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THR Reclaiming my Future after THR

So here's my question-- the stiff gait when unaided. How long on average did it take you to lose the stiffness in your upper thigh/groin and lower back? Getting a more normal gait unaided?
You should expect some degree of stiffness for months. My stiffness "moved around" to different parts of my leg and back. One area would improve only to have discomfort pop up somewhere else.

That said, every hip is unique -- so much depends upon the condition of those muscles prior to surgery, how much the surgeon had to disturb all your soft tissues during the procedure, and how your body handles the recovery.

Maintaining proper gait as you walk will help. It's better to walk correctly for a short distance a couple of times/day than to walk poorly for long distances. Keep using that cane. Practice proper heel-toe walking. At some point, things will "click" and your gait will be better without the cane than with it.

Don't try to rush this recovery; it will only slow you down.
Zingers? Almost 3 weeks post op and last evening I started getting random shooting pains in my lower gluten on the surgical side. If I squeeze my glute on that side now, I can elicit a pain-- kind of like a bone pain deep inside. I don't think I'm overdoing anything. Doing my PT and walking, nothing over the top. Has anyone else experienced a shooting pain like this in their lower glute out of the blue? I freak out that I did something wrong, but I know I haven't I feel pretty good otherwise.
Isn't this recovery exciting? All the things no one told you about! Zips, Zaps, Shocks and Sticks like from a needle all seem to be normal feelings but different for everyone and each hip.
Stiffness seems to come with the THR, every questionnaire I get from my OS always asks about stiffness. I always answer yes but it comes and goes. Every injury I've had in my life seems to provide me with stiffness and overall a THR is a lot like having an injury.
@proffrench three weeks is about just the time that the zingers hit me. it’s probably the nerves that were disturbed during your surgery trying to work their way back. I found it went and came back and went and came back. Eventually the numbness in my thigh that was due to the disturbed nerves has receded into one small area. I remember my surgeon talking about it way back when I first scheduled the surgery. I guess I didn’t understand how annoying the whole process would be.
If I squeeze my glute on that side now, I can elicit a pain
I am 5 weeks post-op and I get some pain, but not horrible, if I "squeeze" [really pressure rather than squeeze] upper leg in various places. Based on my experience 11 years ago it takes a long time for that sensitivity to fully go away.
Staples out yesterday-- clear drainage today? The nurse had a heck of a time removing the 39 staples, most of which were stuck in a lot of glue. Just a little spot of blood here and there after she removed them. She applied steri strip and then the big bandage over that. She said to change the big bandage after showering and the steri strips should fall off in a few days.
I showered that night, husband dried the ares and applied new big bandage. Today that big bandage is soaked with clear fluid. Husband says it appears to be coming from the lowest part of the incision. I talked with the surgeon and he said to remove the steri strips, dry the area and just use the big bandage until things dry up. Has anyone else had this after staple removal? I'm almost 3 weeks post op so timing of removal is ok. I had no blood or drainage before thus. The nurse said the incision looked good and closed up. I forwarded the photo of the staple free incision to the doctor and he thought it looked good too. So is it normal to have clear serous drainage after removing the staples?
Hi again:
I'm really worried about all that drainage coming from the bottom part of the incision post staple removal. That incision was nice and dry the whole 2.5 weeks preceding the staple removal and then all of a sudden I've got this yellow/clear/light pink watery stuff coming out the bottom of the incision. Did the staple removal irritate things and this is the body's response? I'm terrified that I have an infection now! I didn't do anything wrong-- I did what the nurse told me to do. I took a shower, lightly dried it off and put the big bandage over the steri strips-- which were obviously wet from the shower. Today I took the steri strips off per the doctor's order and just placed the big bandage over the incision. Has this happened to anyone else? I know it's still draining that stuff, hopefully not as much as before. I need some reassurance!
Hi proffrench,
I didn't have staples so I can not speak from experience.

