THR Sarak - There's Life After a Hip Replacement

Tomorrow is the one month point from my most recent surgery. The strengthening process got sidelined a bit last week due to a nasty bout of bronchitis. Strengthening and increasing range of motion is going a bit slower than I'd hoped (but we all know that I'm a very impatient patient), but it is coming along. Lifting this leg still takes more effort than the other leg and externally rotating with the hip flexed (to put the leg into pants, etc.) is also difficult. I can put my ankle on my knee (but emphasis on the "put" because I may have to help it up). The distance the knee drops is still less than the other side. But these are all things I'm working on in PT.

Even if it never improved from here, though, I'd consider the surgery a success! I'm now off the muscle relaxants and the meloxicam and very seldom feel the need to ice the hip. I sleep through the night (unless my bladder has other ideas) because I don't wake up with pain as I roll over and switch positions. I can climb stairs and get into and out of a car without pain. I don't have to worry about how I get into bed (or on the table at PT) because I can painlessly lift that leg on its own (it just takes a bit of effort).

Finally (to give Layla and Mojo something to shudder about) last night I even tried a Body Pump class at my gym - kind of a cross between aerobics and weight training. I could do almost everything (bicycles laying on my back were a bit hard and I couldn't do it as long as the instructor was saying and decided to do a modified pigeon on that side rather than literally stretching things too far). Not the light workout I'd originally planned for the first day back at the gym in a week, but satisfying to be able to keep up!

Unless you're in the icing phase of recovery (and then, except for the hip), try to stay warm during this bitter cold weather. If you're in a warmer climate or having summer down under, I'm jealous!
Happy One Month Anniversary, Sara!
It's nice you're doing so well. Sorry to read about the bronchitis, thankfully you're on the mend.
It sounds like you weathered the Body Pump class. I won't judge. :wink:
Take it slow and stay warm!
Great news @SaraK !

It's so cold where I am the Postal Service has suspended service for at least much for that motto of theirs! And the town of Hell, Michigan has officially frozen over.
@jaydub63 - there's always a catch - I don't think a polar vortex is mentioned in the USPS unofficial motto - heat but not cold. I think we have mail delivery today but I'm not sure. Compared to where you are, it has warmed up to a balmy 1 degree here in St. Louis.
One month and you so happy you are seeing progress and feeling happy you had this done!:tada:

:beg:don't overdo.

Polar vortex is dipping us into 40s .
That IS Freezing to me!
Nothing like what other folks are dealing with.
Stay warm and have a great week!:hugzz:
@Mojo333 ---40 degrees in Georgia----ouch!

Years ago we were visiting Phoenix in November. The temps. dropped into the high 50's/low 60's and we noticed people all over wearing their winter coats. Everyone was talking about the cold. We were excited to be where it was so warm, and were in shorts----oh my, the looks we got ---almost as if we weren't wearing clothes at all!:loll:

Here in Colorado we have pretty much missed the polar vortex business altogether---it has been a very dry winter so far, and while cold at times.....nothing like the crazy weather east of us!
Mojo, when the weather was that cold when I lived in Georgia (outside Augusta for a year), they actually let us wear pants under our dresses for school! I remember an ice storm that caused a huge pileup on the highway and got us out of school for 2 dags.

It's warmer today and supposed to be 50s and 60s this weekend. A nice long walk around the lake at the park is on tap for Sunday - much prettier than walking on the treadmill and, at 3.7 miles, only a bit longer than what I've tried at the gym.
So glad you will be able to get out.
Good old vitamin D therapy and fresh air.
Good for the body and soul!
I have two dozen volunteers meeting me for cleaning project at Food Bank today !:sigh:
Sunday will be my day to get some Nature also...
:flwrysmile: Be careful and No Falling!:SUNsmile:
How's it going @SaraK ?
Hope all is getting better and better.
Believe it or not...we have been in the high 70s and even 80 yesterday and should be today.
Unfortunately I've been stuck inside and tomorrow temps drop again! Of course on my day off!:gaah:
Hope you have a great weekend!:SUNsmile:
Any plans for the weekend, wild one?
Some of this > :happyfeet: Little of that > :martini:
Or not that kind of weekend? :bored:
Hope you enjoy whatever you may be doing...
Hopefully Calvin didn't take you away?:eyebrows:
Ah, Mojo, there are definitely times I wish Calvin would take me away, but that's a whole 'nuther story!

Things continue to go well! Yes, Layla, this weekend will be some of this :treadmill::upright:and (where's the one for pumping iron) followed by some of this :happyfeet:tonight but not this :martini: (usually just drink tea when I'm out on the town).

Monday will be my last PT session. I have some non-hip surgery on Thursday (Happy Valentine's Day to me) so it seemed a natural point to end it. I can do day to day things but it's still difficult to lift the leg or lift and externally rotate it. Since it can be done manually, it's just muscle and not structural. Passive range of motion is good (I can do the pigeon again without pain). My PT said it's just going to be a long process to strengthen the muscle and up to me to decide how much is enough. At my last session, we're going to go over the progression of exercises and intensity and how to decide when I'm ready for the next step. I can always go back if I need more help.

Someone asked me recently why I felt the surgery was successful if I still had weakness (which will hopefully get better as time goes on). It's really so many things that improve my mood and sense of well-being. First, to sleep so muc better and wake up refreshed. Then, to not have that inner Mojo constantly reminding me that I shouldn't do something because it might hurt. And to not have that underlying pain (all of us on this site know how even a little bit of constant pain can lead to irritability and depression). I'm also so glad to be off all pain meds (not good to take even NSAIDs long-term) and the strong muscle relaxant that created a good deal of fog.

Not a bad list of things to be thankful for!
So happy to hear that you are getting along well! I am like you - I can deal with some weakness vs. pain, so I would consider that a success....

Have fun exercising! I am going to the gym this afternoon to get on the bike to see how it goes. Maybe someday, I will catch up to you! :fasthorse:
@Marvy - you'll be here before you know it. When they've done the right procedure and done it right, it's amazing how quickly you progress. I've also noticed your mood improving. Hope replacing frustration (at people not listening as much as at the pain) can do miracles! Enjoy your ride! (And maybe a little seated work with the weights?)
Not a bad list of things to be thankful for....that's for sure! All important.
I hope you enjoy your workout today, followed by dancing later on this evening.
Will be thinking of you with your non-hip surgery on Thursday. Prayers for a successful outcome.
You're showing Sara some love on V-Day in caring for yourself. It's all good!
Stay warm and have a great Saturday!
:roseshwr:I think you have plenty of time to strengthen my friend.
I don't doubt that you will continue to get better and better as time goes on.
No continuous pain and sweet sleep is certainly on the top of my thankful list.:yes:
Going to burn the woods down if it's not too windy.
Controlled burn. I'm the arsonist at large. :good-bad:
Something about the woods turn you into a Wild Woman, like Sara. @Mojo333
I feel like I need to alert the authorities when you mention "the woods."
Now she's burning em down - I Yi Yi! :groan:
Sara....stop her!
It is...only problems are the thick underbrush, catbriars, and grapevines.
And the all important...don't fall rule.:no-fin:
Wouldn't have even thought of trying it a year ago.
Hip hip HOORAY:yahoo:

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