TKR ACK! OMG! TKR on May 29th

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I didn't really notice anything particular about the winter (I would have been about 6 months out) other than that my knee was stable for a change and ice wasn't quite as scary. :)

That is very good to hear, thanks for responding Kneeper!
To not worry about ice, though, I'm going to need to work more on improving my balance! :)
Yea, I guess you'd have to be about a year out to have an opinion about winter. But that would be bad news living in Michigan.
Hmmmm.... perhaps it could be more the dampness rather than the cold too. Dampness goes straight to my bones and I have a hard time staying warm. Hopefully, we will have have experiences like Kneepers and not notice any difference other than walking better on the ice!
It is interesting though that an injury and surgery like ours brings out the compassionate side of our natures. I rush over to open doors for folks on crutches. I have been there!! If your legs continue to swell, you might try compression hose for a few weeks. Kelly

That is so true, skigirl. I had many many people stopping to open the door for me. I was even at a bank and with the entrance I used I had to go up and down a flight of stairs. As I left the bank, another customer got out of line to run ahead of me and go down the stairs to open the door. I didn't even realize he hadn't conducted his banking business until after I had gone through the door and he ran back up the flight of stairs. You are so right about the compassionate side of people.
Gee, it is so nice outside :SUNsmile:
I am heading out for a walk.
Never thought I'd be saying those words!!!!!

Enjoy the day everyone! Hope you do something fun!
Enjoy your walk!! Getting outside on a beautiful day sure lifts the spirits. :)
Sniff sniff :sad: :sad:
I am so hurting. I spent most of last night awake and in pain. From my back to my hip to my knee. it all hurt. Not sure what happened but it had me doubled over when I tried to get up. I let my feet hang off the bed for a few minutes before I could even try to move.

I got a heating pad to put on my back and that helped; along with a pain pill and Tylenol. This morning my PT was surprised I was in so much pain but said I really need to be icing. At 3am in the morning , though, I am going to put heat on it cuz it makes it feel better. She thought it was from overuse, first full long week back at work and no icing.

Something about I can't expect that my muscles will bounce back without some rebellion after so many years of being shorter on one side. I say yes I can, I just had surgery to fix it, am working hard at PT and stretching so why can't I be better.

Today at work I tried to get up every hour and walk around, but all of my muscles on one side are tight and achy. And of course I was limping.

Sniff. I am feeling sorry for myself. :boohoo:I had knee surgery so I wouldn't be in pain......... and limping. And that is how I spent most of the day.
Elisea, it took years to get that limp, it is going to take some time to make it go away. I think you are more tired since you are back to work. It is hard to think of ice in the middle of the night!! I know how you feel about that. I hope next week is better. Kelly
Elisea, it took years to get that limp, it is going to take some time to make it go away. I think you are more tired since you are back to work.

Kelly, are you channeling my physical therapist; this is almost word for word what she said.

I am tired, yes, but still.... my mind was thinking the path to wellness was straight and not back and forth. sigh..
Thanks BJ. You are a good person! And bend/bent....... lol.... that sort of describes my knee and leg this last week.
Whimper, whimper. Well, today I got up every hour to walk at work. Then I put my leg up on a chair and massaged around my knee.

Each time I stood the entire length of muscle on the outside right knee, my IT band as I understand it, hurt like heck. Had to stand there for a moment before even moving, trying to stretch it so it wouldn't hurt so badly.

I only hope that this doesn't keep going on forever. I am doing everything right so don't understand why it is acting up now. Whimper again. :sad:
Oh, Sweetie.....I'm so sorry to hear that you're hurting. Going back to work is such a big deal and it does take a toll. That's the reason we recommend a phased return to your job. Sadly, that's not always possible and sometimes you just have to deal with the problems that come with all that increased activity.

