TKR Onwards and upwards - my journey continues

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I'm sorry to hear about yor sons but lovely news about your granddaughter. Glad you are feeling better too. I am behind with Bonesmart at the moment. Not managing much in a day :flwrysmile:
Sorry to hear that Sue Dabber. I think we all go thru periods when our knees get to us and you have the pacemaker op as well so I think you're doing really well. Have a relaxed weekend. Do something you normally enjoy. Have some nice food. Anything to cheer you up. If the pain in your knee dosent go over the weekend with you taking painkillers maybe you should see your GP. Hopefully it will. My GP was not very understanding when I went back. She even asked at one point if Id had keyhole surgery for the op. are you joking. Nothing keyhole about a TKR. Hope you feel better soon Sue. Sending you hugs :friends:
:rofsign: keyhole.....if only!! Ship in a bottle like!! Saw and hammer down a tube!
There's a food festival on here but also tomorrow an open day at my French place that I'm drawn to....I want to get back gently into lessons, it keeps me sane well, ish! Car, train and bus, but not too difficult. I need to go and say hello to old friends. Show off my battle scars, borrow a book feel anything other than a hospital patient!
Sue :heehee:
:rofsign: keyhole.....if only!! Ship in a bottle like!! Saw and hammer down a tube!
Sue :heehee:
I couldn't agree more with both you and Pat on this one. Hope you have both had a lovely relaxing weekend.
Toothfairy x :SUNsmile:
Well Ladies my nightmare just happened. I just fell off a step ladder landed on a bed which promptly broke and fell awkwardly on my replacement knee. Im still a bit shaken and not sure if I have done any damage. Already bruising there. Fingers crossed. Where's the ice.
Oh gawd, Pat. Yes, that is all our worst nightmare - falling on our new knees. I'm quite sure though that you will have done no damage. Josephine is always telling us that replacement knees are as tough as old boots. Well, she doesn't use that phrase, but you know what I mean :heehee:

Sounds like you have the right idea, ice ice ice and perhaps more ice? You may feel a little sore for a while, but it will be okay. Can imagine how shaken you are though. I would be exactly the same!
Ouch Pat, that sounds really sore and very scary. :yikes:
I know you will be shaken and bruised but hopefully no real damage done.
Ice and painkillers and a nice glass of something soothing?
I will check back tomorrow and see how you are doing.
I fell on my left knee 4 weeks after surgery, admittedly not as dramatic as your fall but my knee was fine apart from bumps and bruises.
Hope you can sleep tonight,
Hugs, Toothfairy x :kittykiss:
Well couldnt climb the stairs properly tonight. But then the knee is quite swollen . Thank you Toothfairy will let you know how things are tomorrow . Nite everyone
Oh no!! How awful! See how it is in the morning. Praps they would see you at the hospital if you're worried about it tomorrow.
Well couldnt climb the stairs properly tonight. But then the knee is quite swollen . Thank you Toothfairy will let you know how things are tomorrow . Nite everyone

Poor you, it's not really surprising after such a nasty fall. I expect you will be sore, bruised and battered for a few days. Back to rest, ice, elevate and pain meds. I think some chocolate is needed for pain and shock, to be taken regularly as needed. :wink:
Life is just so unfair at times, you didn't need this,
Hugs and sympathy coming your way,
Toothfairy x :scare: :sigh: :console2: :flwrysmile:
Morning TF. The chocolate has been ordered. Told husband Toothfairy orders. Couldnt get to sleep as I just couldn't get comfortable. So im in my newly decorated bedroom (havent done decorating for a good few years) feeling very pleased with the result apart from the last bit. Got told off by EVERYONE for doing too much but I was on a roll. Very swollen and lots of bruising. Although I fell onto the bed it was a metal frame so it wasnt really a soft landing. Well thats it my first fall over and didnt do too badly considering. Hope you have a peaceful restful day. Hugs.
Newly decorated bedroom sounds fab, can you post a picture? What colour have you gone for?
We really need to sort our bedroom out. It needs a major overhaul, fitted wardrobes that came with the house removed etc. it is next in the list to do but I don't know when we will get round to it. Need to do some saving first.
I would be happy with a coat of paint and new flooring but my husband never believes in doing and easy job if he can do a major project instead!!!
Your knee sounds really nasty but hopefully it will settle soon. Hope it's your last fall too!
Enjoy your resting and your chocolate, yum,
Hugs Toothfairy x :bicycle2: :flwrysmile:
I wonder how many of us have put off big jobs like decorating for years because of our knees. I have 3 friends who've been going through their whole houses and I have been so envious, but haven't had the energy to start. I'm now looking at colour charts.
Its all cream and gold TF. Just waiting for new carpet now. Was going to get the wooden flooring but I decided I would like the warmth of a carpet. Will post pictures soon. Im very pleased with it. As is the chocolate im having. Bliss.
Sounds lovely. I have been indulging in some maltesers this last week. Not something I usually eat but I just had a notion for some. Yum.
Look forward to the photos.
I hope your knee is settling,
Toothfairy x :SUNsmile:
Pat, I'm so sorry to hear about your fall! :yikes: Thank goodness you didn't go all the way to the floor! Yes the dreaded fall is always in the back of my mind, and I hope it never comes to the front!

Your bedroom sounds very nice! I like those colors together, can't wait to see the pics!

Stay safe kiddo!
That sounds a lovely room. I saw some gold wallpaper I fancied for our sitting room. I love colour, just love it so chairs and so on are raspberry, gold, green.
How is your knee?
Oh Pat..... Falling is sooooo scary!:scare: I am sure some Ice and elevating will help the swelling and make it easier to move.... can we say "Down day".... The work will be there tomorrow!:wink: and be careful on those ladders!:no-fin: No reaching, move the ladder! A nice glass of wine would go with those lovely chocolates.:beer:
It is funny how we all want to redecorate the bedroom after this surgery. :umm: Hmmmm.....
Oh gawd, Pat. Yes, that is all our worst nightmare - falling on our new knees. I'm quite sure though that you will have done no damage. Josephine is always telling us that replacement knees are as tough as old boots. Well, she doesn't use that phrase, but you know what I mean :heehee:

For a minute there KathyH I thought you were calling me tough as old boots. Feeling battered and bruised but ok today. Joy said its weird how we all want to decorate our rooms after the op. to be honest i felt like I had spent soooooo much time in there after the TKR it began to feel like a prison cell. Feels so much better now all cream and gold and clean and fresh. So pleased to have done it on my own even tho I had a fall. I just couldn't have done it before. Nice to hear from you Kathy. Hope you and all your family are well take care x x x
Hello Pat, just checking in after a while off the site. Sorry to hear about your fall and hope everything is ok.

take care, bedroom sounds lovely.

Fernie x
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