THR Meralgia Parasthetica - any experience?

Maybe it is just so sore because it is accepting all the burden of hip #2 for the last 2 weeks but sometimes I feel like both legs have just had surgery. Has anyone had this experience?

I had my right knee replaced last January not knowing the hip was bad as well. The knee had been doing pretty well but has regressed with the lack of mobility the hip has caused. Hopefully we'll both find relief as the new joint heals. :cheers:
Happy 3 week anniversary. Sounds like you are doing well. I am progressing well also and using a cane and sometimes even nothing in the house. Being careful though since I definitely do not want to go backward. Have a peaceful night.
@ leejaa: Thanks leejaa.... and you too!!! The swelling seems to be going down every day but the pain in the muscles around the incision remains and seems worse maybe because I stopped the tylenol ? (upset stomachs etc) and moving around more? Also increased groin pain when I walk.

@leejaa and anyone?
Are you doing any mild home exercises ( heel slides etc?) I have been so pooped, I haven't been very active for the last 2 days . Today I had my hair done which made me feel good. I was there for 1.5 hours sitting and standing, came home pooped. Using a cane and a walker later in the day when my legs are tired. I think I should be using the cane more but I'm wobbly with it which makes me think I'm not ready. Any advice?

For some reason, I cried all day Tuesday even after the OS visit on Monday. I think this happened last time after I stopped the oxycodone. I worry about every complication. I just became scared that something was going go wrong with this hip surgery and get doomed that the was going to be the rest of my life. YIKES. That's why I decided to get my hair done today to make myself feel better and put a stop to that mindset. Oh well.... Tomorrow' s another day.
Hi @ritabell
Hope today is a better day with good hair!:) :-) (:
I think most of us have gone through the mood swings, I certainly did, that often are aftereffects of major surgery.

Undergoing anesthesia, feelings of disorientation immediately after...medications used after surgery, pain, changes to our daily routine, traumatic stress, our expectations about surgical outcomes, and a sense of losing mobility or independence are all factors for our psyche to deal with during our first month out from hip replacement.

Good for you for being proactive and getting out some.
Sending continued well wishes...
Good morning @ritabell. I also have that tired feeling but I am taking it easy. I am doing some of the exercises and I have home PT 2x/wk with some very light exercises she is showing me. I do not do all of them every day but some of them each day. Mainly walking around the house and getting up more often to get my own drinks and tea etc so that the walking has a purpose. In between resting a lot in recliner. I too feel some groin pain and some achiness around the joint and minor pain over the incision. I did not have much swelling at all and almost no bruising which helped. I still ice a lot when reclining just to help. I do take Tylenol still and also Celebrex which I always take due to arthritis in other joints, especially my thumbs which hurt like the dickens without the Celebrex - I tried being off it after my first hip and could not sleep due to the thumbs.

I have not made any excursions outside of home. I think I will probably wait till I see my OS at 4 weeks on 12.11.19. This will be my big excursion especially since the office is almost 1.5hrs away from my house. The weather has been awful the last week which makes staying at home a bit easier with no desire to go out on the roads.

Emotions have been a bit all over the place which I find is pretty normal after these surgeries.

I hope having your hair done gave you the needed lift. Have a peaceful restful day. Don't forget to ice.
I purposely went to the hair salon early in the AM when I know no one is there which I did also for the last hip. I needed some root color (too much gray showing) and I think my hairdresser did an extra special job because I really felt good about myself when I left. I put it up at night in a roller so it will last 3-4 days. This was my 3rd adventure... trader joe's which was easy because we went early and its a small store, Thanksgiving where I just sat around and it was a short drive, and the hair dresser around the corner yesterday. Each outing has been easy because they're very close and I've got the getting- into/out -of- the- car thing down pat.

Thanks @leejaa for letting me know what PT you are doing. It makes me feel better knowing I shouldn't overdo it. I, too, try to walk around the house a lot during the day.

I only had 5 home PT visits for this hip unlike hip #1 which was 10 visits which I thought was just right. OS gave me a script for PT but not doing that yet as all have advised. I, too, have an easy set of exercises that the home PT gave me to do which I like and walk around the house a lot.

I had the same swelling for hip #1 and I think it has to do with the anterior approach because there's not much in the front on you leg where the incision is and, like last time, there's a big lump under the bottom of the incision, which has decreased a lot, but it is still creepy along with the ugly incision.