Can you ice your knee at all? That would help. Are you taking the BoneSmart cocktail during the day and maybe something stronger at night to sleep? That may help you get through these first few weeks. Things will get better and settle down.
The muscles are so used to working in the wrong way, compensating for the bad knee that it takes them a while to adjust. :console2: Sounds like you're doing the right things--icing,elevating etc. Did the PT give you any stretching exercises you could do during the day?
My IT Band is still giving me fits. Yesterday I stood up and and started walking right away and it was causing so much pain. Someone noticed I was limping again and I thought noooooooooooooooo I've worked too hard to get rid of the limp.

But it hurts so much! Only, though, when I stand and start walking after sitting for a few minutes.
It is not the implant; that is rock steady and I can actually balance on that leg, haven't done that for years!

That doggone IT band, though. I have tried icing, but it doesn't work as well as when I was using it on my newly minted knee.

Hope that it eventually does stretch out and not hurt like it does. Either that or I maybe I can learn to sleep standing up.
PT said they thought it would but didn't want to commit to a yes. :what: They said being back at work and sitting was bothering it.

I had heard about TKR's not fitting, or something going wrong, or continuing pain, but only read recently about the IT band giving problems. And then, of course, I never imagined it would be me. Though it makes perfect sense because I was limping for so many years. sigh.......... sorry for the whine.
Hi- Perhaps it's time for me to go off into the sunset with other long past posting TKR's. Does 5 months count as a long past TKR'er?

It's difficult working full time and keeping up with a forum, not sure how others manage. Needing to suck it up and be 100% professional at work and work a full day plus whatever work issues that might occur in the evening. Something had to give, and for now it's been this forum.

It's been hard. Yep, hard. Did I mention, hard? Especially when not feeling well. I could have used the encouragement from this forum but it has been tooooo toooo much to fit one more thing in.

Anyway, to get to my story........... over the last month, it's particularly been a struggle. I admit it, I was a klutz! :blush:

I sprained my left ankle... happened a few weeks ago ............ all the while still having IT band and hamstring issues around my right knee, the one with the newly minted TKR. X-rays showed nothing broken, but ohhhhh was it swollen....... and let's just say that I walked with an "ouch" (left ankle) and then "ow" (right knee) ouch, ow, ouch, ow, ouch, ow, you get the picture.

Physical therapy was a life saver. I could have completed PT and worked more by myself, but when I sprained my ankle, we worked once again on non weight bearing therapy to give my poor ankle a rest. Of course, my right knee ROM has taken a bit of a turn for the worse, but I'm hoping to get it back and more now that my ankle is feeling better.

And waking up several times during the night .....when I stretch in my sleep, I am jolted awake by the instantaneous hamstring pain. Ugh. I so need to be over this but it seems to be hanging on. Little did I know that when my surgeon said healing time was 12-18 months, he meant a year to a year and a half. Who knew??!!

So there ya have it, that's how I've been. Kind words are welcome but it might take me awhile to acknowledge them as I am now narcoleptic from not sleeping well. Oh, what... sorry I must have dozed off.:yawn:
I never new about the IT Band stuff until it started after my TKR. I am 29 weeks out and I was worried something was wroong with the new knee. Went to the Dr. and learned about the IT Band thing being common after the TKR. Have had one therapy since finding out about the IT Band. Darn, it hurts as much as the knee before the surgery. The actual knee seems fine.
You have been through a lot, a sprained ankle on top of TKR recovery, Yikes. You are not alone here, I tore two tendons in my TKR foot so can understand how that goes. Your surgeon was spot on 12 to 18 months, now after 13+ months this TKR finally feels like it is healing.
Post when you like, hope you get a good nights :sleep:.
I never new about the IT Band stuff until it started after my TKR. I am 29 weeks out and I was worried something was wroong with the new knee. Went to the Dr. and learned about the IT Band thing being common after the TKR. Have had one therapy since finding out about the IT Band. Darn, it hurts as much as the knee before the surgery. The actual knee seems fine.

