THR THR after failed femoral neck fracture pinning

I have never heard of Vistaril. Will definitely ask surgeon about this drug when I see him next week.
@VSlowLife @FCBayern @Jaycey
Thank you a lot for feedback on NSAIDs you used after THR. Talked to surgical nurse this morning and she said I can try adding one to my treatment regimen. Will start on Motrin tomorrow.
Some of the PT exercises listed in the hospital Joint booklet seem a little risky to me:
1. Marches while sitting in a chair appear to break 90 degree rule (Had posterior approach)
2. Bridges
3. Side Bottom Leg Lift— lying on operated side is painful and I am lifting operated leg inward
4. Hip rotation lying down— in and out
Decided to skip them until I see PT again on Weds.
So far my recovery is going well. Glad to have taken a shower and successfully ridden in passenger side of car today. Tiny milestones!!
I think ALL of those PT exercises are too much too soon for a posterior THR! Eeks!!! :yikes:. I'm amazed they were even in your hospital booklet! . Check out the Bonesmart activity progression and walk, ice, elevate. You'll recover with few to no setbacks if you don't overdo at any point. You WILL recover without those torture contortions, trust us. :thumb:
I'm not a fan of has no risks, in my humble opinion.
I can certainly feel the difference when not using ice. NSAIDs certainly have their risks/benefits per the Bonesmart article. Although my OS has prescribed them for thirty days, not sure I will need to take them all thirty days.

I'm with you on all the crazy exercises they show in the book. Doing those exercises pre surgery PT made my hip much worse.

I found ankle pumps and heel slides to be of benefit the first two weeks. Especially right before getting out of bed. At the two week checkup my surgeon told me that standing marching (like behind a chair) and moving my op leg out to the side while standing (side hip abduction? not sure of the name) would be of the most benefit for me.

There is no way I'm going to even attempt all the exercises in the pre surgery book. Furthermore, I won't do any of them unless the surgeon says it's ok.

I still have a nagging thought in the back of my head that somehow I'll screw up the bone setting of the THR and everything will be for naught. It will probably never happen but that thought won't go away.
Hoo boy, what a list of exercises! Good for you for questioning them. Many members have tried and regretted the bridges.. that one is especially aggravating for a new hip. I just re-read your list, none of them are great this soon.
So glad you haven't attempted them, maybe they are intended for you after about 8 weeks!


PS I was prescribed Meloxicam for the first several weeks, also. It's interesting how different surgeons prescribe different things.
I hope you get some good sleep tonight.
Some of the PT exercises listed in the hospital Joint booklet seem a little risky to me:
1. Marches while sitting in a chair appear to break 90 degree rule (Had posterior approach)
2. Bridges
3. Side Bottom Leg Lift— lying on operated side is painful and I am lifting operated leg inward
4. Hip rotation lying down— in and out
Well I certainly would skip all of these. None are any benefit to a new hip. And certainly bridges, leg lifts and hip rotation violate any restrictions. I'm glad you are being cautious!
Hurray for a shower!
The two I found helpful early on were ankle pumps and heal slides. Otherwise just walk lightly. Did your surgeon have to repair screw holes? I would think marching seated or standing would be a definite no. I am 5.5 weeks and would not attempt bridges or marching.

Happy Wednesday.
Thank you all for your input on appropriate exercises. My PT is coming today at 4. I will let you know what she says. Will pushback on these exercises like you recommend
I was recommended Celebrex but this is something I am on regularly already because of OA in my thumbs that hurt like the dickens otherwise. No exercises like that was recommended for me - mainly ankle pumps, heel slides, butt tightening and quad tightening when reclining. All easy and I would do a few repeats throughout the day.
@CricketHip @leejaa @Jaycey @BruceH @Calgal @Fit4Family @VSlowLife Thank you to everyone on this thread who warned me about doing certain exercises in the joint replacement book!!!!! I would have gotten in big trouble if I have followed PT orders.
I met for first visit with my PT on Monday and she didn’t get a chance to go over specific exercises. She merely told me to do all the ones in Georgetown joint replacement guidebook.
When I saw her again yesterday afternoon and told her how uncomfortable I was with some of the exercises, she admitted that she couldn’t remember all the ones on the book.
When she read over my book she gasped and said that at least 6 of them were inappropriate for me. She said I was smart to have questioned her. I told her that I had obtained some prior guidance from Bonesmart.
This PT is from the hospital complex and should have known better. The joint book is general for hips and knees.
Thank you all for preventing a possible disastrous dislocation event!!!
Here are the exercises she banned that were listed in book:
1. Seated marches
2. Straight leg raises
3. Side leg lift
4. Side bottom leg lift
5. Hip rotation in
6. Bridges
Good for you to question those exercises. Bad for them not paying attention to what they're advising you do.

I believe if you follow the Activity Progression for THR as a rough gauge for activity you'll stay in the safe zone without any set-backs stalling your recovery in these early weeks.
Best wishes as you continue on your healing journey! :)
@leejaa @Mojo333 @Layla Thank you for your comments. Layla — The activity progression info is very helpful!
Everything is going well so far, but I had a scare on Friday afternoon. My PT has been taking photos of my incision and noticed on Friday that the margins had gotten pinker since she took the last photo Monday. She called the surgeons office and sent the photos. Finally she heard back from the NP and she wasn’t alarmed but recommended I watch it to see if any oozing, redness or spreading. My PT marked the pink outer edges with magic marker and took a photo. Of course I was worried all weekend but the good news is that the pinkness has faded some and never spread. There has never been a discharge nor do I have a fever. She feels good that the incision area looks better than on Friday.
I have been itching there a lot and last week was catching myself scratching the area over my clothes. No more of that!!
My pain level is down and I am only on one 5mg oxycodone in morning and one 5mg at night.
Starting today I have graduated from the walker and my PT has me walking with one cane. Thank you all for your support and advice! It is great to have this valuable resource to go to as I recover!
:hi: @Laskyd Happy Monday!
I liked the Activity Progression, myself, I referred to it often in my own early recovery making sure I was mobile enough, but not overly active. To me, it was a good gauge.

It's great to read you're relieved about your incision. It's sad to think of anyone troubled for days, but I certainly understand, it would have frightened me also.

Congrats on the ability to take less meds due to decreasing pain, and also on your ability to transition to the cane. All exciting milestones on the journey.
Keep it up, you're doing great! :)
My incision had deep purple bruises in some spots. Looked like they pulled real hard to close me up. It faded over time with no problems. But the itching drove me crazy with both THR's. I had clear tape on the incision and couldn't waith to peel it off at the 2 week mark. It made me feel so much better.
It's a shame that PT has so little communication with the OS. Just post surgery we had to go to PT to be discharged. They were forcing people to do leg lifts in repetitions and the people were in extreme pain.
Congratulations on waving the walker goodbye. :banana-santa:

Sorry to hear you were worried about your incision. (Hugs) Glad everything seems to be healing up nicely. Hope you make nice progress this week with your PT. Take care!

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