THR Hi, Yearly update

@hikejunkie Thanks for that will Have a look at that the gym I have been using has bikes and cross trainers with something similar really good but can't get to gym easily now so have some equipment in the garage sure will make it more interesting
Regards Martin
@mcopt I totally agree about the bike.....whether it's my tatty spinning bike at home or the computerised static one at the gym, I find it's about the only thing I use without any pain.....maybe because it's largely non-weightbearing?....and even better, I can put in a good session and look entirely NORMAL! Spoils the effect a bit when I get off and do the penguin walk back to the changing room, but I kid myself people will put that down to going hell for leather on the bike :heehee: There will probably come a time when it becomes painful, but for the moment it keeps up my spirits thro vanity and endorphins
@hikejunkie is that app one of those virtual reality things for when you're on your static bike? If it is, sounds really good, will have to investigate further :)
Totally get it about penguin walk:happyfeet:!!I started taking my stick into the gym did think about putting a bandage on to make it look like some courageous injury:bicycle2: but now hide away in my own little gym can't wait to get back to the real one !
Hi @mcopt sure wish you were on the other side with us.
Won't be long now, hope you can hang in there.
I enjoy your posts and contributions and look forward to your recovery.
Sending warm wishes for a very :merry christmas: and hopes that Jan 31st arrives in the blink of an eye!!!
@Layla Thanks for the post you are always so supportive having this forum has made this journey a whole lot easier so far wishing you and all fellow hippies a happy Christmas and a healthy and peaceful new year
@mcopt - You can't look any sillier going into the gym than I did the day after surgery - don't have a bike at home so I went in, walker and compression cuffs and all to use the bike and the treadmill for a few minutes!

It really is a tradeoff before surgery - do you do things and deal with the pain or let your overall physical condition deteriorate. I'm sure I won't shock anyone on here if I say I decided to deal with the pain (at least on the 2nd hip) - at least then I could blame the exercise and not just the hip! I did still find myself picking and choosing activities and cutting things shorter as time went on - balancing the increase in pain and the gain can be difficult.

5 weeks from today and the first will be history!

@SaraK You must have got some looks with tubes and cables everywhere lucky you didn't get tangled in the equipment and need to be surgically removed :gaah:I am going to use the next 5 weeks to get my fitness and strength to as best a level as I can I am trying to do 40mins a day cardio and some weights the spin bike is not too bad now I just try to go through the pain with the thought that it will hopefully pay dividends post op. Certainly agree that you can't just sit around letting your physical condition (and mental)deteriorate never been one to give in :headbang: hope you had a good Christmas and here's to a great 2018
I did remove the compression cuffs while on the devices - figured the risk of injury otherwise was higher than the risk of DVT - plus - I reasoned that if you're not safe from developing a DVT while exercising, you'll never be safe! It was definitely a classy look with my scrubs, though. At least I had showered and fixed my hair!

My body did what no one else could - I got a sinus infection and strep throat last Thurs. Still had to work part of the day Fri but spent much more time huddled under a blanket in my recliner watching Netflix and sipping hot tea than I did during the week I was home after surgery!
Hope today is a Good Day for you @mcopt.
I'm trying to make it through the work week ...a few days off made me rather unambitious I'm I have loads to catch up on.
Bet it seems like time is dragging for you, but by'll be golden!:flwrysmile:
Thanks @Mojo333 hips not giving me a day off but otherwise ok. Been into work today as it is the end of month and all accounts and NHS paperwork need finishing really helps to be distracted I have arranged to go back to work now until op a will keep my lists small and spaced out but I can't sit around (I know I will have to soon)taking the opportunity to get fitness up as much as I can before op. Hope your day going ok .
Hip pain is about to be a thing of the past. You are going to do great.
Hang in there.:bored:
Hi @mcopt just been catching up with your posts, 31st Jan will be here soon. I went to the gym 3 times per week before my hip op, even the day before. I was determined to get myself in better condition for an op. My trainer was brilliant, concentrating on cardio, the weights mainly for upper body strength and doing nothing to cause further pain at the hip. And yes it all paid off. I was also using my walking stick then and got a some street cred from the bunch of teenagers there for football training I would have to pass going to the gym. I think my look of 'don't mess with this 60 year old with a walking stick going to the gym' helped. I was recently talking to my hubby's cousin an anaesthetist who confirmed that keeping moving and improving cardio was a good idea. Op went well and recovery is going great too. Just don't overdo though!!! take care.
I'll echo what others have said - I doggedly worked out all the way up to my op date as well - focused on upper body and core strength and low intensity biking and elliptical. I give it most of the credit for the quick recovery that I've had. It made it much easier to get in/out of bed, etc. and all the other awkward maneuvering necessary in the early days after surgery.
I feel bad for you @mcopt
At least in a few hours we'll be in the month that will bring you relief.
I want to put you in a bubble so you don't catch a cold, or anything else going around this time of year.
I'm hoping the month flies by for you.
Warm wishes for a wonderful new year with a new hip and a new lease on life....Yahoo!
About to officially be January 2018!
Maybe you will be a double hippy??
Bet this year gives you your life back. Happy New Year, mcopt.:dogwalk:
Happy New Year, Martin! 2018 is going to bring you new hips and a new lease on life. It truly is transformative! Your day is coming soon - just do us a favor and start wearing a surgical mask to keep those nasty germs at bay! I look forward to greeting you on the other side!
Happy New Year @mcopt
Yahoo! We're finally in your month.
I'm sure it's hard to get excited since your hopes have been dashed before.
There's still time for you to climb into that safety bubble :wink: and take a month long winter's nap :sleeep:

If I could blink February to the "here and now" I would.
Warm wishes for a peaceful first week of 2018!

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