THR So many ups and downs<

But I refuse to give up or give in. I keep having to remind myself that this will take a lot of time given my length of immobility.

I love that you haven't given up or given in.
You have been on such a long journey with all of this, and like Gidget, you have an incredible determination to continue to improve your quality of life.

I also will continue to pray things get easier for you .:praying:
I like the way you sound, Mobi!
You have that old spunk back. Hope your doctor makes it to your home again on Wednesday.
Nope....not in our twenties any longer. But I'll take it.....better than the alternative!
I hope you have a peaceful week. :loveshwr:
Walked to the end of the driveway and back without sticks today for the first time. Still painful. But have stopped meds. My daily walking has increased to between 3.6 and 4.5K steps. My dr is a big help and always boosts my confidence. He said after so long immobile it’ll take time for me to feel that “ease” of motion - instead of awkward. I suppose it’s a bit like learning to walk all over again but with different balance and placement.

Also changed optometrists so have one much closer. Went to get my glasses adjusted yesterday and made an appt for next Monday for my exam and possibly new glasses. One more thing to tick off the “haven’t done in 5 years’ list of things that are crucial. Next will be to manage the long trip to my GP and go in for a dental checkup. And mostly to go visit my children and their families. Still not traveling very well in the car and have days where the pain is very bad, but determined to keep moving forward.

Hope you’re all doing well.
Hello @MobiM So pleased to hear of your excellent progress. It is really quite amazing. Keep up the good work and positivity! Everything seems to be moving along nicely.

I saw my Surgeon on Tuesday. Pleased with knee but unhappy with my circulation system (said my legs looked unhealthy which husband and I couldn't see) so I have an appointment with a vascular neuropathy specialist tomorrow and due to my horrendous spasms am having a lumbar MRI on Tuesday. He put me on 3 months of Alendronica and Calcium and Vitamin D3 to build my bones up from the Osteoporosis and after then may consider doing the hip revision. Good news is my femur fracture has healeditself. So, still a long way to go for me.

Please keep us posted on your wonderful progress.
Hi @MobiM :wave:
So happy to see your post.
I'm glad you have been able to get some things done and though you are still dealing with some struggles...glad you are still striving to get your mobility improved.
You've already come so far in eight months.
Thanks for updating...I hope today is a Good Day for you!:yes:
Mobi...this is the best news I've heard so far today.
I'm so happy and excited for you. Walking unaided to the end of the driveway. Increased walks.
A planned trip to the Optometrist tomorrow! All sounds SO promising. You'll have to update us this week
and let us know how it goes. Your doctor sounds wonderful and it makes me happy that he's able to
offer you reassurance and boost your confidence.
I hope you have a lovely day and week! :flwrysmile:
@Izabel You said: “I saw my Surgeon on Tuesday. Pleased with knee but unhappy with my circulation system (said my legs looked unhealthy which husband and I couldn't see) so I have an appointment with a vascular neuropathy specialist tomorrow” It’s interesting that your surgeon said that. I’ve developed a very large, red area on the calf of my surgery leg with blue bulging veins. I also now have a bulging blue vein in the thigh of my other leg as well as bulging blue veins on the inside of the knee of my good leg. Probably need to see my surgeon, but it won’t happen anytime soon because he’s in Melbourne - a good 2.5 hour drive from me. Let me know what the vascular doc says. You can’t seem to catch a break! Praying everything is ok for you.

@Layla the optometrist is next Monday. Just hoping I have a good day that day. :shocked:

Thanks to you all for your kind thoughts. I still have rotten days, but try to focus on the decent ones.
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Good morning @MobiM. It is 8.45am here, sunny and 20c already.

