Bilateral THR Made it!!

Great checkup. When the X-ray tech asked me to bend my knee and let it fall to the side-external rotation- I was like “ really?” . She laughed. Anyways I did it- omg no pain and decent range of motion! Cleared to drive no more TED hose; he suggested I take the anti inflammatory meds for the aching quads and slightly muscle sore left hip; I forgot to ask about shaving my legs so I had to email.. and I start outpatient PT in two weeks. He said I could probably go back to work at end of six weeks ; my disability insurance paid me thru 10/28; Plus with my twice weekly outpatient pt sessions and everything else i think i will look at returning to work third week in October.. prbly part time hours that first week. All good!
That is good news,@stellaluna! Look forward to hearing about your appointment.

The cramps wake me up too. I just got an insulated bag to keep one of my blue ice cushions in when I go to bed so that I don't have to hobble downstairs to the freezer. Also, I elevate my legs, on my wedge pillow or otherwise, when it happens.

I know what you mean about the excitement of just getting in a state of mind to do yoga. The other day when I was lying on the couch with my knees bent, my right (surgical) knee drifted outward for a moment and I realized that I had more range of motion than I had pre-surgery, and more than the one I'm having done next month. I freaked out for a second, because it was an "unapproved motion," and told myself to be more careful ... still ...
@stellaluna Such a great checkup! You must be so pleased :happydance: Take your time going back to work. It sounds like you will, and are taking the graduated approach too!

I had x-rays two weeks ago and the tech asked me to do what you just did, and of course I could hardly do it. She then had me position on my sides for both views instead. I haven't been able to do that falling to the side external rotation in so long, and can't wait for that day when I can do that again!! So happy for you!!

My surgery is two weeks tomorrow. Starting to become a nervous Nellie about it. Luckily I have a lot going on to keep me very busy, so that is good, for the most part! I am tired and hurting now though, but am still getting my floor exercises and barn chores done. Hope I can continue to the last minute. Feeling really unfit though!

So thrilled for you on your super recovery :)

You will do great @Alitm.. it’s life changing surgery. Positive attitude, rest like crazy post op, ice , I found yoga nidra wonderfully healing as well.
Thanks @stellaluna! I use my yoga breathing, check on where my tongue is in my mouth and start from my toes and relax with each exhale. I can't lay with my left leg out anymore though...something to do with that hip. I can start with it flat, even put a wedge under it, but then I start to get irritable leg syndrome or something! I have to bend it. I can now relax totally with it in that bent position. I can't wait until post op when I can lay flat again! I have an ice machine with one pad, so I can do one hip with that and the other with ice packs, and then switch! I've been practicing back sleeping with a wedge! I really want this surgery, so I can have my life back and ride again. Just having some wobbles! Finding it feels better to express it (a release of sorts), than hold it in! :) Thanks for the support!
:goodpost: great news my bilateral buddy!
Glad you got good report!
Hope today is a good day:flwrysmile:
@stellaluna, welcome and wow bravery medal to you for going bilateral! I had trouble with heel slides as well and couldn't get that knee to bend enough, then one just lost the stiffness and cooperated. Don't do anything that hurts!! Smooth recovery wishes!
Exactly what she says. Took a while for me to be able to do them but it does come!
@stellaluna I don't know if you saw my post on @1stSurgery 's post-op thread, but I used the yoga nidra tehnique while having an MRI today. It was awesome! Thank you so much for that reminder of how helpful it is. I wanted to ask you how often you practiced it each day for max benefit for yourself?
Honestly, sleep is really eluding me right now, and I feel so rested from a half hour MRI!! Amazing! Thank you again!
Hope your day is going well as you continue on your healing and recovery path.
@Alitm hey yes just saw that! I did not do it yesterday but since I have been home I have a little routine...I came up w/ a very safe yoga flow I am happy to share. I start seated, short meditation to ground me, then I do some very gentle seated poses, such as cat cow seated, shoulder opening using the yoga strap, gentle side body stretches with a TINY hint of seated twist- I do not push that at this point- I have a standing sun salutation that involves no forward bending past 90 degrees at all. It's more breath syncronized movement opening up the upper body. Mini chair pose w/the bed right behind me...I can try to to send it to you. I don't think I am able to upload it here. Anyway, I also do a very modified down dog using the walker, bureau assisted chaturanga pushups then modified pilates 100's on the bed (with knees bent and over hips and legs in reverse table/shins parallel to floor) and gentle closing stretches. I have only just w/in the last day added in prone (on the bed) gentle sphinx and modified locust pose keeping legs on the bed. I showed it to my PT and she approved it as being safe. Then I follow w/yoga nidra roughly 30 min. BUT I dont rush to come out of it. Did I mention the phone app "insight timer" to you? lots of meditation and yoga nidra to choose from.

