THR my new hips

@Layla I'm fine and how could I forget about all my BoneSmart friends. @cpollock sleep is good and bad. I'm bored by not doing anything so I have a lousy sleeping pattern. Not due to any discomfort.just developing bad habits I much sitting. I'm getting stronger. I'll be glad to see the Doctor and be released to drive. We went to DMV on Thursday to get a handicap parking placard.that took an hour. At least it was free.
I've been walking,doing laps in the kitchen & dining im going out to the shop and putter around.
I'm stiff when I stand then do a drunk little stager for a few steps after that I'm pretty good. Even to the point of not needing the Cain for a bit. I can do 3-4 stairs normal once a day, I don't push anything to hard. Even been using the recumbent bike a little. Slowly getting my life back ,good thing I've got quite a honey do list.
You are doing great @Gone again I had my placard since last September already. It expires by the end of this September and won't need to renew it. I also try to take a few steps on my own but not ready. I limp but I keep testing it each day. I can really motor around with my walker and have been using the cane about 25% of the time. I'm not supposed to be but feel I'm ready. Each day gets a little better. I make sure my gait is good when walking. Good for you on the stairs. I wish you continued recovery. Cheryl

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@cpollock I'm glad your doing well and testing the new hip a little.thats great. If you don't test it you don't know what you can do. I find myself walking away from my Cane. So my daughter and wife follow me around with it. How stupid is that:heehee:
Gone again, you are doing it all just right. At about 6 weeks I had the stagger step thing going on. Very normal.
Started weaning off the cane but there are a few near misses so don't think your family is stupid at all.
Plus I started to do some stairs (so I could get off the stupid porch) and walks outside and even at first of June
, guess because of heat, would have sudden dizzy spells that caused me to stop and wait for family member to escort me.
We DO NOT want to fall..right?
Don't try to keep up with these super hero is the exception rather than the bonesmart rule.
You are doing great
Today marks 5 weeks a little better every day. Went out and watered what's left of the garden yesterday. Did some weeding with the hoe. Sprayed deer repellant on what's left of the garden. Sprayed a few wasp nests . Almost tripped had to step backwards quick with the operated leg. OUCH. Ok I'm done back to the Tylenol and ice. I'm a little sore this morning .not bad enough for Tylenol so I'll be taking it easy today.
Hi @Gone again
You sound well and productive. Today marks four weeks for me, you're one ahead of me!

Almost tripping has to be frightening! The closest I've come is walking down the hall leaving PT yesterday.
In my recovery I've been wearing a comfy pair of those slip on Sketcher Go Walks and the rubber at the toe of my shoe kind of caught the carpet, catching me off guard......anyone ever do this? I've done this over time on ocassion, usually if I'm wearing athletic shoes, never falling but it makes me wonder if I haven't been adequately picking my feet up for years, or if I'm just a clutz, haha! Probably the latter....
Wishing you a great week!
I've had the same issue, pre-op @Layla... definitely think I was sloppy/careless and just plain old suffering when walking before so all kinds of bad habits have to be kicked to the curb now.

Haven't had it happen since surgery, but I think it's because I am thinking about how to walk with each step I take. I've been wearing a new pair of Toms. Memory foam inside, thin sole... perhaps the thin sole has helped too? I read somewhere, probably here, it's important to wear new shoes post-op...

I have a new pair of sneakers, just haven't felt like wearing them in this heat. Congrats on our 4-week anniversary!
Thanks for that reminder @313Lola about new shoes after new hip! I've read that, forgot and been wearing pre-op shoes. I looked up the Tom's after you mentioned the thin sole, found DSW carries them so I'll be checking that out on my next outing....thanks!

I've been a ballet flat wearer for years which I think is a big no-no due to lack of support. Always been my go to shoe. I've thrown heels by the wayside over the past couple years in favor of wedges if I need / want some height for dress up. Clarks, Naturalizer, Vionic etc have never been my choice in shoe shopping. Always considered them practical shoes for old people, haha.....well I've arrived! I guess as I age I'm learning to throw beauty aside in favor of comfort and SAFETY. Tough pill to swallow, insert gagging here!

