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THR Horsey Girl's Recovery

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Thanks Dorothy, Z and Jacey
I do have a pair of those chains for my boots. They really help in feeding the horses in the morning when it is icey. I will have to try the cooking oil when the weather gets warmer again. Right now it's in the teens and no problem with sticking. The sun is shining and it is beautiful.
We are supposed to get another snowstorm on Tuesday night into Wednesday. I may try to get my tractor going as my grandson is so busy with job and college. I started my pick up and the tractor a couple of days ago to let them run for awhile. No problem with the PU clutch but the tractor's is very hard to push down. Will see, but it is a lot easier than shoveling the snow. I have a bucket and a blade on my tractor. My house is a ways into my property and so have avery long driveway.
My thigh muscles are still weak. That is why the stairstepper may help. Yes, Z, it is like walking upstairs and never down. I still take mostly only one step at a time on regular stairs yet. Actually one of the exercises from my PT is to step up a step.
Yes, taking it easy is one of the hard things to do. I count teh steps on the stair stepper and don't go by minutes. The first day I did 150 and it was easy, so I thought I could increase a bit and did 500 the next day. My thigh muscles were really twitching that evening while resting. So, I slowed down the next day a bit. At the health club and also at work I always take the stairs.
Am still using the cane, so hopefully I can chuck that thing soon.
Well, patience and more patience. I'll get there.
Usually I snowshoe a lot during the winter, and now two winters in a row no go. Last winter I was recouperating from a broken ankle. I am finding as the years go by, it takes longer and longer to get back into shape.
I'll get there. :biggrin:
Hello Bea,

Time has flown by since I have said hello, sorry! You sound so active and doing really good! That's the best news.

Stay warm out there and safe,

We still have snow here. I told my grandson this morning, that it is not normal for me to shovel snow on March 1st. I was going to try driving my tractor, but my neighbor came and plowed my snow for me. So, I can give my hip some more rest before I try the tractor. It has such a heavy clutch.

I am ready for Spring. It has to come sometimes. :secretaea:

I started to walk more without the cane and it feels pretty good. Still take it with me when I go outside. Things are getting slowly better. :cat-kittyandsmiley:
Horsey girl,
Thank you for the kind words on my post. Have been following yours and you sound like you are doing really well.

I, like you, are so ready for spring. I usually am in good spirits but every once in a while this can get you down.

Great that you are walking without the cane some. And yes be careful with that tractor, the clutch could be hard on your new hip. Take care.
Horsey girl, Please be careful with that tractor. Don't push yourself. Isn't great to be able to walk by yourself. I couldn't wait till I got rid of the walker and the cane. I no dought got rid of the cane to soon but since I live by myself I found using a cane was really a pain. I needed both hands to do things. How are your horses doing? I hope everything is ok and the weather isn't giving you any trouble. :doggieshmooze:tashia:friends
Thanks Tashia and Dianemarie.
Yes, walking with the cane is a real hasstle. I am not using it much in the house anymore, only when I am in pain and need to walk without a limp.
Ouside I do use it all the time except once I am in the barn. Got my horses to hang on to there.
Went for a walk yesterday and did 1.5miles, so did not go to the club. I was so happy for doing that, but did feel it later on. I had also gone afterwards to a couple of large stores and so walked a bit yesterday. Took a couple of Advils before going to bed.
I usually take a couple of Advil before exercising and that works pretty well. Don't take more than two to four per day now.
I have been taking care of my horses for a while and it is working out well. Am able to clean the stalls, and their feet, and feed and water them ok.
I only ask my grandson for help when I need some bales of hay to be pulled down or I bought some grain and he will carry the bags into the barn for me to put them into my grain box. He is so busy with college and two jobs, so is not around very much.

Try to walk at least a mile a day and do the exercises my PT gives me. I see him twice a week. He told me to also go to the club into the pool walking. They have a running river and going upstream is good exercise.

I have less than a month to work and am than retired. :thumb: That will free up a lot of time for me to be with my animals.
I also bought a nicer camera before my last vacation and I am hopeful to have more time going out to take more pictures.
My dogs are so ready to start walking with me again. So far I have been taking my Ricky,a Newfoundland mix, with me only, as I don't have to put him on a leash and he always stays right with me. My other two dogs will run around and may get driven over or chase wild animals. They pull on the leash and I am not ready for that, so they have to stay home.
The sun is coming out and I will go for a walk. It is above freezing and the snow is melting. :yay:
I agree that you are doing great things! Doesn't it feel SO good to get back outside and with your horses again!!!!!!! The best!!!

