Revision TKR Hmm. Not thrilled with the revision yet

I certainly wish each one of us could get some honest answers about our individual knees. It truly seems as if the surgeons (at least here in the US) do the surgery but then refer you to a pain management specialist. I was / am uncertain how a pain management physician works. The one I saw seemed ambivalent if he ever saw me again or not. Plus he referred me back to the knee surgeon. I fail to see how that is helpful. