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THR Horsey Girl's Recovery

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Horsey girl

Dec 10, 2011
Idaho/United States
:thumb::yes 4:Hi there, I am on the other side.
Don't know how to change it to the post surgery post
I am writing on my good lap, so forgive my writng.
Got to the hospital at 5 this morning and surgery at 7;15. thyey gave me spinal block. am in my room now.
have been trying to sleep,but no luck.
evrerything went fine , I was so nervous that my hands were shaking.
the doctor said it was time even though I could still walk. my ball in my joint had been broken at one point in my life.
I am so glad this is over with and I can start healing now. they had me up walking by 1pm but to no surprise my blood pressure dropped and i was ready to pass out. will try again later today.
they said they will make me walk 3 x a day while in the hospital
I am on Roxycodon, Ultram, intravenous Toredol and Kefzol,Dexamethason.

I have astma and also are alergic to Vioxx and Celebrex

feeling great, pain is almost nonexistent so far. i am so glad i am on the other side and this is over with :loll:
Re: Pre-surgery jitters

Hello Bea....

Fabulous news! I'm thrilled you are able to post this evening that's no pain is even better news! I didn't sleep the 1st night ended up taking naps every 2 hours, i think it was my friend keeping me awake MORPHINE!

Hope you get some rest. Congratulations!!

Re: Pre-surgery jitters


Glad it went well and hope that the recovery goes great.

Take it easy. :thumb:

Re: Pre-surgery jitters

You guys who post from your hospital bed!!! You AMAZE me! All I could do was sleep.

I'm going to move your post over to the Post Op forum, so look for your thread there under the title of Horsey Girl's Recovery.
Hi Bea

Congratulations and welcome to the other side. :thumb:

Rest now, it is over and you can start your recovery.. Well done.
Yeah! You made it. Well done! I was wired post-op as well. It's the greatest feeling knowing it's all over and you can start healing.

Take care. We look forward to your updates!
Welcome to "the other side" HorseyGirl!! I'm so glad that things have gone well for you - May your recuperation be uneventful and complete!
Hi everyone
I must be still very tired. thought I posted a reply and it dissappeared.
Yesterday was a very tired day due to lack of sleep and happy medication. One time I attempted to call my grandson and I fell asleep between dialing and him answering. We had a good laugh over that one. I did sleep finally well last night.
Sounds like I am healing ok. they took the drainhose out of the incision this morning. Looks like I will get to go home tomorrow depending on my blood pressure. It is low.
Will get me a toilet seat with legs yet so I can also use it in my shower. They also suggest to get a handheld shower. It's not supposed to be too hard to exchange from my wall mount one. Well, wll see.

I see the PT twice a day. Everone seems to be very nice and helpfull here in the hospital.
OK, I will take a nap now.
Whoa Horseygirl,

I don't think you want to order a toilet seat with legs that you can use in the shower...but we know what you mean:snork:

I'm so happy to hear from you on the other side. Get some rest and take it real easy. We'll be right here for you.

aka GrandyGirl
hi Horseygirl

You get yourself some much needed rest job done time to lay back and recover. :sleepz:

Congratulations Bea! Sorry I missed your initail post as I've been under the weather myself. You rest up now and take care of you. You can do lots of posting when you are on the mend at home.

Way to go Bea :yahoo:!
I think you posted on your other pre-op thread Bea. That's OK. Glad to hear you are progressing well. Take care!
Yep, I am going home today. Will wait until early PM so I will have eaten lunch and have all my meds in me.
For home they ordered for pain Roxicodon every 4 hours 2 pills and Tylenol 1000mg every 8 hours.
Then to take stool softener as long as I am on Oxicodon. Actually I got that out of the way yesterday with all the prune juice I have been drinking.

I also have to give myself a shot in the stomach daily for blood thinner "Lavanox". Now I am glad that I did not loose that five pounds prior to surgery so I have a place to put the shot.
Did my PT this morning and will take a nap now.
My brain is not working to well.
Excellent, Bea!! I'm sure you will feel much more comfortable at home :)
Thanks for the update. I hope things continue to go well for you, and I'm sure they will. Just keep dreaming about being back to riding your beautiful horses! That is inspiration for any horse addict! :-) I know that keeps me going as I prepare for my surgery.

Welcome Home Bea!

Relax, rest and healing time now....hope you are comfortable, I'm sure it's great to get home!

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