love:loveshwr:
and not to boast but I’ve eaten a fair few calories and actually still lost weight!!
Tonight me and my family will be visiting different members of the families that have travelled from all over the UK and Australia for the birthday celebrations tomorrow, and then we shall end up at my friends house to be with her and her two daughters on the very first New Year’s Eve without her beloved husband. our families have always spent New Year’s Eve together and this one will be a tough one because of his passing .No doubt a few tears will be shed and it is right and proper that we are all together to support each other
As we know life continues in a different vein and we know how important it is to continue to try and remain positive ,acknowledge our emotions ,be kind to each other and to love ourselves in order to pass on friendship in reaching out to others
so my lovely friends @ChrissyW @ahipgma @Layla @Elf1 @CricketHip and everyone else I wish you
A Happy healthy hip jiggling New Year:happy-new-year-smiley-emoticon-4::happy-new-years-toast-smiley-emoticon::new-year-toast-smiley-emoticon::friends::loveshwr::egypdance::dancy::cheers::loveshwr:
Hello @Mayhip8
It sounds as though you have some fun planned for this evening. I hope your hip behaves and you're able to fully enjoy time spent with loved ones. May 2020 bring many blessings your way.

Cheers to a Happy New Year! :cheers:
Greetings to you dear @Mayhip8 ! It's only right that we party at your "place" tonight, all the encouragement, laughs, tears and trips we have taken together here!
I am still in 2019 (its 9pm 12/31 here,) but our dear UK ers are in the next decade already!
this year has been interesting as I take stock but uppermost in my mind is that by sheer math my time here limited and my body just is not 30 anymore, but I am ok with it, because I am so richly blessed and it took me 63 years to accumulate so many blessings and memories.
So , I am happy tonight and am looking forward to the 20s!! Mayhip, It's been about your hip yes, but much more about your heart and from what you've shared you're surrounded by loved ones that you love in return!! What a way to start a new year. We will be here when your second hip comes along!
@ChrissyW lets hope 2020 brings hip progress to all of us whatever that will look like, and the great message of the fact that people from all over can share friendship, caring and encouragement. As we have!
@Calgal I'm glad your bad NYE experience was a blessing in disguise, with age comes wisdom and she who laughs last laughs best!
Turning 30, 40, 50, didnt do anything to me but turning 60 did and it seemed like all these annoying old lady ailments started creeping up on me! But I'm still able to do everything I want and because I know that wont always be the case I say enjoy the present and I am.
My hub is already in bed, my daughter and grandaughter are with us for a few days as my SIL s on duty at work for a stretch.
Thank you my BS besties for making 2019 so good for me with your caring and cheerleading. It meant the world to me, and to everyone, @Layla , @CricketHip , @Mojo333 ,
@Elf1 , ---(May is a long way off sister, whoop whoop) :happy-new-year-smiley-emoticon-4: :loveshwr::cheers::friends:
Happy New year to you all! Mayhip, Calgal, ChrissyW, wishing the very best for you lovely gals.. and an extra wish for Mayhip to get a surgery date!! :praying:

I am happy to say goodbye to this year and am welcoming 2020 with wide open arms and a welcoming smile. woot woot!!

Here's to friends, old and new- :happy-new-years-toast-smiley-emoticon:- cheers! :roseshwr:
Hope this New Year will come with a quick surgery date for number two.
I think we all are so impressed with your amazing positivity and hopeful spirit.
Hope the test of your week is Sweet!:friends:
Good morning everybody, it’s dull and overcast here, and feels like that strange time between post-celebrations and pre-normality that doesn’t really have a day, date or fixed menu apart from nibbles of cheese, smitches of chocolates, eating something vaguely healthy whilst craving broccoli and beansprouts thinking that might help meltaway a post-Christmas feeling of sluggishness.

I hope we all had a good New Year’s Eve and New Year celebrations ?
Mine was wonderful, not as traumatic as I thought it would be - but poignant even so.
New Year’s Day and nannies 90th birthday celebrations was the best day ever! It was a perfect mix of beautiful family From 90 down to toddlers, there were about 30 of us in her home and much frivolity chatting and fun took place.
There are a couple of days left now before we return to school and work, and trying to make the most of it by having walks in the park, catching up on Christmas telly together, and using our Christmas presents, We got quite a lot of arty stuff this year and it is good to spend my time doing that to keep me from worrying about the next step .

I put it to one side didn’t I? And It keeps sneaking back in my brain, I said I’ll face it fully on Monday and put a plan into action to see my GP, return to a healthy diet, continuing to reduce my weight and altogether trying to be more healthy. It’s sort of looms over me now so I’ve been investigating minimally invasive hip surgery and will have a think about whether I can be referred to a surgeon who does it

But that can wait till Monday, for today I am going to mooch about the shops, visit my niece and nanny , and maybe go out for a meal with the family this evening as I’ve totally forgotten how to cook! (As if!!)