I am now walking around the house w/no cane! muscles sore in quads but I expect that first thing in AM. Had a great nites sleep last nite!
@stellaluna Your routine is super, and it is very helpful to see all the modifications you have made. I understand everything you said, thank you so much. I have a floor routine that I am still doing, with the ROM I have (!) and within my comfort zone. As the hips went decidedly down hill, I switched to all somatic yoga and did what I could in class. Now I just do at home, with some pilates mat stuff like the 100, leg circles (tiny LOL!!), spine stretch forward (love for my back and will miss this while I can't do it) and modified roll down (I don't go down all the way anymore). I also do the plank, down dog (love for my back/hips and could hang out there all day!), modified child's pose (I can sit on my hips and then lean forward with my hands stretched out to a pine trunk so get the back stretch, but can't get down to the floor with my forehead anymore...not sure if that is hip or back issues or both!. I do a somatic clam shell where I have a firm pillow between my knees, and position my legs so the hamstrings don't kick in. I "lift" my knee, not even off the pillow, but just enough to engage the hip muscle for a second (can't remember the name of which one engages) and relax. I also do the reverse, in which one lifts the ankle, keeping the knees (with pillow for me) together and relax. Literally it is the tiniest of lifts, just enough to get the appropriate muscle to fire. If anything hurts on any given day, I don't do. The other exercises that help me stay functional are the lay on my back, hip flexor release...a somatic yoga exercise as I know it where one knee is bent and the other leg is flat and relaxed (took me forever to learn to relax it, I was so tight). I can drop my bent knee in over the other leg and back, relax, repeat etc. That is OK for me, but don't ask me to let that knee fall out though!! I was so excited for you when you could do that in physio! I also do window wipers after the releasing of the hip flexors. That feels awesome to me. If they hurt at all I stop. The last exercise I do is another somatic, super gentle exercise that releases my back. The first is a slight tilt to the front with the pelvis and then tilt back using the TO muscle, almost like a lying down cat cow. Just that gentle movement gets my core engaged. Once engaged, then I add a head tilt forward to my chest, with my hands behind my head, with my elbows at the side of my head, not out to the side (so not a sit up). All I do is tuck my chin and then relax, then repeat. I find this exercise alone has helped so much with fighting the OA wanting to put my pelvis out behind me like a duck and walking bent foreward. Anything that tightens the abs and loosens the back works for me! It is like fighting City Hall at the moment. Can't wait to get my pelvis back underneath me without the battle, and stand straighter. I picked up the walker etc. this week and the Red Cross fitted them for me. I stand SO straight again with the walker. Can't wait to be post op! Your posts are so helpful! Thank you again!
Thank you also for the meditation link! Awesome! The only way I can get off the floor these days is to go into table, then up into down dog and then walk my hands back to my feet and roll up! I can also tie my hiking boots (only thing I can wear in the barn without limping from the start) by rolling down. Can't cut my toe nails though! I can pick up things from the floor with rolling down/up...but hard first thing in the AM!
Hi there, :hi:
Great appointment! It's so wonderful when you realize you can do something without experiencing the pain
you felt only weeks ago upon the same movement. Your x-ray story brought back memories.
Yay for no more TED's and driving. :yay:
Check out the razor in the Recovery Aids for when you're ready to shave while you're still not as flexible as you'll be.
I hope you have a great holiday weekend!
I am curious ,,question for my bilateral buddies- how much time did you take from work? and what was your return to work experience like? I have a desk job but it's demanding and stressful -up and down, and just super BUSY. Long days ..... My dr's office indicated my return to work date (on a short term disability form) would be 11/30 but I think that's too long. when I asked my dr about it at my first post op he said, yes that's a bit long but would be reserved for worse case scenarios. You could probably return after 6 weeks. Thing is I don't think I will be ready in 6 weeks. I have at least 12 pt visits starting mid September (when home pt expires)...I am considering returning mid October, going part time first week then easing into full tme after that. Plus I will be back to teaching yoga, just one class a week. As of today I am still on the cane. Can walk short, very short distances in house w/out it but not ready to fly solo yet. Walking outside using 2 crutches..still quite energy zapped (i know it's only 3 weeks) Curious to hear other people's experiences. I hope they (work) don't give me a hard time. I told them I would be out at least 6 - 8 weeks but really didnt know for sure. And I want to be sure I am READY when I am ready.
Thanx @Layla ! Wow @Josephine makes great points- it’s not just the actual time spent at work you gotta figure in every thing before you get there then home! She mentions 10/12 weeks I get why now! I think I’m doing the right thing. I am not even counting the week of my surgery cuz it was rough the first three days - in hospital longer than expected, blood transfusion , throwing up. Hey I survived it though lol.
You've been through a lot. Do your recovery right. Take it slow and easy, not pushing it,
to avoid set backs. The Activity Progression for THR that was in the Recovery Guidelines
is another good one to use as a rough gauge to keep yourself in check -

Please read through all of the articles if you haven't. I think you'll find them beneficial. It took me a few weeks before I could really absorb the info. So please go back and read if you haven't taken the time yet.
A great day to you!
Dear @stellaluna - I am happy to find your posts this morning. I do believe my yoga practice adaptations duringthe 4 years trying to avoid surgery has helped in my recovery. From adapting to chair yoga and beginning to teach accessible yoga to the breathing and meditation, I believe it's been a contributing factor to success. I also do Eden Energy Medicine and was in the pool for exercise during that time. I continue to do my yoga on a chair (all asanas and of course pranayama can be don on a chair) and begin teaching again in Oct. I'm glad to find fellow yogis here. I'm almost 3 months post (just one hip) and a major goal is to get on the floor for mat work and play with my dog better. My PT showed me but it was a challenge and I still can't get the surgical leg to rotate into lotus. I hope that comes back but slow and gently ahimsa is the mantra! I am following you now on Bsmart!

When you start teaching yoga again soon, are you able to get on the floor? Are you posterior or anterior? My posterior one hip still has bending and rotating restrictions but I'm certain they will be lifted at my 9/11 3 month ost op appointment.

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