THR Sarak - There's Life After a Hip Replacement

:console2: Sorry you're feeling nauseous and dizzy this morning @SaraK
I hope it passes soon. Please get the rest you need if you're able.
I do hope today is a better day.

You may be off the cane before me (although my OS expects me to only use it for a few days).
Please promise me you will go into this one with no expectations of timelines...or competition with other recoveries.

I do so want this to be the answer to your ongoing issues and I know you will let your body be in charge of what to do when.

Ready for Sara to have her Mojo back.:yes:
Alas, Mojo, I am a Type A person (I've even been known to time rows when I crochet - making what should be a relaxing pastime into a competitive event). That said, I go in with plans and hopes but also with plans B, C and D and adjust as needed. I don't compare with others and do let my body guide me but am not afraid to push a little and see what happens. I joke about ODIC but really didn't venture too far into it with either prior recovery. The worst last time was starting back to work too early out of necessity and an unfortunate injury where I tore a glute a few weeks into recovery (and slowed down as needed as a result).

The current surgeon's instructions are the best kind for me - anything as tolerated. When I told him about dancing after the last THR, he clarified that anything is ok as long as it doesn't push the pain level above a 3 (which generally fits how I've done things in the past).

Today is better - a little less sleep and a little more pain but didn't take anything for pain last night so head and tummy are better. Just counting the days! Should get my surgery time today.
Sara behaves. She's just not well behaved :rotfl:
Hurry up she can feel better physically and start misbehaving.

On a serious note, happy to hear your tummy feels better, I wish you weren't in pain, I'm sorry for that, Sara.
Wishing you comfort.
And the pre-surgery call - first on the slate (I do hope he gets enough caffeine before coming in). Surgery at 7:30 so arrive at the hospital at 5:30. Factoring in travel time and getting up to shower and do the antibiotic wipes, it's a good thing I'll be going back to sleep (general anesthetic this time around) and can take a nap in the afternoon before my college team's bowl game (Go Tigers!) . . . And maybe heading out to join friends that night - shhhhh - don't tell Layla or Mojo! @Bone-obo - that might qualify as an ODIC meeting if you want to join us (although some others at the party will be overdoing it in a different way since there's a 5 hour open bar - but I won't join that part of the fun, so no lectures!).
You won't get any sass from me! And an open bar? Well, there ya go. And really, there's nothing like the buzz of lingering anesthetic + alcohol!
Now don't you be getting me into any trouble Mr. Bone-obo - I do a fine enough job of that on my own. I specifically said I wouldn't be drinking (other than maybe a sip of champagne at midnight). I'll be just fine between the lingering anesthetics and the Percocet!
Glad you got your time squared...
I will be so happy to hear that you are out of pain.
I do remember you were back to work early, as was definitely can relate to having to balance recovery with real life.
I also remember your unfortunate injury.
I do care that all goes well and you can get back to your life!:friends:
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I'll be thinking about you tomorrow morning - hope all goes well and we'll be looking for an update. And no stopping at the gym on the way home from the hospital!
Thanks @jaydub63 ! I'd be lying if I told you the thought of a short stroll on the treadmill tomorrow hadn't crossed my mind. I did at least plan to stop at home for lunch, though! :heehee:

I was actually planning to check in on you and see if you've ever heard of or tried Chi running or another low impact running method. I'm wondering if there's anything to it beyond a midfoot strike to spread the impact.
Will be praying for you tomorrow morning, Sara. :prayer: I'll look forward to your update.
I want to see a pic of "your feet on the sofa" tomorrow night, at home, where you belong!
Not out tippin em back :martini: Ugh....someone stop her, please.
All the best tomorrow...I will certainly have you in my thoughts and prayers.:praying:
A new year for you...I will keep you company some when you feel up to it if I don't blow myself up being the fireworks captain at family get together.:) :-) (:
My BIL wouldn't let me do it last year because I couldn't run.:sigh:
It will be a true redneck new year.
All minors required to sit on porch or wear football helmets and goggles!
Please check in and let us know how you are!
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Oh my stars!!! Yeah, I used her phrase, I'm suddenly more worried about her than you, Sara.
I recall this fireworks biz of hers from last year. Call the FD, the PD, Mojo on the loose with explosives.
You two will make me worry tomorrow. I'll need a drink :martini: or three.
Well, you'll have to be drinking for me, so you'd better up your game! Yes, dear Mojo who worries so much about others can be a bit worrisome at times with her ATV and explosives! Let's hope no alcohol is involved. The most dangerous words from a redneck or good ol' boy? "Hold my beer and watch this."
@SaraK I have to admit that I had never heard of Chi running before. I did a little googling and it looks like it might be helpful for someone wanting to decrease impact, if you can remember all the body alignment stuff. I have been trying to do more midfoot striking myself, but I really have to think about it as my natural tendency is to heel strike. At first it really tired out my calf muscles to do it, and I was just doing short durations and alternating with my more normal form. It feels better now, and I try to do at least half of my distance doing the midfoot strike, but I'm not sure I'll ever get to where I don't have to be deliberate about it.

I remember you were thinking about trying running once all healed from the tendon surgery - is that still your interest? There is a no-impact machine that is supposed to simulate running, but I've never tried one. I don't really like running inside on a treadmill unless I have to.
Thanks all for the Warm wishes. I've had my antibiotic scrub down and am now getting ready to settle into bed to toss and turn! I'll let you know when I'm out tomorrow morning (I don't expect to be coherent before surgery - I can stay up until 3:30 in the morning but getting up at that time is another matter!)

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