I guess I'm just frustrated and impatient about this hip#2 recovery and the weather doesn't help. I am looking forward to Christmas as we have lots going on around here at relatives' houses and, for the first time in 40 years, I am not having Christmas. I just can't do it which is a relief, but I do miss my decorations. It just sounds too exhausting to bother with. My husband is so happy he's not making 10 trips up into the attic. Maybe we'll buy lots of poinsettia plants and put them all over the house so it looks festive along with a few wreaths. Christmas music always helps. And it's just 4 1/2 weeks until the new granddaughter ,so I'm resting up for that. I hope I'm feeling a lot better by then. It will be almost 8 weeks when she is born and we will be there for a week. If it's too much , we'll just stay few days and return a few weeks later.
Sometimes it is good to mix it up a bit for the holidays when things happen. Next year you can do it all or not as you want. The poinsettias sound nice and wreaths. A new grandchild sounds like a wonderful present and I am sure at 8 weeks you will be in great shape especially since you are not overdoing with Christmas. Quite a reward for taking care of yourself.

We are both progressing and that is the best part and are on our way to normal.
Ritabell I took prunes to the hospital. I ate 6 a day and went without any issues. At home Im still tsking 6 a day is great to keep you going and is a good source of iron.
Its a smart idea to go to the hair salon early in the day.:yes: I am glad you are happy with the results and keeping it looking good. Definitely a good way to lift your spirits and feel somewhat normal.
It sounds like you have a good, cheery alternative plan for decorating and enjoying holiday music. Poinsettias are so lovely as a bright indoor plant in winter. I also like an amaryllis or two.
This year you get to be the guest at the party, and that is okay. You have earned that place. You get to relax and I am sure that is a very strange feeling. :bath:
I am writing to you because you had the 2 anterior hip close together, closer than mine this year.
I expressed a concern lat week about the aches/pains/twinges that developed in hip # 1 midway through week 2 on the outside of the leg. (IT Band?) I don't remember doing anything to aggravate it except I had real difficulty standing up from a seated position while putting all my weight on this "good" leg . I asked the NP at the OS appointment who looked at the X-ray and said all looked fine. She said hip #1 leg was accepting all the burden and this is to be expected but I'm still worried about it and don't know what to do except ice it and try to walk more normally as the pain in hip #2 decreases.

I become preoccupied with something like this and imagine that some terrible thing has happened (what, I don't know) since I am such a worry wort. I guess I can call the OS again on Monday if there is no improvement.

The home PT said he would stop by if I needed I'm and I was thinking of asking him about it since he know me so well.

Your thoughts about the interaction of hip #1 and hip #2. It's not the hip per se but the outside of the leg of hip #1.
Hi @ritabell first of all, I am so sorry you are worrying about your fist hip. The IT Bands can really tighten up and cause some grief.
Have you considered switching to heat for hip [HASH=145]#1?[/HASH] It's 8 months along in it's healing and I am guessing that the heat might be relaxing and comforting to that area.
Please try not to worry, our body goes through a huge amount of adjustment after a joint replacement.

Also you, my friend, have had your hips replaced much closer together than I did. Mine are almost 4 years apart and even then my first hip/leg complained! Along with my lower back and SI joints!

I think that maybe having the PT stop by for some massage and advice for hip# 1 could be helpful for you and try to focus on the NP stating that everything looks fine when you had your follow up visit.

It's so difficult not to worry, we all do it. Our minds just go to those worrisome thoughts. But I truly think that you are okay and just need to give it time. It's still very early in the healing game for you.. ((hugs))
Hi @ritabell
I'm sorry you're dealing with some pain and also struggling with anxiety over your concerns which tends to keep us in a heightened state of awareness and unable to fully relax. My heart goes out to you in your mental anguish, but since you're only just over three weeks post op, which is basically the infancy of your recovery, I'm not surprised your good leg has taken on some of the burden of supporting Lefty, leaving Righty in some discomfort and a bit fatigued.

I'm wondering when your last home PT ended in relation to all and also what PT exercises you are engaging in many reps and how often?
You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable, but I'm wondering if it could be the source of your pain? You may want to consider stopping all of it for a couple weeks and simply try icing any / all areas of discomfort, several times per day, for no lesss than 45-60 minutes each time you ice in an effort toward improvement, but also to see if something you're engaging in is aggravating your right leg.

You've been through a lot. Two major surgeries in a little over seven months.
Your body has a lot of healing to do and Hip 1 is also still in recovery, try not to lose sight of that. Please be gentle on yourself and feel confident this will turn around. Try to distract yourself with all of the sights, sounds and scents the season brings along with the wonderful anticipation of the new addition to your family soon.

I have faith that this will ease and you will have a wonderful Christmas and a fabulous 2020! Please think on that and rest up for all of the excitement.

Wishing you comfort, peace of mind and a relaxing weekend. Hugs! :friends:

I spoke to my home PT and he reinforced what the 2 of you have said about the righty handling the burden right now and new imbalance my both hips have to adjust to.