sending love to you all and thinking of you
@ChrissyW @ahipgma @Calgal shall we have another epic adventure somewhere?
Hugs to you @Mayhip8 and happy new year! Welcome back (almost) to the land of 'as usual'. So where exactly are you at in your hip2 process now? Are you going back with original OS or with that private one (or have you kicked him into the stratosphere) or....looking for a brand new one?? With your new svelte self I don't think anyone should give you any hassles this time! How is the hip holding up? I know shoulders and other things have been bothersome, but you haven't mentioned hip2 much lately. ??? Hoping you get everything settled down once and for all this year and escape the dreaded land of limbo. :shrug: Hugs to you and enjoy your family togetherness. :flwrysmile:
Hi everyone--
Hope the Roaring 20s got off to a good start.
@Mayhip8 so glad to hear your holidays were wonderful despite your arthritis issues and heres hoping you get hip #2 without too much more delay.
Putting my pants on the other day I twisted funny and did something to my left hip ( the more recent one 4+ months out ) and its felt funny and unstable ever since. Even making me limp a little, which I have not done in weeks and weeks. It feels muscular in nature, on the outside of the hip .we all know that bone type of pain and it's not that.
I guess this healing still is a process even when you think you're safe. I've been icing and stretching and doing my PT stuff, and its slowly getting better.
Our weather here has been SO damp. We've had 1 day with sun out of the last 20, but if all this rain would have been snow though!.... always something to be grateful for.
Anyone make any New Years resolutions?
Mine is to procrastinate less and be grateful every single day for my many blessings.
I' ve been going to the gym every other day., doing some upper body stuff because many things are falling south:old:.
I echo Ms @Calgal in wondering what your next course of action will be. Our health care system is really something over here, I guess every place has its rules and regs. I hope the facts of 2019 in your case mean that you have been delayed long enough.
Is school back in session @ChrissyW ? Our kids went back this week ,seeing that big yellow bus in our neighborhood.
Mayhip if we go anywhere please let's make it somewhere that has a lot of SUN.
Love to all.:loveshwr:
Hi @Calgal @ahipgma @ ChrissyW will pop by for a bigger chat tomorrow but just for now sending Sunday wishes

I am going to face the future head on tomorrow and address my right hip pain, for the moment I am managing to do what I can do when I can do it and if I can’t I’m ignoring it on the grounds of self-preservation knowing that I will deal with it in the “New Year” (that is now here.) I was up like a lark this morning and I’ve just been for a nice country Park walk with the family, so it’s back here decorations down, scoffy choccy day and eat the final bits of the Christmas cake and mince pies before normal service is resumed tomorrow.
my children go back to school tomorrow and my husband goes back to work, so I get one day to myself with a big sheet of paper, a diary, and plan to be plotted!

Sending love to all

Stay safe and comfortable xxx
I am going to face the future head on tomorrow and address my right hip pain, for the moment I am managing to do what I can do when I can do it and if I can’t I’m ignoring it on the grounds of self-preservation knowing that I will deal with it in the “New Year” (that is now here.)

We'll be walking with you!
It sounds like your holidays were wonderful and tomorrow many of us are back to our regular schedules / routines. A turn of the page, a fresh start, new beginnings. I hope you're able to get something scheduled soon so you can get onto recovery and life without pain. Wishing you comfort and all the best as you begin the process. :friends:
The best laid plans.....
Monday and Tuesday have been a total washout as far as making plans go!
i developed a massive spontaneous blood blister to the roof of my mouth near my uvulae , consequently I have a sore and swollen throat so have been spraying with difflam and sipping ice water . It feels uncomfortable and a bit scary!
my son has a migraine for the past two days and has been sleeping it off,and my daughter has a viral throat chest infection...welcome to the hospital at home!
a minor set back in the big scheme of things but oh! I’m a tad fed up at this constant battle with my health and being in pain
I can cope with my family if I am well in myself- luckily they’re are older now and can do more for themselves.
ive not slept and it’s early in the morning
im venting here
Thanks and apologies
Oh my @Mayhip8 !! January is a health nightmare for me too - every year it seems, despite flu shots and religious handwashing. My house sounds like a tuberculosis ward! Hubs and I now both hacking and coughing sharing the ubiquitous winter respiratory virus. :mcoffee: I do think after a year of hip health issues, chronic pain, and recovering from major surgery our immune systems have taken a mighty whack. Time for lots of self care!! Hope you are all feeling better very soon and you can hop on this last hip recovery bandwagon again. :egypdance: But I can't resist adding ....hmmm...spontaneous? Are you sure it wasn't from that scalding hot cheese pizza you sneakily snarfed? :rofsign:
Sickness across the pond too!
@Calgal we are in the exact same situation.
After buying cough drops and filling room humidifiers and making hot toddys for my husbands bad old cold, its 10 am here and I'm not out of bed yet because at 12 midnight I started to hack and couldnt really get to sleep till 4 am! Ugh!:swoon:
Also this left hip is being difficult still, dont know if its bursitis or what, but this is annoying! But its NOT the pain you deal with @Mayhip8 , I hope the way clears for you to be able to plan soon!
Well the sun is shining for a change so I'm going to get up and see what remedies are around and start my day. Heres to us all feeling better. @ChrissyW are you unscathed? Hope you are well!
I'm sorry, Mayhip. I'll bet that blister hurts. A sick house is no fun and no way to start the year, even though ''tis the season" for nasty colds and flu. I hope you and yours feel better soon. And to ahipgma and Calgal...I wish you the same.
Feel better soon, y'all. :console2:

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