Horsey Girl, Good hear that you had a good weekend and are feeling good. I am very tired today and feeling down. did too much. :doggieshmooze:tashai:friends:
Horsey Girl, I hope that you are still doing good. Remember don't overdue it.:doggieshmooze:Tashia:friends:
Yes, it is so easy to overdo it. I found if I walk 1.5 miles I can not do another 20 minutes on the bike. Am in pain then. Some of the pain may also come from me bending over a lot more now.
My pain is now mostly in the groin area and some tightness where the incision was. My PT says it's probably from my left leg being longer now and the muscles and tendons or whatever having to stretch.

Well, I hope they get used to stretching soon. :th_heehee:
I can just touch the floor now in front of me, but still putting on the sock onto my left leg does not work too well yet. Still using the plastic helper.

This morning I have the farrier coming out. So, have to catch my horses the first time since my operation. I hope they are cooperative. My arab is usually very good, which I can not say about my mustang. He still needs some work. But, they are very good boys. It's just that I am not able to move fast yet.

I hope everyone is doing great. The sun is out here and it's supposed to start warming up into the high 40s this week. :yes 4:
I will try to post more later on today. Have to do some work yet and also I am the treasurer for our cross country ski club. We had our meeting last night, so have stuff to do for them.

Hi Horsey,

I am enjoying your story so much. Spring is peaking around the corner here, I just saw my first robin in the yard! I need to get out in my apiary to take a look at my bees. From the house I see one of the hives flying today, but need to check out the second one.

I have yet to get my dog outside with me for a walk - he requires a leash. It will be a while until I need to work the yard - but you are an inspiration. Keep going girl!

I know how this goes:

"It's just that I am not able to move fast yet."

Please be careful...I know how we are when something needs to be done and we are the ones to do it. (I questioned the wisdom of carrying an old fashioned 27 inch TV needed to be done) But that was slow moving stuff, trying to move quick when not all the pieces want to cooperate is think b4 you leap...

Thanks Bilateral and Z. Got too late last night to get into bonesmart anymore.
My horses did just great yesterday. I am so proud of Cody, my mustang. He saw me with the halter and walked out of his stall. I thought, oh no, the ground is so uneven with the frozen mud right now. But he stopped and waited for me to put his halter on. What a sweetheart. My arab is usually no problem and was ok this time too. I have had him for over 27 years now. He is 29.
Started to sit on my saddle in the house and it is starting to work out pretty good. :yes 4: Won't be riding yet though. Doctor said so.

It is such beautiful weather today. Walked my 1.5 miles yesterday and may increase a bit today. Have also my PT appointment this pm.

Bilateral, you have bees. What an interesting hobby. With the bees having the problem with dying out we need lots of people like you to keep them going, hopefully. I only have lots of wild yellow jackets around my place.

Thanks Josephine for correcting my spelling. I still get mixed up with some of these words sometimes. English is actually my second language. I am German. Some people say that I do write with an accent.:rolleyespink:

I am German. Some people say that I do write with an accent.:rolleyespink:

:hysterical: Don't think so ... you write very well. I lived in Germany for three years and I dare say I couldn't write in German as well as you do in English.

Sounds like you had a lovely day with your horses. I am so happy for you. Some real progress!
I am German. Some people say that I do write with an accent.:rolleyespink:


German, huh!!! Cool. I was born in Frankfurt! I've always hoped to go back there one of these days!
I have a brother who lives just south of Frankfurt, close to Heidelberg. I stopped by last May when I was hiking on the Camino de Santiago in Spain.
I am hoping to fly there maybe next year. Try to go every few years. My relatives are getting older and I try to see them as often as possible.
Horsey Girl how wonderful that even your horses are giving you care. what a wonderful gift. gave me goose chills. I love to hear about your horses. Make me lonely for the wounderful animals. I don't know if I could ride one but we have a club that works with children that need extra help. they ride and a adult just walks the horse. I have been thinking about it and your talking and seeling the pictures makes me wonder if this is calling me. Please take care and please be careful with the tractor. Good to hear from you. :doggieshmooze:Tashia:friends:
I am so proud of Cody, my mustang. He saw me with the halter and walked out of his stall. I thought, oh no, the ground is so uneven with the frozen mud right now. But he stopped and waited for me to put his halter on. What a sweetheart.
That quite choked me up!
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