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THR "Runaround Sue Rocks On to the Other Side"

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@bottomsmhollow and zauberflöte :heehee: when we pulled the table out from the wall my hubby said something like "So, there's that enormous thing that was going to kill you, huh?" I saw that little teeny lizard I felt about 2 feet tall and 4 years old!

I guess he anticipated this after the frog incidents, yes, there was more than one!
One Sunday night I walked into the kitchen and up to the sink and something odd caught my eye. I turned my head and there was this little 1 1//2" -2" little tree frog sitting on the counter next to the sink. I thought to myself that it wasn't real but then his eyes moved. That's when I screamed and ran hysterical through the house before my brain registered that it was only a little teeny frog. Hubby followed me back to the kitchen to see what the fuss was about and when he saw the little frog he said something like "THAT'S what all the screaming is about? THAT little thing???? He is more afraid of you than you are of him!"
You should have seen him trying to catch the frog to put him back outside, by then I was all "don't hurt him!" and screaming as the frog jumped in the sink, out on the counter, alongside the cabinet, behind the kitchen waste basket! Everywhere! It was like something from the 3 stooges with hubby jumping place to place with his hands cupped trying to catch the frog and me jumping up and down screaming like a ninny! It's a good thing the neighboring houses are far apart from us here!
More tree frog stories to come so stay tuned :scare:
Butterfly how are you doing? I haven't seen many posts from you lately.
Am I missing Josephine as well? I don't remember seeing her all day yesterday, or am I just missing people's postings?
BeckyR I have a large bottle of Mira Lax now, I tried it today. It went down like you said. Is there a dosage to take daily in place of a stool softener?

I have been feeling so good today that I decided to start weaning myself off of the every 4 hour 5 mg. oxycodone. I am trying an every 5 hours instead.
I have 3 corn syrup ice packs now. Hubby went to Walmart yesterday to buy 4 more Karo after online searches and local phone calls failed to turn up any supermarkets carrying store brand corn syrup. Before the surgery we had gotten 4 bottles @ Walmart, but poured all four into one gallon size freezer baggie then another for good protection from leakage. It is okay but heavy. This time we only put two bottles into a gallon size bag, then another for safety. This works out better :) Originally we had about 6 ice packs from the hospital (they were just going to throw them away) but they eventually leaked all over me and my chair. I also have one small gel pack I bought way, way back, maybe after the melanoma surgery. We even just crushed ice into gallon size freezer bags. It got hard for our fridge's dispenser to keep up with me and them there large size gel pack ice packs cost too much.
The only swelling I had was a huge bump at the top of my incision and a smaller one at the bottom. In between that is that hard line of tape making a 6" dent in my butt. I wonder if my butt will be this misshapen forever now?
Runaround Sue -- Love the critter stories. I do not react well to unexpected critters in my house, either, and I screech and carry on like a madwoman. Especially if it is a big fat spider. I've been known to vault over furniture because of a big fat spider -- I think my furniture vaulting days are over, though. Mice give me fits, too.

I'm still around -- just having a kind of down day today, for no apparent reason. Just bored and frustrated because I have all this time on my hands and can't do anything that needs doing. Oh well . . . . I guess I'd better develop that patience Josephine keeps talking about!

Peace and love to you, and thanks for thinking of me.

