THR MEPil on the recovery side

Hello and a Happy Wednesday to you! @MEPil
Thankfully the massage from your therapist seemed to loosen some of the tightness. I hope you slept well last night. It's good to hear you'll be heading to your daughter's for the holiday. Consider bringing an ice pack if it's a longer drive, it may help.
Wishing you a lovely holiday spending time with those you hold dear.
Safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving!
@Layla an ice pack sounds like a good idea, hadn't thought of that. Our car is pretty comfortable and it's about an hour's drive, may be ok but great idea, thank you. Have a wonderful day.
And while you may not need it on the way there it might definitely come in handy in the way home after a long day of sitting up and in different chairs than you've been using. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.
:friends:Safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving dear @MEPil
Please don't worry about the numbness.
Mine stayed around along with sensitivity and the area that was numb got smaller and smaller with the passage of time.
I reckoned it might even be collateral damage which still beat horrid bone crunching hip pain.
By the time I could ignore it, all was back to normal.
@Mojo333 thank you, at least I guess this recovery is pretty normal. It's just takes longer than we'd like and I can tend to be a worrier. You are so right about the horrible pain before surgery. It's just going to take time to feel more normal.
Good morning, hope everyone had a beautiful day yesterday.
The ride to my daughter's house went well, the day was great, the ride home, with ice, ok, got home and the discomfort hit me so to the couch, elevated legs and iced, later took a pain pill and went to bed. All well worth my first travel experience.
Sounds like a good day, overall. Isn't it a great feeling? I guess you aren't tempted to do any Black Friday shopping? :rotfl:
Happy to hear you had a wonderful day and had no lasting pains after your first travel excursion. You're doing well, keep taking it slow and steady.
Happy Saturday @MEPil
It's nice to read you enjoyed Thanksgiving at your daughters.
I hope you're feeling back to normal after a few days rest. Well...normal for this point in recovery anyway. Wishing you a peaceful rest of the weekend!
@Layla thank you. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving also.
I do have a question it has been a terribly rainy day here today and chilly. I have stayed home and except for letting the dogs outside a few times, haven't been outside but I have been hurting and achy all day, could it be this weather fighting the healing process. I have felt terrible. Thanks for any insight.
Well, the best insight I can pass on is that you may be able yo blame it on the barometric pressure. Changes in pressure, or the weight of the air pressing against the surface of the earth, can trigger joint pain, tightness, stiffness or headaches in some people, per an online search.

If you're speaking of your op leg only some people do maintain they feel increased pain and stiffness as the weather changes. As the bone adapts and grows around the metal prothesis, that activity can lead to sensitivity to weather and pressure changes for the first 1-2 years after surgery.

Hopefully with some rest and stability in the weather you'll feel like your old self again soon. It's been a month since surgery.
Happy One Month Anniversary! (a day late :wink:)
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@Layla thank you, it's to rain the next two days. I do believe it is at the root of what I'm dealing with. Don't really think I'm getting sick, just pain and achy. Sure hope the weather report is wrong.
@MEPil yes the numbness in the fascia around the scar and that area hangs on.
Glad to see you have gotten out a little and the weather is a pain for me too...
I think anyone who goes through two surgeries in about a year as you have.... things can wear on you and cause more concern.. This healing takes time and though pain free from all that horrid pre op pain, I can tell you its a process that makes me re-read others journey through healing in the post op section as points for comparison.. I wrote a long ramble a few minutes ago

I think we all need doctors RX for warm water, sunny weather island trips and I have one picked out, but its not for 5 more months.. maybe there should be a bonesmart org group vacation to a warm climate :loll:
For me the rain and today we have icy rain affects the mood and just everything seems to bother me more and I feel the suture line more, etc. A little sunshine is such a balm for the soul and spirit. I do not think either one of us is due for any sunshine for a few days according to the weather man. Maybe some hot tea and turn on a lot of lights might lift your spirits a bit or a special coffee.
@Steelmanpa @Leeja I am so ready for warm weather. I've even noticed my right knee is achy too, the one replaced September 2018. This morning I have a lot of stiffness and soreness and therapy in just a little over an hour, hope I don't break:oyvey:wish I didn't have to go a heating pad, my blankie, and couch look so good to me.
A trip to a warm sunny beach should be included in our surgeries as a gift.
Our temps have dropped and we have a bit of snow this morning.
Thank you both for helping and insight, looking at others journey helps me realize where I am and see we all are fighting for our lives back. Have a good day.
@MEPil You have me dreaming of a hip replacement center on a warm, sunny beach somewhere with a recovery resort, :heehee:
I agree with you, my other joints enjoy heat, too this time of year.
I am cuddling up in two layers of a down comforter today.

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