Oh so true, beledi! My knee is fine but I had noooooo idea about the IT band. It makes sense, though; can't limp for years without causing other issues! It is a slow heal as they have a long memory of how short they were from favoring the other leg. Not sure I would have had it done any sooner, waiting made so much sense at the time. :scratch:
You have been through a lot, a sprained ankle on top of TKR recovery, Yikes. You are not alone here, I tore two tendons in my TKR foot so can understand how that goes. Your surgeon was spot on 12 to 18 months, now after 13+ months this TKR finally feels like it is healing.
Post when you like, hope you get a good nights :sleep:.

OMG, so sorry you tore your tendons, but very glad you can relate! It really is something, finally able to walk and then whammo, do something klutzy to the ankle. Grace in action, I guess. :heehee:

Yes, the surgeon seems to be spot on regarding healing time. It is good to hear that it's getting behind you and that you feel you are healing. Is it that you don't notice as much? Or the post surgery stiffness is alleviated?

I am looking forward to going through a day without thinking about my knee or needing to stretch for a few seconds before taking a step. Total healing takes awhile and is not instantaneous as I expected; but it is coming along.
I wanted to comment on a recent post regarding a possible nickel allergy but to do so on my thread as it was a major concern prior to my surgery. I have talked about it several times in other threads, more so than in my own thread, and each time wished I’d written more about it here. pvbgirl

I have many allergies and delayed years even considering a knee replacement because of the unknown effect an implanted material might have on my body. Finally, after coming to the realization as we all do, that I would not improve, I began interviewing several orthopedic surgeons. The first OS I consulted took a thorough history and said he would not do the surgery because of my reported nickel sensitivity (FYI, as my doctor explained, one can be “sensitive” to metals but not “allergic” to them, though the two terms are widely used interchangeably.)

That surgeon referred me to another OS. It was disheartening, when after finally gathering the courage to visit an OS to have him say "sorry, no". Thought for those few seconds, before he explained further, that I'd have to live with my painful knee forever. However, the surgeon he referred me to was experienced with the Oxinium, Smith & Nephew nickel free implant.

After the mention of a nickel sensitivity, and prior to additional appointments with any orthopedic surgeon, I worked with an Allergist MD who drew my blood for an LTT (Lymphocyte Transformation Test). When that test confirmed specific metal sensitivities, the Allergist MD concurred on a nickel free implant.

The article Orthodoc attached to a post on another thread discusses available tests for metal sensitivities. To explain it from a patient’s understanding, the LTT is a blood test not a dermal test. The dermal test does not measure the body's immune cell reaction to implanted materials. However, the LTT does measure this immune cell reaction to various metals sensitivities / allergic reactions to the implant materials, such as nickel, chromium, iron, and more.

For the test, blood is drawn, and depending what metals testing is requested, it is about 4-5 vials. It is sent overnight to one of a few labs in the country which specializes in such testing where it is cultured for around five days; the results are available a few days later.

If a nickel sensitivity is indicated, Smith & Nephew is one of only a couple of nickel free implants available at this time. The Smith & Nephew Journey is my TKR implant and so far I have had no issues with it. Although, it is still undetermined as to whether metal sensitivities are really an issue or not, and much more testing is needed, at least the option of a nickel free implant was available for me.

A skilled surgeon, as is mentioned regularly on this forum, is the best indicator for a good, noneventful, surgical outcome. However, for those of us with metal sensitivities, a surgeon with experience implanting a nickel free implant is a further consideration prior to a knee replacement.

Orthodoc, I’m curious why they continue to use implants with nickel. The document attached to the other thread was authored in 2001, (“Metal Sensitivity In Patients With Orthopaedic Implants”). It is unfortunate and frustrating for those of us with metal sensitivities that the jury is still out, over a decade later, on nickel hypersensitivity, and that testing of same remains difficult. Is there a reason why nickel is still common within implants? Instead of making it the exception, if it is questionable, why not have the default be a nickel free alloy for all metal implants within the human body?
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