PS: Did you go to that restaurant? What did you have? Was it fun??
Runaround Sue PS: Did you go to that restaurant? What did you have? Was it fun??
Butterfly I didn't see BeckyR today, she was going to find out about Peggy Sue.
Your question made me think of a restaurant they had at the mall a few years back that was all50's diner decor, red leatherette booths with real jukeboxes and red leatherette topped chrome stools. They served the very best hamburgers and fries and the servers wore those paper caps like the Army folding caps, was it Johnny Rocket's? Hubby & I should have gone more often. Then they remodeled the mall, made a food court and there was just a space along one side left then, no stand alone restaurant anymore.
Take care of yourself and just try to enjoy each day no matter how boring. Do you have one of those Kindle things? Maybe you could find some good books? A good book takes you right into the story and you forget everything around you. Time just seems to stop. Some movies can do the same thing, you just seem to get absorbed right into it and time just disapears..
Runaround Sue That made me laugh so hard I almost spilled my coffee. When I had my accident we were all on pins and needles for about three weeks and then in the middle of the night we had something happen that was so funny. I had spent 9 days on a vent and the rest of the time trying to get up out of the bed in my drug induced state with two broke legs. Ill never forget it felt like the first time I had ever laughed with my Mom(even though we had laughed many times in my life) I remember also when I got home from the hospital my wife had a green lizard jump off of a shirt in her closet but I couldn't get up to get it. She called her Dad who took 20 minutes to get there but the whole time she waited she stood staring at that lizard like a hawk. LOL. I am glad you are doing much better. Taking pain meds at the right time can be a real pain in the butt. Still it is better to wake up and take them rather then oversleep and let the pain break completely through. Also with time your dependency will get a lot less than it is now. Good luck and thanks for sharing your story with us. Still praying for you nightly.
Well, your wife didn't want to run the risk of that killer lizard getting away and hiding in any more of her clothes. Perfectly understandable, as a fellow creepy-crawly averse person. You don't want to have to go around wondering just WHEN that lizard is going to jump on you again. EEEWWWW!!
medic4355 How are you doing? Has your wife accepted that job offer and will you be moving? Maybe you even moved already? You never say much about how you are doing. How about your hip replacement? Have you had any success in finding a doctor who will agree to it? Please keep us updated, we care about you and want to hear good news from you. :flwrysmile:
I'm here - just been a little low of late
@ Josephine, I hope everything is okay? Take a break, you deserve it! I hope you feel better soon :flwrysmile: :puppysmooze:

I'm finally getting to sit down and log on for a decent interval and now my eyes are feeling very heavy. Last night hubby said he would go get me a sugar cone with a single scoop of Pralines & Cream at Baskin Robbins but he never made it off the couch after dinner. Today the PT left and I said let's go! He asked was I going too and I said "Sure, I'll try it , heck, we stopped for Chinese food on the way back from the hospital so why not??!!" The problem is once we got in the local B R we saw the special for a fresh baked waffle cone free with the purchase of a double scoop and went for it. GAAH! All of that deliciously rich caramel and a big cone and now I feel like a lump! It was great to get out of the house for a bit tho.
I kinda stupidly overdid things last night. Hubby & I went for our little walk :sad: and we just kept going to the top of the hill. I wanted to go a bit further but he said "no, that's enough" and we headed back. Once home I was helping him out with dinner when I started to feel some pain and headed for my chair. As the evening wore on the pain got much worse and by bedtime I couldn't put any weight at all on my operated leg, it was the worse I ever felt.
This morning I felt better but I still had a lot of pain, so I had to go back to taking a 12 hour oxy this morning. My PT was kind to me when he came for the workout today but I still had to do some exercises. Per my PT I am back to using the cane for the weekend and no outside walking today, just a little tomorrow and if I am up to it on Sunday I can go back to the top of the hill. The bad thing is you don't know when you are doing it that it is too much. Later you realize it and pay the price. I hope by tomorrow AM I won't need the 12 hour oxy in the AM, but if I do I will surely take it.
As my German Oma used to say "Too soon old, too late smart"
I've been thinking how I originally decided I wanted the Direct Anterior Approach and was so afraid of the Mini-Posterior approach. I have to say it wasn't so bad after all. Sure my butt hurts but I had no swelling anywhere else but the incision even though I couldn't elevate for some strange reason. Wherever the incision is there's going to be some pain. There is some blue peeking out from the steri-strips, and I eventually had some bruising a few inches below the incision , but nothing like I expected. Hardly any restrictions and I can bend forward quite a bit and use the golfer's reach like I did since Dec.-Jan. when my body just naturally told me how, and that it would save me a lot of pain. It was also the safest for an older lady like me with osteoporotic bones, and the best surgeon I could find that I felt total confidence in immediately has done thousands of them and does no other method. So I hope anyone facing the same circumstances doesn't feel they missed out on a better method.
Runaround Sue Sorry you had a bit of a downturn from doing too much, and hope you are feeling better.

I haven't had my surgery yet (9/30 the first one, and 11/4 the second). I had also convinced myself I wanted the anterior approach and absolutely did noto want the posterior. My surgeon said he would not do the anterior for me because my bones are thinning and I am not exactly a spring chicken, either. He explained the posterior was much safer for me and he might need more room to work, etc. and see what he was doing without doing possible damage, and some technical medical stuff. So I've settled down about it. I was concerned because I had read on the internet that they cut a buncha muscles int he posterior approach, but he said they do not do that anymore, and Josephine confirmed that. So it's OK with me -- not much choice in the matter, anyway.

