TKR New Here Looking for Positivity


What you say goes.....period.

Some PT that I know say the push is to discomfort....not to pain.

You know where that line is between discomfort and pain for you.....tell them....if you get someone that does listen ask for another therapist...
The last little push took me over the edge in pain—to the point of tears.
This is a big no no. It sets back recovery.

Today of course, is a different story and the pain is back with a vengeance.
The pain is back because of the PT pain yesterday.

My PT therapist told me I needed to do a least one set of exercises every day until my next appointment at a minimum. How long do I need to wait? Or do I just drug myself and keep trying?
I would wait until your knee settles down and normal everyday activities aren't real painful.

My therapist said if I wait too long, too much scar tissue gets built up and I’ll have trouble with flexibility in the future.
This is so wrong. He has a list of comments that he will say to every patient. You are unique and a cookie-cutter therapy isn't for anyone. About 6 months ago I had a tendon problem on the medial side of my tkr leg. My doctor ordered ultrasound and no exercises. When the therapist interviewed me she said she had to work on my adhesions. I quickly told her that I did not have adhesions and didn't need exercises. After that, I got the ultrasound only! That just goes to show you that many of the therapists have this mindset about adhesions, even on a tkr that was almost 3 years old!

But he did say that the younger you are the faster you heal and the scar tissue builds faster which is why they push harder. That doesn’t happen with older patients I was told.
Oh my goodness. Everyone heals at their own rate no matter what their age. You can't make your knee heal faster by exercising it, but you can sure slow it down by keeping it inflamed with aggressive and painful therapist. Healing is your #1 job, not training.

I’ve already switched places to the one I felt would listen to me and do what I asked. They seem like they will be gentle and easy to communicate with.
Yay! Very good. You will have a much easier recovery with a gentle approach.
Thanks @Jaycey I definitely will not. I’ve already switched places to the one I felt would listen to me and do what I asked. They seem like they will be gentle and easy to communicate with.
Good. Communication is key. Mostly I'd give it the old college try. But I didn't let them force my knee. They do want to see how much you can do but they can't make you do more than you feel your knee can handle. Occasionally I needed key words like: "that's enough," "not today" and in the case of squats--"no." :wink:
Hello all. I have a weird question. Ever since my surgery the tip of my ring finger on my right hand (same side a knee) has been slightly tingly and numb. Could this be a side affect from surgery?
Hope everyone is doing well!
Was that the side the IV was in? If so, maybe that has something to do with the tingling.
For the most part, my PT knee class at the hospital where i had my surgery was quite good, though I didn't hesitate to push back on a couple of exercises that didn't feel right! I said "no" to the squats, mainly because of my non-surgical knee! I needed to rely on my non TKR leg to handle the load while my operated knee healed. I tried a couple of squats and my non-operated left knee squealed "no"!

I also pushed back on a crazy "flex" exercise that I tried once and caused a LOT of searing pain in my operated knee. It was the crazy exercise where the PT would wrap a belt around your ankle, rig up the belt behind the physio table and then tell me to pull the belt to get flex in my knee. The first and only time I tried it, it felt like my poor knee was being seared across the lower quad. I refused to do the exercise again in future classes much to the initial chagrin of the PT. But guess what? I still surpassed the 4-week flex target (got 122 degrees, unassisted) by doing the flex exercises that appropriately challenged me, but didn't hurt me. I learned an important lesson: listen to the knee!
That’s a good suggestion . @sistersinhim It was not the same side unfortunately.
Hi looloo! I've been absent from here for a couple weeks so I just read through your posts. Ir sounds like you are doing as well as can be expected. I struggled with depression at first too. Its rough & you get so bored & frustrated. That plus the pain is no fun!! I'm at 9+ weeks now & doing better. Be your own advocate, get support here & listen to your body.
God bless you!!
Hello all. Hope everyone is feeling good and healing up!
Tuesday begins the start of my 5th week and I’m feeling disappointed with my progress. My range of motion was 86 on Friday. That was up from 81 the week before. I’m surprised I still hurt as much as I do and am still so stiff. I am supposed to go back to work after 6 weeks and I’m very nervous about it. I may have to take more time.
Cam anyone tell me if this is normal?
I’m still using a walker a lot of the time but switch back and forth from walker to cane.
Thanks for your support!
In my experience totally normal. Your flexion is increasing -yay!! I'm at 18 weeks tomorrow and have had a week of severe stiffness after a few weeks of just tightness but wake up today to find my knee wasn't the first thing on my mind. It really is a rollercoaster, the knee is in charge, and I've totally accepted the ups and downs, even though the downs can be frustrating and difficult!
Thank you @Glosnana That is helpful. I have a lot of fear and worry tied up in all of this that I really need to let go of. Did you go back to work? If so, how many weeks before you did?
I'm a mobile counselor and returned to driving and seeing clients after my 6 week OS appt. It wiped me out and my energy levels are only steadily increasing now. I napped when I could and the low energy actually prompted my first post on here. I understand the fear and worry, this is my first ever surgery and my health anxiety was through the roof. It's getting better slowly but I can be sent into a tailspin by the smallest thing! Having this site and getting reassurance has been a godsend :console2:
@Glosnana you are so right. This site has been the only thing that reassures me. Thanks for the info. It’s helpful to hear that I’m not the only one feeling this way. I can’t believe you were back to work and driving in 6 weeks. I am hoping for the same but not convinced given how I feel. Maybe in the next two weeks I’ll improve enough to get there. I’m a pretty low energy person to begin with. I’ll have to prepare myself for the lows that you are talking about that go along with returning. Same here, my first surgery as well.
Thank you so much for your kind words and supportiveness! I hope your energy comes back strong!
Hi @LooLoo
Before my TKR I expected (in my head) to return to work at 6 weeks, but so glad that my OS/GP knew better!
I will be returning next week (after 9 weeks), but only physically in the office for a couple of hours each day ....I've to bring some work home, but just play it by ear.
I think the phased return will be tough enough, 8 hours in the office would be way too much.