I am doing very minor home PT , mostly leg slides which I feel have improved my new hip. Nothing else meaningful BUT for the first 2 weeks, my husband recalls that in order to stand from the bed or sofa, I put all my weight clumsily on my old leg and looked like I was straining to get up very awkwardly, so I am sure that has something to do with my righty. His description is a blur to me. The home PT called me right away and said, like you, that the IT band can easily get inflamed. Ice , massage with ice balls, try to put a little more weight on the new hip now to de-stress the old one. Nice of him to call and advise. Not going to outside PT for now as you have suggested.

This is why I love Bonesmart. When your world shrinks due to major surgery, your mobility is so limited and you're resting most of the time, your hip is ever-present in everything you do and you have plenty of time to fret over the newest ache/pain. It's hard to turn off that little voice in my head. And, of course, having 2 hip surgeries in one year, I want NOTHING to go wrong that could be in my control when very little else is for now. Even though I repeat my worries, I obviously need to be reinforced and a pep talk and try to provide that for some others.

Thank you for your support.
BUT for the first 2 weeks, my husband recalls that in order to stand from the bed or sofa, I put all my weight clumsily on my old leg and looked like I was straining to get up very awkwardly, so I am sure that has something to do with my righty. His description is a blur to me.

While his description is a blur to you, it made an impression on hubs as he most likely mentally cringed realizing your struggle with each attempt to get upright.

try to put a little more weight on the new hip now to de-stress the old one.

Makes sense to me. :)

You seem a bit relieved :yay: Now go distract yourself with some peaceful music, beautiful sights or smiley happy faces, rather than allowing your mind to go to the bad place. You're going to be OK!

Today is a GOOD DAY to have a GREAT DAY :yes:
Go make it happen! :wink:
Oh ritabell, what a sweet update, and we are indeed here for each other and you are so correct, our world does get very small when it revolves around our new joint(s) and discomforts..
Glad to hear you will not be doing any outside PT and taking it calmly and slowly..
I wish for you a very easy and relaxing weekend. :flwrysmile:
I want NOTHING to go wrong that could be in my control when very little else is for now.
I understand what you are saying, (even before hip surgery).
You are almost near the four week mark, and you are so lucky to have a second observer, who can also help ease your concerns and make observations to share with you. I am hoping you are improving each day and before you know it you will be driving again and getting out of the house more often.
Hi @ritabell
Wondering how you're doing? I hope you had a nice weekend and the week is off to a good start. It will be four weeks tomorrow already, yay! :happydance:
Time flies when we're having least I hope you're having fun, even if it's only a teensy tiny bit of fun. :)
Happy Tuesday!
I haven't written because I had a panic attack about the aches and tingling sensations that started having before Thanksgiving in hip #1 from March and took a tranquilizer. Last week at my first post op visit with hip #2 , I discussed these sensations, even though I only had them for a few days, and the NP said that this is what happens when your body adjusts to walking and balance after 2 hip surgeries and putting all my weight back on hip # 1. ( I hope I'm not driving everyone crazy with [HASH=149]#ing[/HASH] my hips) However, it hasn't gotten any better in a week with icing and stretching, and I started non-stop worrying and crying that something else was wrong. This is what hens when all you have to think about is your hips. My husband came to the rescue and called the OS and made an appointment for this AM because I just couldn't even speak on the phone. SO, the bottom line is that IT Band is sore and inflamed and the nerve in my leg is aggrivated since I get an occasional zap down my leg and tingling on my leg. I do have spinal stenosis but the OS was hesitant to "blame" any one thing, Instead he recommended PT massage for the IT band and gabapentin for the nerve problem which I had taken before. I'll followup in 4 weeks for hip #2 and 6 weeks for hip #1. I felt so relieved at how the OS treated me and identified these 2 problems as I was irrationally convinced that I this was some kind of major damage somehow to hip # 1. How, who knows?

I have so much invested in these 2 hips this year and I am so much closer to being "well" that I can't tolerate ANY thing going wrong and completely over-react. As many here have said, hip #2 has a different healing process and timeline along with its own baggage. Hip #1 doesn't like it. Having said that, hip #2 is progressing but still has swelling that interfere with its progress.

So I might go to my PT ONLY for massage since that it was the script says or go to a massage therapist at my chiropractor's office who I know very well and is gentle. I will see what I can accomplish between my husband and myself.

I felt so much better after the OS visit that I actually put a few Christmas candle and wreaths around the house.

Let's hope the OS plan works and addresses these issues. If not, I will return sooner than 6 weeks.
I'm really sorry these new and strange sensations put you in such a twist
@ritabell I'm happy you received a thorough check up and explanation from the OS and hope you're able to rest easy tonight and sleep well.

With any luck the gentle massage will quickly prove beneficial and you'll feel the relief you're hoping for...keeping your mind at ease. It's encouraging you felt relaxed enough to decorate the house a little for the holidays. I hope you are able to enjoy Christmas and are looking forward to a brighter New Year!

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