Mr. Fun, your story is so heartbreaking. I have followed your threads since my surgery on 7.13.23. My recovery has been very difficult but I am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately you have not had a similar experience.
Very ironic that your name is Mr. Fun but having a nightmare of an outcome following your THR. My PCP insisted that I get a pneumonia shot prior to surgery.
Within a week of the surgery I had pneumonia and was not able to get the needed antibiotics for another 10 days. My chest felt like it was on fire and my operated leg was swollen to the size of a large watermelon and screaming in pain. I truly felt it was my time to die as I was unable to hold any food down and the pain was unbearable. Somehow my body withstood the ordeal and now I am slowly recovering. Had to use a walker for the first two months. My PCP says I have Meraglia Paraesthia with numbness from my hip down to my knee on my outer thigh. Was off work for 11 weeks and just started back yesterday. Still have pain in the hip joint but it comes and goes and I use Tylenol to manage it.
I have often thought of your predicament over the past 11 weeks and as miserable as I have been it is nothing compared to what you are dealing with. My pain has been acute while yours is chronic and debilitating. My surgeon was recommended by a co-worker who had both hips replaced by him and she was very satisfied with the results. During my pre-op appt with him he asked what my concerns were. I told him I only had one concern - long term post op pain. Exactly what you are dealing with.
Our 3 year old granddaughter lives with us because CPS removed her from her parents due to their drug use. I hobbled around on my walker trying to keep up with her and keep her out of trouble. I know she loves me and her grandpa unconditionally. I am sure your daughters and wife love you unconditionally as well, limping or not. Hopefully you will find your way through this nightmare and get an accurate diagnosis as well as a treatment plan to correct it. Keep posting and let us know how you are doing. Your posts help us all.
Very ironic that your name is Mr. Fun but having a nightmare of an outcome following your THR. My PCP insisted that I get a pneumonia shot prior to surgery.
Within a week of the surgery I had pneumonia and was not able to get the needed antibiotics for another 10 days. My chest felt like it was on fire and my operated leg was swollen to the size of a large watermelon and screaming in pain. I truly felt it was my time to die as I was unable to hold any food down and the pain was unbearable. Somehow my body withstood the ordeal and now I am slowly recovering. Had to use a walker for the first two months. My PCP says I have Meraglia Paraesthia with numbness from my hip down to my knee on my outer thigh. Was off work for 11 weeks and just started back yesterday. Still have pain in the hip joint but it comes and goes and I use Tylenol to manage it.
I have often thought of your predicament over the past 11 weeks and as miserable as I have been it is nothing compared to what you are dealing with. My pain has been acute while yours is chronic and debilitating. My surgeon was recommended by a co-worker who had both hips replaced by him and she was very satisfied with the results. During my pre-op appt with him he asked what my concerns were. I told him I only had one concern - long term post op pain. Exactly what you are dealing with.
Our 3 year old granddaughter lives with us because CPS removed her from her parents due to their drug use. I hobbled around on my walker trying to keep up with her and keep her out of trouble. I know she loves me and her grandpa unconditionally. I am sure your daughters and wife love you unconditionally as well, limping or not. Hopefully you will find your way through this nightmare and get an accurate diagnosis as well as a treatment plan to correct it. Keep posting and let us know how you are doing. Your posts help us all.