Is there any way you can do something similar? Or postpone the return for a few weeks, from everything I've read on here our expectations of a quick return to normality are far too optimistic. However....I am getting glimmers of normality and can definitely do more each week, I'm soooooo glad the bone on bone pain is gone, this soft tissue healing is temporary and I already look back at the first 4 weeks and see the enormous progress I'm making. Stick in there, it will get better.
Tuesday begins the start of my 5th week and I’m feeling disappointed with my progress. My range of motion was 86 on Friday. That was up from 81 the week before. I’m surprised I still hurt as much as I do and am still so stiff. I am supposed to go back to work after 6 weeks and I’m very nervous about it. I may have to take more time.
Cam anyone tell me if this is normal?
Yes, that's all normal.

A knee replacement is major surgery, not the sort you can bounce back from in 6 weeks or so. Complete recovery from a TKR takes as long a a full year, no matter how young or fit you were beforehand. It's a real test of patience, a marathon, not a sprint.

Range of Motion (ROM) includes both flexion (bending) and extension (straightening).
With a flexion of 86 at only 5 weeks post-op, you are doing really well. Most surgeons expect about 90 degrees by 6 weeks and you're almost there. As long as you're making progress, whether it's fast or slow, you are doing OK.

There's no need to rush to get ROM because it can continue to improve for a year, or even much longer, after a knee replacement. There isn't any deadline you have to meet. You have plenty of time:
Myth busting: the "window of opportunity" in TKR

As for the stiffness, I'm afraid that is going to be with you for a lot longer. It can last for months. even at 6 months post-op,some people still have stiffness.

It's rather ambitious to be planning to go back to work at 6 weeks post-op. If you can, ask for more time off as soon as you can. It's easier to plan for longer and go back earlier, if you find your recovery is faster than usual, than it is to ask for extra time when you're due back to work.

We recommend that you take about 12 weeks off work, and then do a Phased return to work , if possible.[/QUOTE]
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@Pecanpie. Thank you. I have my post op in 2 weeks and I’m going to push for some extra time and/or limited time back. Most of the things I do require being in the office but I may be able to take a portion of it home so I might be able to juggle it for awhile.
@LooLoo ...just to say I had only 3 clients at 6 weeks and it was the hour driving to see them that was the most difficult. I was only out for a few hours 3 times a week! With hindsight I would have waited 12 weeks. I just wanted to reassure you that I wasn't superwoman or anything. Take as much time off as you can - our brains might be ready but knees, they have a mind of their own :heehee:
Thank you @Celle for your insight. It is helpful to know. I’m going to continue trying to be at peace with where my progression is at instead of worry so much. It’s a difficult thing to do!
Ok @LooLoo ....

You have just been given a ticket on The Patience Bus.....

Many of us on the site have reserved seats....neesie....luvcats brings snacks....fitgal brings her camo cane and steelergal brings her newly manicured nails....
Some others get on....then get off then get back on....the Bus is always around......
Poctdb is driving.....

Come and join us....there is always a friendly ear on the Bus....:)

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