I'm having a hard time with the waiting, as I'm pretty crippled up and can't do much. Having a bit of a fit of depression right now and feeling this will NEVER be over with. Yesterday I even had a fit of the fear I felt in the beginning of this journey. I'm a bit better today emotionally -- I am about halfway through the waiting period and I keep thinking up new things to be afraid of (yesterday it was "What if when they do the chest x-ray they find out I have lung cancer and I'm dying and can't have the surgery and I'll die like this?"). All kinds of irrational stuff goes thru my mind sometimes. Probably largely because I can't do much of anything but sit in the recliner. I keep telling myself that each day I get through is one day closer to feeling better and having this behind me and I have to keep positive spirits so I can heal well. I got some of t hose meditation CDs for preparing for surgery andletting go of fears, and they've helped. I just wish the wait for the surgery wasn't so long. Of course, if I hadn't put it off so long (until it was intolerable to continue as I was) I could have had it over by now. Today I've just kind of had the feeling I'm in some kind of limbo and am wishing my life away.
@Butterfly How well I know the 'what-ifs' I suffer from them as well and had a few myself while waiting for this surgery! Try to relax and use up that energy thinking positive thoughts like "I am not going to be afraid, everything is going to go smoothly and I am going to come through this surgery so effortlessly. I will have so little pain and I'll be able to get right up in a few days and easily do the things I haven't been able to do for months/years. I will be a new person, I will feel 30 years younger and all of my friends and family will be amazed at my recovery! Everything will be perfect, I will lose ____ pounds, buy a whole new wardrobe for my gorgeous new body and the rest of my life will be wonderful!"

That should relax you and calm those demons that cause all of the anxiety that keeps us fearful and awake nights. I found concentrating on what I needed to prepare for the surgery like equipment I would need, stocking up on food and household items and arranging for people to do the jobs I normally do to be very helpful. It took the focus off of the surgery and sort of make it more like an 'occasion' rather than a fearful event. Of course all of that shopping and preparation can cost a bundle, so you can busy yourself hunting for the best price.

Take deep breaths, try to find something else to focus on, forget about the surgery for a while, it helps tremendously :)
One thing my OS (actually his assistant), said to me was "did you ever give birth?" Yep! She said "It's much easier than that!" I can tell you that it is. I'm not recovering as fast as I'd like, but the surgery part was incredibly easy. All that worry and fuss for that? I think it's just a normal human emotion though, to be apprehensive of things we don't know. The PA also said that she would've been worried if I wasn't nervous about surgery. It's completely fine. It doesn't feel good though, I know!

It's only been 10 days for me since surgery and I can still remember that anxiety. Just try to put yourself in a "happy place" when that anxiety hits. For me, that was on my horse in the country, on a trail...smelling the smells and seeing the sights. It did seem to help, if even for a few minutes.

I'm coming along fine, not too much pain now and I can agree with everyone on here that the pain is different and it starts to go away instead of getting worse. Most of my pain is in my butt right now, still making it hard to walk without my walker, but that's okay. I don't have a limp anymore!

Hang in there.... (((hugs)))
Runaround Sue oh the tree frog story was WONderful!!! You painted such a vivid picture of that kitchen situation I had to laugh!

Butterfly I'm hoping you're in a mood up-swing right now. I'm sorry for all your depressions and fears-- we're here to keep you company (not that I'm any good at being around when needed...) while you wait. I agree, it's a long wait. I waited 2 3/4 months from my initial appointment, and while I was not tremendously incapacitated physically, the wait was endless! I sympathize :)
zauberflöte The tree fog LOL! Right outside of my kitchen sink and the window above it is a sliding window to a tiled shelf, most likely a pass thru for food from the kitchen to the patio. I have a row of succulent plants on that shelf and I that frog seems to be living there. I saw him or one of his relatives again two days ago when I watered those plants. He just came out of one of the plants and looked at me, I guess he is 'my frog' now :)

