TKR Becca's TKR Recovery

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Thank you for checking on me!:thankyou: I am doing a tiny bit better not worrying and I re-read all the Bonesmart articles to stay fresh. I did drive today and went to the store to get a couple of things and it was a thrill! I didn't have any difficulties driving (of course I could feel it) and I was reminded how, before my surgery, my knee would hurt me when I had to use the gas or brake. Today, no more pain in that activity. :yes:

I am going crazy staying in the house and I am about to reach my limits on reading. Already sick of tv, watched all the movies I had been saving, so, yes, I will work on Pinterest and organize my teaching boards a little better. I have been meaning to do that anyway.

What is the W word? Wimpy? Woeful? Worse? Whiny? I am guilty of at least 3 of those! :blush:

Have a nice Saturday!
:rofsign: I didn't even think of that one!
Hi Becca......

How well I know that "w" word! I spent so many days and nights in fear of a knee that would never bend! I'm now 5 months with knee #1 and almost 3 months with #2, and I'm here to tell you that it gets better even when you think it won't!! I finished my official PT at about 8 weeks, and I've been doing some gentle (Gentle!) stretches, walking, and practicing on the stairs since then. Of course I can't measure my ROM anymore, but I know it's much better than it was when I left PT. I was only a bit past a 100 ROM at that time, and my extension was a 2 0r 3. I don't think I've improved by leaps and bounds, but I know it's better, and it's definitely functional. I can go up stairs just fine (still holding the bannister), but coming down still takes lots of concentration. I think that's pretty much normal for 12 weeks, I hope so, anyway!

When they tell us this recovery takes a long time, they really mean it! I've finally accepted that now, and will just hope for continued improvement each week. I so want to be "normal", and I think I will be someday, but it's just going to take a while. I had hoped to be really good by the time I went back to school in August, but I know now that I will still have a way to go. That's ok.....I'll get there. And YOU WILL, TOO!

I'm pretty proud of my low-key, no worry attitude now! I don't know when I stopped worrying, but after a while you just realize there's not a single thing you can do to hurry this along. It just has to happen.....

Please try not to worry. Your leg will bend, and one day soon, you will be able to say you are so glad you had this done! (I'm not quite there yet, but I think it's going to be pretty soon!) Keep your chin up, take it easy, and let your knee guide you. Post whenever you're feeling anxious and there's so many here that know exactly how you feel! That sure helped me cope!

Take care!

Wow! That was just what I needed to hear!:thankyou: I am working hard on relaxing and getting my own low key, no worry attitude. It is not something I am good at because I like to stay busy and I am used to having so much going on all the time. This is SO difficult for me and it is frustrating knowing no matter what you do, you can't really control anything. Isn't that just like a teacher? I think we all have a little control freak inside us. I am going to take your advice, at least I am going to work on very hard. Eventually, it might sink in my hard head that I really can't do anything.

Thanks for your post and advice! :goodpost:
Excited about getting out of the house and going to church:angel: this morning. Hope the new knee doesn't swell too much. This is such a drag! I know I must be in a time warp where time has s l o w e d d o w n, especially the nights ...:gaah:
Ah, Becca, welcome to the wonderful world of recovery
Becca's TKR Recovery
with all its ups and downs! But this too shall pass and the good times WILL roll once again----TIME & PATIENCE, TIME & PATIENCE, and more TIME & PATIENCE!
Hi Becca! You're doing great! Just keep coming here and we will get you through this.

As many have said before me, go to your regular Doc to continue your pain meds; most OS's only give them to us for about 4 weeks and then start getting all nervous..meanwhile we are still gray with pain.

My method for solving this was to go into the office on week three and have complete, sobbing, nose-runny hysterics.
Do this in the waiting room, if you possibly can. The last thing they want other prospective patients to see is you..writhing in agony! Go in your pajamas. Do not comb your hair, or do anything to make yourself look remotely human.

That Rx pad will come out so fast your head will spin.

After this,contact your regular doctor for what you need. (Office sobbing will only get you about 2 weeks more meds.) I found it helpful to keep a written log of every dose of my meds, with time and pain level,before and after dosing, so she could see. She was wonderful about it and my log showed I was using my meds as directed, which reassured her.

I had been on narcotic pain management for about 3 years before my TKR, both for the knee and for Fibromyalgia, and kept a log then as well, because anyone who has not had severe pain themselves, will pretty much treat you like a pill-seeking addict. (By the way, statistically the group LEAST likely to abuse opioids are post-op and chronic pain patients.) 2 months prior to my TKR, I tapered off my pain meds under my Doc's supervision, the better to have my post-op stuff work.; Even so, I need more of anything than the average patient to address pain..another reason I had to make a lot of noise in order to be heard. (I am a sober alcoholic with seven years..and I have heard this from other alcoholics quite often, so it might be part of that whole thing.)

