Revision TKR Lovetocookandsew’s long road to recovery

I realized I didn't tell you the name of the strap I've used. Its called Stretch Out OPTP. I think mine came from good old Amazon however I'm looking at my strap and they list a website: Of course a long belt can even be used.

Do you have earbuds or headphones? I know for me personally when pain is out of control or if I'm even trying to relax when I put my earbuds in and some calming music it helps me. With Pandora, ITunes, Spotify, Sirus and others you can find something you enjoy listening to.

Just trying to help get you on the road to recovery.
@eaglemom Thanks. I have headphones along with me. I have the new earbuds but don't really like them so don't use them. I also have a strap I really like from PT here at the hospital. Plus, I have tons and tons of music on my laptop, phone and Amazon Prime playlist, and a ton of shows to watch on my laptop, Amazon and so on. But the advice is always welcome. Thanks again.

PT came in earlier to help me get up and walk. The pain was once again way beyond unbearable. I fought and fought, but all I could get my stupid body to do was stand for a few seconds before having to sit. It hit the "just shoot me now" stage as soon as I started to move towards the side of the bed to stand. I had to go very slowly and stop a lot. The PT said he was impressed, as most people in that amount of pain would not have tried that hard.

Meantime, it finally broke me and I started blubbering like a baby, which is what I feel like from not being able to walk even one single step so far. I've had nurses, several doctors, and PT working together and all of them have been through my room today since this happened. Even with IV Ibuprofin, OTC Tylenol, a pain pump which has been raised to 6 now, and a separate nerve block; the one area that has the worst excruciating pain is not covered. The anesthesiologist said he could block the area but the side effect would be pretty bad as I would have to be in a brace due to foot drop; no walking would be allowed and I'd still have to be here. Naturally we both vetoed that idea.

So, I have to be here until the pain is bearable. The PT said if it would drop to a 6 or 7, the way I fought today, I'd be able to walk. BTW, this PT is wonderful. Those of you who know me know I don't do PT, but this guy is amazing. He's also checking out this site, so he's a keeper!

I'm still really tearful, and I NEVER cry. I really, really, really wanted to go home today but have been told by PT, the hospitalist and so on, that it's not happening until I can walk. Maybe tomorrow, maybe longer. The PT did get a look from me when he told me he was on until Saturday! I had better not need to be here that long! I'm no longer connected to any tubes, wires or monitors. The foley came out this am, finally, and all I have is the IV port which isn't connected, just used when needed.

What's even worse is the no visitors policy. Otherwise my daughter and granddaughter could come cheer me up, my husband could spend hours playing games, visiting and so on since he's retired, and I wouldn't have to do this alone. I can't imagine how those in long term care are doing it when I've only been alone 5 days and am losing it.

I am so sorry you had a rough morning. You had a very complex surgery and it’s going to take TIME to recover. Don’t rush it. Follow the BoneSmart guidelines.

Can you zoom or FaceTime with the family? It’s not the same but it might help.

sending {{{hugs}}} and healing mojo
Sorry you are having such a rough time with your surgery and starting to walk. I hope you are able to get some rest tonight, and tomorrow is better.
I’ve been typing and erasing for a little bit now- everything I start to say doesn’t feel right. I think because there just isn’t a perfect thing to say right now. -.......but....... I am so sorry your struggling so much. I am glad you have a PT you like I imagine this would be so much more frustrating if you felt pushed by a PT to do things you don’t want to-shouldn’t do..... I’m glad you have made it this far- you will not have to have this day over again-and each day is closer to feeling better and farther away from this horrible time. I’m praying that tomorrow is at least a little better. The visiting restrictions feel so cruel-even if I understand it- ultimately though I think having the physical presence of those we love does help.
thinking of you and sending you lots of positive thoughts.
We are here for you, pretty much 24/7, and can drop in to say Hi whenever we want.
You can drop into the games room, and play mindless games, post in your thread, maybe read some of the bad jokes in the social room.

Glad you like your PT, they usually have a bit more time to spend with you.
Wow, Kim...sorry to read this. I sure hope this morning was better than yesterday and that things begin looking up for you very soon.
Sending a hug and lifting you in prayer. :console2: :prayer:
I'm sorry you're having such a bad time, Kim. I hope the pain starts to ease soon.
We're here for you - your virtual "family" - thinking of you and wishing you relief soon.
Lovetocookandsew’s long road to recovery
Lovetocookandsew’s long road to recovery
I lost my internet in the hospital yesterday, and could not get it back; no one could figure out how to get it to connect. I used my phone for a hotspot a little, but that was torture it was sooooooooo slow.
Anyway, check out the attached picture, and guess what it is.


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I don't have my ice machines hooked up yet (yes-machines-they sent me home with 2. Long story but a good ending) or my ugly hospital socks off, etc, but I AM HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PT came in today and I began the process of using my leg lifter to make my way to the edge of the bed. I was going slowly to avoid the massive pain, but it didn't hit. I got to the edge sitting with my feet on the floor, and was still waiting for the awful pain to hit. It didn't! I stood, minor pain only. I walked up the hall and back, then stepped onto the step so I remembered how to do it. I wanted to do a jig; I knew I was going home!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted, the prep and trip home were rough and I do have more pain now, but I can deal with it.

They made some changes yesterday that have obviously worked and here I am. :dancy::spin::dancy::spin::dancy::spin::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Wooowhooooo!! I’m sooooo happy to hear this!! :spin:-that is wonderful they found something to get your pain manageable and that you took steps too!! Best news I’ve had today!!

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