The Vascular Doc (a cute young whippersnapper) looked at my legs (must be a 'leg man' :heehee:), poked my feet and said I had neither venous nor artery problems but that perhaps my blood was slow flowing at times causing heavy legs and aches and pains ... SO TRUE! He asked if my legs discoloured with the weather and I told him they did in the heat and had for 20 years or so and gave him some examples. He has prescribed Pentoxifylline (which sounds like just what I need) and gave me an Rx for a Vascular Ultrasound for before I have surgery (I saw he has the equipment in the room next to his office). So I am pleased with this outcome. I was supposed to have the MRI today at 5.30pm but my leg is tired from the 3 hour outing sitting all the time and getting in and out of the car so I have just phoned the hospital and changed my appointment to 9am Monday.

So, you and I will both do our dreaded journeys the same day. I do hope you cope well and that the eye exam goes well.

Thinking of you and sending hugs to cheer you along. xx

Drugs & Medications
GENERIC NAME(S): Pentoxifylline

This medication is used to improve the symptoms of a certain blood flow problem in the legs/arms (intermittent claudication due to occlusive artery disease). Pentoxifylline can decrease the muscle aching/pain/cramps during exercise, including walking, that occur with intermittent claudication. Pentoxifylline belongs to a class of drugs known as hemorrheologic agents. It works by helping blood flow more easily through narrowed arteries. This increases the amount of oxygen that can be delivered by the blood when the muscles need more (such as during exercise) thereby increasing walking distance and duration.
@Izabel it sounds like your vascular cutie is more than just a pretty face. I’m glad he found something to help you. I don’t get leg pain, but do worry about all the bulging blue veins. I never had anything like it prior to surgery , and am devastated that my once nice legs are now grotesque. Hmmph.

I’ll be thinking of you Monday. I hope it goes smoothly.

It’s very cold here this week and the past couple days have been really foggy. I’m suspecting this wet cold is what’s making everything ache so badly. Plus the full moon today. Sure never had achey joints and muscles due to weather when I was in my 20s.
Well, it’s been a while since my last post. Am feeling once again discouraged. Had a flu for a few weeks some time ago. It set me right back and I since then I just can’t seem to make any headway. Am once again walking my 4000 steps as before, but there is no progress - especially when it comes to pain. I feel like I will never see any imorovement in this darn pain. Sure, I can grit my teeth and do the walking, but it’s not getting easier. And now my knees are starting to bother me. I’ve developed a Baker’s cyst on my surgery leg knee, and the start of one on the other leg. Sitting is still extremely difficult, and if I ride/sit in the car, I pay for days afterwards.

My surgery hip hurts, but the SIJs are awful. My left side is apparently too tight while my surgery side is too loose. My dr says the pain in my hip is most likely the tendon repair. But geez! It’s ten months and the pain seems no better. In fact, since getting back to the walking it seems to be worse. Pain meds don’t help.

For a while I was feeling positive that it was just a matter of strengthening and things would improve, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I honestly can’t see that I will ever be able to sit, stand or walk again without pain.

Hoping you are all seeing improvements!
I just said your name aloud this week...wondering how you were...guessing things must be rough somehow. You must've heard me somehow.
I hate that you are still struggling MobiM.:sad:
I have no sage words..I do think if it were myself, I might would try selling another doctor and then another if I didn't have definitive answers.
I'm glad you choose to keep what mobility you have gained, even with the pain as I do recall you saying you were bedridden for a time.
I truly hope things get easier and you get better.
Sympathy and hugs, Jodi:console2:
Jodi, thanks for your reply. I honestly don’t think anything more can be done in terms of “fixing”. My specialist is adamant that we will get there. He believes it’s a matter of more time, balancing the SIJs and continuing with the movement/strengthening. As to seeing other docs, I still am unable in that department. I have yet to even be capable of enduring the trip to see my gp across town which would include a 30 minute car trip there and another back, a walk to his clinic and a long sit in the waiting room. Not to mention whatever physical things I’d need to do during the exam. I saw SO many surgeons and specialists prior to my hip replacement that I lost count. None of them could determine a definitive source of my problem. Most wrote me off. Hip surgeons told me to see spinal surgeons who then told me to see hip surgeons. Pain management specialists were a horror and did nothing but take my money.