Good luck..hang in there!

You are so right, I do need patience but I can't seem to locate any. :yes: Seriously, I think this is the hardest thing I have ever done...and I can't do anything about it.

Right now I am obsessing over wondering how long it takes people to be able to walk up and down stairs using both legs rather than one at a time. Does anyone have any insight into that? It is very hard on my other knee (which also needs replacing :headbang: ).

On a positive note, I did drive us to church and back home today. Small victory! My leg was a little swollen and sore by the end of the service but it wasn't too bad and I didn't dive right into the pain meds the minute I walked in. :thumb:

Have a great day!

Thank you for your words of encouragement and advice. It sounds like you have had an excellent recuperation since your TKR in January. Yes, my OS is somewhat more generous with the pain med RXs than his PA is. I hope to get some more to get me through until my office visit a week from Monday. I am not sure which I dread more: calling for more meds or going to the office. :doh: I may take my pajamas and slippers and try your idea if it gets ugly then:rofsign: but I don't think I will have to resort to that!

Have a great whatever is left of your weekend!
So, another question. Tomorrow makes 5 fun-filled weeks since my RTKR. I understand it is normal to feel the swelling in the knee still (and for some months to come :gaah: ) and feel that tight band across the knee. The scar itself is super sensitive and my quads and calf and shin are all very sore. Is this normal? (I am still elevating and icing regularly :) ).

Thanks for any input, all you experts out there!:thankyou:
Yep, all normal! That was about the time that my scar was super sensitive, too. I mentioned it to my physical therapist, and she told me to try to gently touch/rub the scar whenever I could with my clothes, a towel after the shower, and just rubbing it with my fingers whenever I thought about it. It was hard to do for a day or two, but it quickly got de-sensitized. It really didn't last too long for me at all.

Soreness in your quad and leg is also normal, at least it was for me. I'm going to venture to say you may have that for a few more weeks. Actually, my 5 month old knee is still somewhat tender to the touch. The soreness and achiness, though, for the most part, is now gone.

In my case (and we are all different!!), it was in my 8th week that I started to feel like things were looking up. I was the most emotional and discouraged from 5 - 6 weeks for some reason. After that, it seemed to get better. don't have too much longer! You CAN do this!
Yep, all normal!

In my case (and we are all different!!), it was in my 8th week that I started to feel like things were looking up. I was the most emotional and discouraged from 5 - 6 weeks for some reason. After that, it seemed to get better. don't have too much longer! You CAN do this!

It is so comforting to hear how you have gone through the same thing. :thankyou: for your encouragement!

I :gaah: am just wondering when I fill feel better, have less pain and be able to get up for a bit without swelling up like a stuffed sausage. :headbang: :hissy: :tantrum: :groan: :doh: (Patience is not one of my virtues.)

I keep thinking how I am resting, elevating and icing and doing what I why was just going to church such a deal today? I was swollen and sooooo sore by the time we got home, it was as if I had a vise on my knee. I can't stand this :hairpulling: but...what choice do I have? Thank you for listening to my whining! (I know I need to quit feeling sorry for myself but I just can't do it yet.) :wink:

:sos: Seeking advice, again! I have two different issues.

1. I had a very long PT session on Friday morning (1 hr., 50 min. :yikes: ) with lots of exercises and stretching, most not terribly painful. That day and the rest of the weekend (and today), I was (and am) so sore, I can barely move my legs, yes both are sore. My "bad" leg pretty much stayed swollen, despite spending most of the weekend with my legs elevated (above nose) and iced. This morning, I am still swollen and expect that once I get up, the swelling will resume.:shocked: I am also scheduled to go back to PT at 11 a.m.

2. I am using Lortab 5 for pain and was prescribed to take 1 as needed every 6-8 hours but given a very small quantity (30) Does this seem sufficient (quantity and strength)? I obviously can't take them regularly with only 30. I can't really tell when I do take it; it doesn't seem to do anything except cause constipation. :headbang: Since I can't get swelling down, I am thinking it is not strong enough. Do I need more and more regular meds? The other thing is that I have had the recommendation to see my GP for pain management. For some, this may be a viable option but my GP is extremely conservative.