The other frog story: I keep a gray, elephant shaped watering can on that patio pass-thru shelf. I was watering a geranium from that can one day when a frog shot straight out of the can like a cannon. I squealed in alarm and jumped about 3 feet in the air :shocked: then laughed hysterically at my silliness. After my laughing fit was over I kept watering till the can was empty. Just as a precaution I kept tapping on the side of the can just in case there were any more little froggies in there, when it seemed safe I went in the kitchen to re-fill the can at the sink. I no sooner started the flow of water into the can before yet another tree frog came and sat at the mouth of the can and just sat there for a moment staring at me! I jumped back and yelled for hubby who came running and had to spend the next half hour trying to capture the little guy who was now loose in the kitchen, and evict him from the house. I now approach that watering can very cautiously and re-fill it only from an outside spigot. I don't know what would happen if I were alone at home with a frog loose in the kitchen, a big house cat and 2 crazy dogs! Certainly not with a new hip slowing me down :heehee:
I feel very foolish to report my stupidity :-( You would think after everything I've read here in the past almost 6 months and that walk to the top of the hill that set me back that I would have known better :gaah:

But no :no-fin: floating on all of the praise from my PT guy and his happiness with my progress, as well as my desire to get back on track with my life, I doubled my exercises. Then Fed Ex delivered my handy dandy peddle exerciser right before dinner and I did a stint on that. After making fish, boiled fingerling potatoes and brussel sprouts for dinner I was barely able to clean up the stove and counters and hid the pots and pans in the dishwasher. I could barely walk and was in pain all evening and tossed and turned all night.

Of course when my OT came yesterday I wasn't about to admit anything and suffered thru the session which included walking outside on rocks and uneven ground to test my stability and balance, and the very difficult new exercises he had given me at the session before. Pride goes before a fall, just dumb, I know, but it felt good to see and hear his amazement at my strength.

Hubby and I went to an unlimited buffet later in the day at a soup and salad restaurant and I had such a hard time filling my plate so I didn't eat much. Another night of pain, and to make matters worse I ran out of oxy yesterday afternoon, though it didn't seem to ever help that overuse pain, every step I took on my new hip was awful. Today I am hardly doing anything, I haven't even made the bed, but I am feeling much better, even tho I only had a 5 mg Vicodin with tylenol at 7 AM and it is after 12 noon. Rest and ice is my best option now.

So, I am shamefully posting this here and admitting my stupidity in hopes that I can save someone else from my mistakes and the painful consequences.
Aside from my foray into rank stupidity I am doing great. I still have that crazy numbness- dead skin sensation on my left thigh from the knee up for about 8 inches. It's the weirdest thing, it's even a little tender to the touch. I will be sure to ask the OS about this when I have my first appt. in 2 weeks. I will also want to know why my pubic bone hurts and there is still some swelling just above that. Did he miss on a swing with the hammer getting that shaft into my femur?

Why oh why didn't I ask if some other doctor couldn't come in and do a little liposuction on my thunder thighs and muffin top while I was under? That's something I will never understand. :scratch: Maybe I wouldn't feel so depressed today, and it is only the 17th day post surgery. What will next week/ month feel like?

Oh well, at least I have lost 2 lbs. while on the oxy and had no appetite. It's a start towards getting back into my Levis from 2 years ago :) I just hope my appetite doesn't come back with a vengeance!
You're only a few days ahead of me and doing WAY more than I can. I feel like a complete wimp.

I have a numb spot on my left (un op) knee too, that is also a little sensitive to the touch. I wonder if that is from the spinal????

Sorry you overdid it , cut back and rest!!!
Jojool You have it too? Wow! I am glad I am not the only one. No one I asked seems to know what caused this funny sensation and I bugged all the nurses about it. Not even the resident doctor who visited me in the hospital after surgery had a clue.
My PT says I am so strong the OS must not have cut my rotators. I asked him what that meant and he said the piriformis (sp?). He then checked the surgeons notes and found that my OS did indeed cut the piriformis! I am just so weird! I can raise my arm so high up on my back to scratch that it freaks people out, so maybe my hips are just as weird.
I hope your pain decreases and you feel better soon {{{surgery buddy}}}, no rush, take it slow and steady and enjoy the break from housework. Soon enough it will be back to that drudgery.
Runaround Sue Most of us overdo things on here at one time or another as we are just so happy to be rid of the bone on bone pain and are very Impatient to be active again so we try things out and sometimes its ok and other times we pay the price.It is very early days for you so learn from my mistakes and live by the mantra "Slow and Steady".As you rightly say enjoy your break from the housework.
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