At least my current specialist is unerringly confident and refuses to give up. It’s his confidence that keeps me going.

Some of this has to do with age. I’m not in my 20s anymore - 66, now - and am feeling very anxious about getting some sort of life back before it’s really too late.

Last week my dr told me that he can see a lot of improvement since his first visit. He says I am too close to the situation to really appreciate how much improvement there’s been since all this began.

So, I will keep pressing on. I guess I just needed to vent. Plus, it’s a full moon tomorrow night and that always sends me into weird, despairing moods. Thanks for your support - and for thinking of me. I hope you and yours are well.:angel:
So pleased to hear from you @MobiM . Sorry to hear you are still in pain but good that you are keeping relatively mobile.

My MRI went well. nothing jumping out, old healed fractures, nothing compromised. Saw Surgeon on 6 August, just continued bone strengthening medicine and said to continue exercising. Am hobbling with walker only 40 steps at a time daily, 10 mins on pedal bike daily and 25 mins on energiser. Taken up crocheting again to keep me amused. See Surgeon again 17 September.

Been warm here, 38-39c and a big forest fire half hour from us, so pleased I can't do anything and stay in the a/c.

I have my down days but I am trying to be positive. Take care and keep in touch. xx
Oh look at that...we have a full moon here, as well.:heehee:

I'm going to join forces with your doc...mustn't give up!

I know you have struggled so long but I want you to keep the faith. You know you can come here...vent or whine...peruse the sight and find that though there are many rejoicing ...unfortunately there are those in serious situations to rival even your struggle with chronic pain.
I wish things were tons better and you were pain free...and I will keep praying and rooting for you!:roseshwr:
Aww, Mobi, so sorry your journey continues on the same trajectory.
Wonder if you'd notice improvement, albeit small, if you journaled daily in regard to your pain?
If you feel it's too much work to seek another doctor, and yours has faith he can help, as long as he's actively involved at reasonable and ongoing intervals, I guess I'd be hesitant to shop around also. At least he offers you some hope. Prayers you experience a turning point soon.
Thanks everyone. I will keep on keeping on. After all, what other choice is there? Sending healing prayers to you @Izabel. Stay the course. Hugs to all.
Hi everyone. I thought I’d check in. It was 18 months in March since my THR. I thought of everyone on Bone Smart today because I contacted my surgeon’s rooms regarding something that worries me: My new hip squeaks. And when I say squeaks, it’s loud enough to hear in another room. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it seems to happen for no apparent reason. Sometimes if I’m putting my sock on and lift my toe. Or two days ago, just from bending over to pick something up. I’ve read that the ceramic lined hips (mine is titanium with ceramic lining) are possibly more prone to this than other types. But it’s a bit scary when it happens.

I’m still having to spend a lot of time prone because sitting is still painful (I’ve been diagnosed with a twisted pelvis and SIJ dysfunction - not necessarily the hip’s fault). The varicose veins that popped up after surgery worry me. They seem to be getting worse. My GP has given me a referral to a vascular specialist....which I’ll have to see to when life calms down a bit.

On the progress front, the good news is I’m walking without support. I went from crutches to hiking sticks, but put the hiking sticks away about a month ago. The bad news is that my SIJs, legs and hips are almost always painful except when I sleep.

As to my contact with my surgeon, I was told by horrified staff that I hadn’t had my six or twelve month xray of my hip, nor had I had a revisit to my surgeon. Well, honestly, how was I to know any of this was necessary? I was not told this at any time by anyone. And the last chat I had with my surgeon (6 weeks post op over the phone) he didn’t mention any need for follow up or scans.

I just hope this squeaking won’t mean he’ll suggest revision because, frankly, I don’t think I could physically or mentally handle going through that. I’ve had quite enough of hospitals and surgeries.

