THR Double hippy happy<

Ok @SarahUK, I’m trying. From reading a wide variety of posts ( interesting to go back to older ones from folks no longer participating) it is very apparent that an initial big push can cause set backs further down the road. The slow, steady patient people do seem to win the race.

Great job on that leg cross. It is awesome how things just happen without us pushing them.
Hi @SarahUK
Great news on the leg crossing! These new hips are the gift that keep on giving.
Little surprises here and there when you least expect it. Elation over things we took for granted before
our hips started to deteriorate. Now for that stubborn bruise....
Hope you're days been great so far. Wishing you a peaceful evening!
PS Is a peaceful evening EVER possible with 4 boys in the house :wink: :heehee:
I read your posts and felt deeply for your loss. My mom died during heart surgery and I had s terrible time with her death. You sound so strong. I believe she I’d still with you and somehow around when you need her strength and love. Keep strong, cry if you need to but remember there are tons of great people here to help.
I see the doc tomorrow about that stubborn bruise. Have just checked it and it seems to be going down again, no bandage on so we'll see how it goes.
I also managed to do that dreaded straight leg raise in bed the other day, didn't even realise until I thought about it and had to do it again to make sure I wasn't dreaming:)
It's only peaceful when they're all in bed. I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. They keep me busy and sane and slim :) Talking of slim, I'm back in my (UK)size 8 jeans so all the swelling has definitely gone now.

@Walkinginthesand She's still with me, of that I'm certain. I do something and it's exactly how my mother would do it. I'm still coming to terms with it but I know that if I let myself mope for too long, I'll hit a downward spiral. Been there before, never want to go back.

Layla, it's more like 5 boys if you count the hubby as well, I'm outnumbered!!!
Watch....that stinkin bruise will be gone again tomorrow, hiding wherever that sneaky thing hides!
Doc will be saying "Bruise...what bruise?"
Lucky you have photographic evidence :heehee:

I WAS GOING TO SAY 5 boys counting hubby :rotfl: Figured I'd exercise some self control!
Let us know what doc says about pesky Mr Bruise....
Just got back from docs. Good news is, nothing serious, bad news is the bruise will take some time to go completely. The achilles is pretty inflamed and moving the ankle to excess is causing the bruising to re-appear. It will take time, lots of time. In the meantime, no shoes with a back, yay for crocs! On orders to take it easy, not overdo anything, keep up with gentle ankle exercises, if it hurts stop. So on with the ice and time for a coffee :)
Perfect excuse to do as little as possible.
The bruise played ball @Layla and showed its ugly face.
Glad doc thinks it is just a matter of time. Amazing how long bruising and inflammation can take to resolve. Not overdoing just seems to be the advice for most things in life.

Enjoy the coffee and ice.
Good news, Sarah, to go with my morning coffee while you're well into your day.

Couldn't imagine it was anything serious. Wonder if your Achilles will tighten up more as you favor it.
I'm dealing with my AT being tight due to a bone or heel spur that broke up leaving debris behind.
Didn't know I had a bone spur! At times it can feel like someone just sliced the area with a razor. Burning, stinging, other times strange.

Hope you are having a good day and those 5 boys:heehee: show you some extra love on Valentines Day,
Have a good one! :loveshwr:
The boys, all 5 of them, have been great today. Helped with housework, made me coffee etc. I've done nothing at all yet.

I'm trying not to favour it as it'll just get stiff and tight, something I'm trying to avoid if possible. I'll just keep on walking and doing light physio on the ankle to keep it mobile, flexion is slightly painful but once warmed up it eases. Skin is dry so slathering on moisturiser 3x a day.

Have a good day all :)
All 5 of them, love it :heehee:
Hope it's improved over the past four days....
I hear you on the dry skin. It's that time of year.
Hope today is great!
Glad all is well with you (for the most part)
You deserve a medal for raising 5 boys...
Hope you have a Good Day:SUNsmile:
Well something happened over the last few days, that bruise has mostly gone, just a nice patch of semi dry skin to deal with.

Hehe, I'm still training the hubby - a work in progress :)
Hip's doing great, still cant lie on that side yet. I'll manage it eventually :)

Have a good day all :)
Yay Sarah, happy happy joy joy.
Hoping all gets better and better.
I'm sure it will as long as I don't go overdoing stuff. Walking is slowly getting better without crutch, it's taken time and patience but things are looking up at last.

Now to get my body to agree letting me lie on the right side, my favourite side for sleeping.
Hi Sarah,
Good news on the bruise!

Side sleeper here also. The side I favored for years was my op side.
Oh happy day when I was brave enough to sleep on my side again.
My OS used posterior approach and I struggled with lying on my incision. Is your incision posterior?

It seems things are looking up, glad to hear it.
A great week to you!
I'm happy that I can at least get onto my left to sleep, from there I roll to my front and back again.
My beauty of a scar curves round at the top so lateral posterior. Sitting was a bit uncomfortable but I soon found a position I could sit in.
I have a feeling the next hip will be anterior, although given my history, he may choose to go the lateral posterior route.

Have a good week all :)
Had a fun day today. Played sweet merry murder with the hospital, they sent me the wrong consultant appointment. Swiftly on the phone to them and changed it to my fantastic current consultant. I see him on the 7th March, hopefully get CT results then.

Noticed that heat seems to bring the bruise out, it made an appearance this morning after a shower, faded back to almost nothing now. No pain on ankle flexion, just dry skin. /Goes to grab moisturiser.

Hip complained this morning, think I slept wrong or moved wrong in bed. Ice and lots of coffee helped resolve that :)
Have a good week :)
Glad you got consultant straightened out. I’m able to schedule directly with physician of my choice. If they do not take my insurance then I would pay more, but luckily my current network is fairly large.

Your bruise has a mind of its own. Glad ice got hip back in line-just a reminder that recovery takes time.

Enjoy the rest of your evening.
Ice and lots of coffee helped, lol! You're funny, Sarah.
That bruise is the craziest.....peek a boo, it's there....then it's gone!
Hope you have a great Tuesday...over yonder :wave:

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