Janet’s Journey, Part 2

Need help with carbs? Bread. Biscuits, with honey or apple butter. Krispy Kreme. Cake. Brownies. Chocolate Chip Cookies. Ice Cream. (Afterwards that bowl filled with ice cream can be placed on a soft fluffy towel and used as an ice pack)
Pretty pic, Janet!
Sometimes I scan avatars rather than thread titles...
I was looking for the other photo and couldn't figure out why you'd disappear NOW?! :heehee:

Happy to see you're still here so we can continue to follow your journey and offer encouragement.

Hope you're feeling at peace with all at this point. Tomorrow at this time you'll have surgery
behind you and the healing will begin. I'm excited for you to lose the pain!!
Two new hips, they'll be no stopping you, what a great Summer you'll have.

Will look forward to a thumbs up :thumb: when you're able to post.
Big hugs!

I’m very much at peace, you all did a lot to get me here and helping others allowed me to focus on something other than myself.

I’m annoyed at the bf at the moment so I changed the avatar. He keeps teasing me like this surgery is no big deal. It’s probably his way of dealing with his fears, but I asked him to stop and be more sympathetic. He really does his best, I have zero real complaints. At this moment he is finishing the laundry. He’s a doll.

I changed all the bed clothes, cleaned all I could and am about to take my second shower of the day. Bf’s mom made me homemade spaghetti sauce so that’s what’s for dinner. How could I possibly complain?? I’m a blessed woman.

I’ll definitely give a report as soon as I’m able, even just a short one. I love my cheering section!!

Have a great Sunday!
Good luck tomorrow. Glad they have a pain plan for you.
This is the cheering section. Please note we are all wearing a matching happy yellow. :flwrysmile: in your honor
@newhip126 Good luck to a fellow Musketeer....paving the way for the rest of us :wink::yay:
Last one and done. Thinking of you and know all will go fine.
Happy you will finally be on the healing side soon:praying: and :loveshwr:.
You know that pain meds work different when you are in pain. Know this is big surgery...Get what you need...then worry about the rest. Don't let caretakers make you feel guilty...we are consummate worriers too.
You don't deserve to hurt just because you've had addiction issues.
You are going to be OK.
Healing Mojo coming at you girl.
Thanks for update @newhip126. Don’t be afraid to ask about the pain protocol. Sometimes things get lost in the shuffle. Also, maybe they have a different time schedule? Hope you can get pain managed.
Woohoo! Surgery behind you and on the road to recovery.
We could leave the Recovery Article here but how about we leave it on the other side when you're able to
start your new thread. Hope you're resting comfortably.
So happy for you!
Congratulations on making it to the other side! Looking forward to joining you on Thursday. Remember to ice, ice, baby and elevate. Hope you have a comfortable night despite the frequent nursing checks [emoji6]


RTHR 8 March 2018, posteriolateral
LTHR 18 March 2015, lateral robotic makoplasty

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