Serous drainage: Serous drainage is a clear to yellow fluid that's a little bit thicker than water. Serous drainage is normal and it's a sign that your body is healing. Serosanguinous fluid: Serosanguinous fluid is a combination of serous fluid and blood. It's usually a light pink to red color.
The best reassurance you'll receive is from your surgeon's care team as I believe it will give you the peace of mind you're seeking.
@proffrench I agree with Layla that the best eyes are those at your dr office. I think it’s great that you sent a photo and photos are a great way to track if there are ant changes as well. I did not have staples. I did have absorbable stitches that absorb around week 8. My incision was closed then the top of it opened and had some clear fluid. When I went to my already scheduled dr appt 12 hours later, there was some pink in the discharge and definitely some infection when the dr pressed on it. I share this not to scare you, but to reassure you. I was super worried, but mine was due to the stitch. It was superficial. If yours is even infected, I would guess it would be superficial as well. The solution for me was a week of antibiotics and it cleared right up. The dr and nurse were not at all concerned when they saw mine. If you are at all worried tomorrow, go in and have them look at it. They will be able to take care of you.
20240430_192044.jpg Sent the doctor a photo of the soaked bandage and a close up of the incision where you can see the fluid coming out of one little spot near the bottom. He called and said he was not concerned; he called it serous drainage coming from an area on the incision that had slightly separated when the staples came out. He actually encouraged me to get out as much fluid as I could, telling me to briefly lay on that side to see if more would come out. Didn't get much more out, so maybe it's slowing down. He said that once it was all out, it should stop. I actually felt better yesterday in spite of the drainage-- less tightness in the upper thigh-- and he said this was probably due to the collected fluid draining out. I'm to keep an eye on it and notify him if anything changes, but otherwise I'll see him next Thursday for the 1 month visit. So I'm trying not to obsess over it. He says he sees it all the time, just a collection of serous fluid that needs to drain out.
So I'm trying not to obsess over it. He says he sees it all the time, just a collection of serous fluid that needs to drain out
Reread his words in the quote each time you're tempted to obsess over it. Keep your mind occupied and try to forget about it, other than to check it however often suggested. Easier said than done..I know, but try. :)
So tonight while shaving my legs I nicked myself slightly. A thin line of blood. I immediately put peroxide on the cut, took my shower and then more peroxide and a layer of neosporin. Am I freaking out? It was a very superficial cut. Is this what my future is like, worrying about every cut or scrape? I'd like to get a pedicure at my very safe salon where they put a fresh plastic liner in the basin for each new person and use instruments that have been sterilized and packaged for individual use. Cleanings at the dentist? Do I need to worry about this razor cut?
You'll be fine!
If you don't normally get minor infections from minor scrapes and cuts, there's no reason to think your immune system has changed.
My dentist 6 months post op before cleaning & 2,000 mgs of amoxicillin one hour before cleaning or dental work.
My OS said do this for 2 years so I am done with that.
I doubt a nick while shaving your legs will cause any type of infection.
Cleanings at the dentist?
I would ask your surgeon because different doctors have different protocols. I was told by my surgeon to to get a prescription for penicillin only if I needed a dental cleaning within the first six months. Once the six months is up, he said antibiotics are no longer necessary.

This is an area of some controversy within the medical community. Some dentists will insist you have the antibiotics even if your surgeon says it is not needed.
@proffrench Been meaning to ask you if you'd like a new title for this thread. Since you will soon be a month post-op, "Today was the day" seems a bit outdated. Perhaps something more general that will reflect you recovery journey?

Just let us know and we'll change it for you!
@benne68 You're right about changing the thread title. How about "Reclaiming my Future"
because that's exactly what I'm doing-- I'm taking back what I lost during my years of pain and loss of mobility and creating a brighter future, one step at a time.
I'd like to get a pedicure at my very safe salon where they put a fresh plastic liner in the basin for each new person
It's definitely a personal choice and decision. I'd love to feel safe in going to a nail salon. I'd like nothing more than to sit in a comfy massage chair while soaking my feet and chatting with a friend while someone gives me a mani / pedi. I've done it before (THR) but unless things have changed, I won't risk it since my surgery.

What I've read is that the danger lies in the filtration system, not the basin itself. We often have microscopic cuts we're unaware of. I've also read that the filtration system is the breeding ground for mycrobacterium, which can produce boils, warts, MRSA, athletes foot, toenail fungus and HPV. All of the aforementioned thrive in a warm wet environment. The solution is a pipeless drainage system tub since the bacteria breeds in the pipes.

As I mentioned it's a personal choice. My surgeon cautioned against patronizing nail salons which led to researching it. Like anything else, we need to do our own research, come to our own conclusion and feel comfortable with our decision.
@Layla Looks like I'll be doing my own toes from now on :sad:, as soon as I can reach them to actually clip my toenails and file and polish.

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