I hope everyone is recovering well and getting lots of good vibes from this forum. Cheers!
:wave: @MobiM
So happy to see you on the forum.
I remember how much of a struggle this has been for you, so I am happy to see you walking unaided!:loveshwr:
I’ve read that the ceramic lined hips (mine is titanium with ceramic lining) are possibly more prone to this than other types. But it’s a bit scary when it happens.
Ceramic components are more likely to squeak.
Squeaking from a hip replacement can be the result of different issues related to the implant, the surgery, or the patient. The first step in the evaluation of an abnormal noise from a replaced hip is to determine the cause.
I do hope you will muster up the courage to get those follow up X-rays and go see the vascular doctor.
On the hip front, that could be very reassuring...and on the legs front...likely could save from even more problems to treat earlier than later.
Wishing you a good day, friend!:friends:
So sorry to hear that you are worried about the latest squeaky hip developments and the varicose veins. I agree with @Mojo333 that getting in to have an Xray and check out your concerns is probably a good idea. For me, when I have concerns that I find myself worrying about, I need to get more information. Otherwise, my worry eats at me and takes over. At my 6 week appointment my surgeon said he didn't need to see me again until 1 year. And if I was doing great, it was up to me whether I came in then or not. I prompted assured him that I'd be in----I will need the X-ray documented reassurance that all is well in the new hip. :yes!: I hope you find some relief from your pain, and your worry soon! :loveshwr:
Hey, hey, everyone! I thought I’d check in to update my status and to say thanks.

Firstly, I want to say that since my last post, I have been getting better slowly but surely. Obviously, there is more wrong than simply a THR recovery. I have my specialist doc still seeing me - now weekly because the benefits of frequent treatments as opposed to less often seem to be greater. He, as well as my osteopath, have said all along that I have somewhere along the road developed a twisted pelvis causing one side sacroiliac joint to be very tight, while the other is very loose. Apparently this could’ve happened as a child, or from giving birth, but the imbalance resulted in the hip problem as well as other spinal issues. We are working to loosen up the tight side - the opposite side to my THR - through physiotherapy, massage, exercise and holistic treatment.

The results since last I checked in are that I am now able to walk without any form of support, and can walk about 300 meters without stirring things up too much. Atm, though, I’m dealing with respiratory issues, so once that gets worked out, I should be walking further. I can sit for longer periods, ride in the car, go to appointments and have been able to do more around the house. (I was sort of thrown into the deep end since my husband had a total knee replacement three weeks ago).

I still feel I have a long way to go. Pain in my SIJs, upper and lower back (both muscles and joints) is ongoing, but for instance, I was able to mow our lawn using our ride-on two weeks ago. It took 2.5 hours as we live on acres. Anyway, considering that I was totally bed ridden for at least 7 years, and partially so for another 3 years, I’m thrilled to be on my feet, without crutches or sticks, and moving closer to independence weekly.

As to my squeaky hip, the surgeon ordered an xray and after review he said everything is fine....that it sometimes happens with ceramic. He also gave me the all clear - I don’t have to see him again.

Secondly, I want to thank everyone on Bone Smart who assisted me during the tough times, and cheered for me during the better times. I feel that joining this forum has helped me by giving me a place to vent, brag, compare and learn. I am especially grateful to Josephine for starting this tremendous resource. The articles are a super help, and her personal input is invaluable. And to the moderators, you do wonderful work here keeping peoples’ spirits up and directing people to appropriate areas for information - not to mention just being lovely, kind supporters.

I wish my husband would join, but unfortunately he’s not a computer person. So if anyone can tell me if it’s “ok” to be at only 60-65* knee bend going into week 4 post surgery, I’d be so grateful. It seems everywhere we look, it says he should be at the very least 80*-90* by now. We have PT coming twice a week for him atm. That will drop to once a week soon.

Thanks again and all the best to you all!

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