I would appreciate input on this. I plan to call the doctor's office today and can't possibly do aggressive PT today. He is going to have to go easy on me. Happy Monday! :flwrysmile:
Hello becca,
Sorry you are in so much :groan: I think you are doing to much too soon. 2 hrs. Of therapy :yikes:
Tell them to go easy on you today...gentle stretching only. You don't want to put yourself back.....take care of the
Swelling 1st.
Take care :SUNsmile:
I promised myself a positive post today! I am trying so hard!

1. My left knee isn't hurting today! (Not the new one). Yesterday it was screaming! :tantrum:
2. My right knee isn't swollen as much right now.
3. I am optimistic that I will make it through this.
4. Suffering a worry overload, I am not worried about my numbers now because I can't do anything about it.
5. I am going to organize my Pinterest boards and pins when I get back from PT.
6. PT will not be in charge today, I will. Pushing too hard will only make me miserable afterward.
7. My new knee doesn't hurt or ache, only the rest of the leg.
8. I am happy to be alive and will love my new frankenknee. :)

So glad to see your positive post.....I know it wasn't easy!!

Please be sure to tell your PT today that you are going to go easy for this session! I needed to do that more than once......of course with the worry that it would set me back! It didn't, and it won't! When your knee is swollen, it won't bend. Just do some gentle stretches and gentle bends, and don't let them hurt you - no matter what!

I'm not familiar with Lortab, so I can't help you there. I can tell you, though, to be proactive with the constipation issue! Don't wait until it's a problem! Lots of water, whole grains, and I even took a couple of stool softeners at night whether I needed them or not!! It didn't completely keep things right, but I know it helped. Those pain pills are awful!

Keep your chin up, Becca! When I look back now, it seems that time really went fast. (Believe me, it seemed SO SLOW when I was living it!) It's hard to believe my newest knee is already 3 months old! I know Ill love my "frankenknees" (love it!) one day, too! :flwrysmile:
(I know I need to quit feeling sorry for myself but I just can't do it yet.) :wink:
No, this is exactly the place where you get to do that! It gets old hearing the same thing, but you do need to be patient and understand how recently you just had your bone sawed off in 2 places, as well as skin, muscle and nerves sliced, not to mention a metal prosthesis hammered into you. It was a big deal and you body hasn't quite gotten over it.

I am right with you in the recovery stage, but the benefit I have over you is that I know from 1st hand experience how things will change and improve in a few months. The sausage-leg is just part of the deal, but it does go away. Knee #1 bends so easily now and has little or no pain. For #2, getting into the car takes some fancy maneuvering because that knee doesn't bend as it should. I was just beginning to walk down stairs normally with #1, so that takes some time as well. Right now, my scar is driving me crazy. I can't stand to lay on my stomach and let it touch the floor. There is currently one tender spot on #2 that I hate to touch, but I don't even notice #1. Just when I am feeling good, I do something "normal" only to end up swollen and sore. Before my 2nd surgery, I was doing lots of normal stuff without many consequences. So, to make a short story long, you are not alone and there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Hang in there!

I don't know my drugs well, but is Lortab am anti inflammatory? If not, taking more won't really aid in reducing the swelling. I agree with Diana and that you may be doing too much/too aggressively. And yes, we are all different, so while it is good to hear how you are 'normal' there is a danger in hearing how someone else is doing more than you are as it makes you feel like you are failing. Don't fall into that trap. Just know that your time is coming.
Geeze! Never let your PT work on your for more than one hour. That's plenty.
I am using Lortab 5 for pain and was prescribed to take 1 as needed every 6-8 hours but given a very small quantity (30) Does this seem sufficient (quantity and strength)? I obviously can't take them regularly with only 30. I can't really tell when I do take it; it doesn't seem to do anything except cause constipation.
It's usual practice for surgeons for to prescribed small amounts at a time but that generally doesn't mean they won't give you a refill when you need it. So take them as prescribed and ring for a refill when you're getting low. And you MUST take them regularly and the dose prescribed otherwise you won't get any benefit from them and what's the point of that? You're exposing yourself to all the possible side effects and not getting any use out of them!
As for the constipation, here's some recipes Constipation and stool softeners.
The other thing is that I have had the recommendation to see my GP for pain management. For some, this may be a viable option but my GP is extremely conservative.
Does this mean you haven't actually approached him? How will you know he won't help if you don't ask?

Also, have you read the articles skigirl left you on page one of this thread? I think you may need to go back and read them again ..... and again!
I finally had a good day! :egypdance: I did see a little tiny bit of improvement! PT was mostly stretching and then massage which not only helped my leg but really helped my scar. :flwrysmile: I am taking the meds more regularly and see a positive difference. Swelling was down! Thank you to everyone who has been encouraging me! :thankyou:
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