Sorry to hi-jack your page @Gone again talking about women's shoes......and vanity.
And Conrats to you too on our 4 week anniversary!
A great day to all.....
@Gone again Glad to here things are progressing and you are now outside doing a few things. I was green lighted to drive again today as well. I have had a few slips (e.g., crutch hits a wet patch in the kitchen) that didn't result in a fall but sure caught me by surprise and left me with the feeling that a knife jammed my hip when I tensed and possibly rotated just a little . Just a good reminder that although we might feel good when we are moving perfectly, we still have lots of recovery to do.
Yikes! @BoryMcDune Cringe, ouch, just plain scary!
Falling is something I fear now that I feel better. I'm trying to slow down and be mindful that I'm still fragile.
Awesome you didn't hurt yourself.
Continued healing to you!
No mojo you didn't jinx me I'm a clod. And the hip doesn't like to rotate much but it's improving. I've been slowly doing more stairs normally up and down. Can do 4-5 no problem but not without braceing on boath sides..still weak.
Ditto. As I said in a few of my posts, my mother used to say 'thank goodness I didnt name you Grace...'
Good thing she didnt name me Patience either.
Six weeks today. And a big YaHoo to everyone. Slowly getting better. I walk around the house without a Cain about 50% of the time. Can do socks and tie shoes although I'm at my limit. Can't pivot on hip vary well but improving. In the last week my other hip has started to bark. It has been good up until now due to all the rest but I fear the More active I am the more it will act up. We'll see. I saw three Surgons before the left THR and all said the right side looks much worse than the left. But pain was the guiding factor.
Happy six weeks @Gone again I feel you are further ahead than me, no way I can do socks yet and use my socks aid. Do you have a date for the other Hip Yet? I understand you are not doing PT exercises, is that Right? I limp yet without using an aid but each day it improves some. So I'm being patient and hope soon I will be able to strut around normal. At least the pain is gone, that's huge. Do you still have Swelling? I wish you well. Cheryl

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@cpollock Cheryl remember it's only been six weeks. You'll be strutting soon. We're on a wait and see for my other hip it hasn't been to bad. Dr lifted all restrictions except running and jumping. No PT needed. He could see a small gap in the hip socket where the bone is still growing in. He said it will take another 6-8 weeks for it to grow in. According to my FitBit I'm walking around 1.5 miles a day. I walked around 3 miles Tuesday and that was to much I was sore all day Wednesday and took it easy. I do have a little swelling still and the numbness is decreasing
Gone again you are doing awesome! I was trying to start doing more "organized: walking a couple of weeks ago. When I say "organized" I mean to walk a measured distance on a trail or road -- not just counting my normal steps. I had to back off after 2 days. I am a slow learner when it comes to "pushing". So I went back to just my normal activities, which probably have me walking about 1.5 miles anyway - plenty for me right now. One thing I have learned is you can't "make" yourself heal, you have to "let" yourself heal. Hoping to see doc next week he will take another Xray to see how things are looking.
It is the hardest lesson to learn. I bookmarked a post from
sharonslps on thread THR making six weeks
Kept it to remind myself that we are injured and need to baby these hips.
Good for you gwenc and Gone again for doing what your body needs for you to do in order for these hips to last decades.
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Wow @Gone again Socks and shoes! I haven't attempted that yet and don't know I'm confident I will succeed.
I managed a pedicure though, through struggle. Female priorities, I guess ha!
I'm not much of a sock wearer this time of year anyway so hopefully by the time I want to wear a pair my flexibility will be improved.

I hear you on the second hip (your right) in letting pain be your guide. My dad had both hips done at age 72, within five months. He chose the more deteriorated one first which was barely causing him any pain! He had the one that was very painful, but not as deteriorated done second. Of course his thinking was to take care of the one in worse shape first. He still wonders at times how long he could have waited on the one that wasn't really bothering him. Hopefully at 72 they'll last his lifetime...barring no problems. He's 79 now and has had no problems to date. The longevity of the prosthetic was my concern going in but pain dictated my decision and this site has since taught me they can last a lot longer than the 15-20 yrs the medical profession advises......

Continued healing, sounds as though your doing great!

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