THR Spongebob's Recovery Journey

Regarding your knee pain, why not purchase a knee compression sleeve, they help with the pain/pressure when you walk. I used one when I tore my meniscus.
These are available at any drug store, retail store or on Amazon.
On it cheers
Regarding your knee pain, why not purchase a knee compression sleeve, they help with the pain/pressure when you walk. I used one when I tore my meniscus.
These are available at any drug store, retail store or on Amazon.
It's ok buying this but need to know what the problem is i presume it's trauma from the surgery and also gate change?
It’s likely your gait. Are you limping at all? This why I recommended seeing a physical therapist who works with gait analysis.
It’s likely your gait. Are you limping at all? This why I recommended seeing a physical therapist who works with gait analysis.
Only limping now and again because of the pain in my knee someone suggested a compression knee so I have ordered 1 To see if this helps it
It’s likely your gait. Are you limping at all? This why I recommended seeing a physical therapist who works with gait analysis.
Also myglasshalffull said to buy 1 and the pain will subside surely he's right it's only a matter of time before my body adjusts to new gait?
Time may do the trick. But it may not. This is why you need to be evaluated by a physical therapist who is trained in gait analysis. Sometimes things that feel "normal" to you are not.
Time may do the trick. But it may not. This is why you need to be evaluated by a physical therapist who is trained in gait analysis. Sometimes things that feel "normal" to you are not.
Would I ring my gp for this ?
@Spongebob, you could ring your GP to ask if there is physiotherapy available or you could pay for physiotherapy if you are able. I have found physiotherapy very useful in helping with the knee pains and all the ligament and muscles pains during recovery.
@Spongebob, you could ring your GP to ask if there is physiotherapy available or you could pay for physiotherapy if you are able. I have found physiotherapy very useful in helping with the knee pains and all the ligament and muscles pains during recovery.
Did you have knee pain following hip replacement?
Hi there - I’ve just come across your post and I just wanted to say thank you for asking your question and thank you to the responses- I’ve found them all really helpful. I’m 5 weeks tomorrow post op and my knee is sore also but all the info in this post was helpful. I hope you are feeling ok.
Hi @Spongebob,
I'm one day behind you and progressing slowly with gentle walking and basic muscle clenches/stretches. No restrictions now but advice from consultant and physio is to stop if it hurts. I get discomfort / pain mostly along thigh around wound site but also in knee, groin, gluteals and shin and not always on operated side. All your muscles are having to contend not just with surgery but adjusting to walking with a different gait. In my case I had been walking on a damaged hip for almost five years prior to surgery. It takes time to adjust! Knee pain is very common in association with hip problems because many of the hip muscles connect to the knee!
Hi - I’ve just read the post by SpongeBob and wanted to say thank you for this reply - it’s really useful.
Hi there - I’ve just come across your post and I just wanted to say thank you for asking your question and thank you to the responses- I’ve found them all really helpful. I’m 5 weeks tomorrow post op and my knee is sore also but all the info in this post was helpful. I hope you are feeling ok.
My knee hurts right in the knee cap when I walk
The pain in my knee is in my knee cap when I walk don't know the timescale of it easing off
Yes, it's surgery trauma, it will subside. I'm not your doctor but if you read others posts you will see majority of us experienced knee pain.
We have no idea how long it will last, ice elevate and use compression sleeve.
the pain is right in my knee cap when I walk when I rest it's ok so that makes me believe it's gate/trauma related ?
@Spongebob, you could ring your GP to ask if there is physiotherapy available or you could pay for physiotherapy if you are able. I have found physiotherapy very useful in helping with the knee pains and all the ligament and muscles pains during recovery.
Did you have knee pain following hip replacement?
Yes, I have had pain in both knees at times along with pain in my thighs, back etc. but I had both hips replaced within three months so there’s a lot of settling to be done. The physiotherapist was able to pinpoint the problems and give me gentle exercises, stretches and advice. Sometimes heat was more successful than ice, the physio seemed to know which was appropriate and when.

It’s clear to me that you are very worried about your knee so a quick chat with your GP might put your mind at rest, along with all the replies on here.
Bonesmart offers "One Step" program that deals with walking/gait.
You have several very good suggestions here, none of us know when your knee will stop hurting.
If you are very worried I'd go to your doctor and have X-Ray or call OS.
There are many reasons why knees hurt after surgery, yours is your own just like mine was my own. We are all a little different.
Just like how long recovery will take, it's different for each of us.
The community here gives suggestions and experiences, we are not doctors just everyday people that had THR's and deal with different recovery times.
You keep asking the same question, we do not have the answer why your knee hurts, we have told you most likely its trauma from surgery, maybe not, but this is our experience. Also to ice and elevate, maybe use heat, I suggested a knee compression sleeve to help, maybe none of these will work for you.
We want to help you but you need to answer your own question. If you have tried all we have suggested and still anxious please call your doctor.
Take care and try to relax. It seems after your surgery you received little to no guidance on your recovery??? Again, I don't know this for sure. I'm really trying to help you but same question over and over and we have given you the suggestions that worked for many of us.
I hope you find relief at some point.
Bonesmart offers "One Step" program that deals with walking/gait.
You have several very good suggestions here, none of us know when your knee will stop hurting.
If you are very worried I'd go to your doctor and have X-Ray or call OS.
There are many reasons why knees hurt after surgery, yours is your own just like mine was my own. We are all a little different.
Just like how long recovery will take, it's different for each of us.
The community here gives suggestions and experiences, we are not doctors just everyday people that had THR's and deal with different recovery times.
You keep asking the same question, we do not have the answer why your knee hurts, we have told you most likely its trauma from surgery, maybe not, but this is our experience. Also to ice and elevate, maybe use heat, I suggested a knee compression sleeve to help, maybe none of these will work for you.
We want to help you but you need to answer your own question. If you have tried all we have suggested and still anxious please call your doctor.
Take care and try to relax. It seems after your surgery you received little to no guidance on your recovery??? Again, I don't know this for sure. I'm really trying to help you but same question over and over and we have given you the suggestions that worked for many of us.
I hope you find relief at some point.
I have got a compression sleeve coming today and I am icing and resting my knee I have a appointment with my OS on Thursday just to make sure all is ok see if he suggests a x Ray or he's happy all is ok I'm hoping all settles down over a period of time and all my worries and concerns go away
Thing is I really hope it settles down on its own and all my worries have been for nothing like you all said knee pain is all part of re adjustment and my body getting used to new hip/gait.

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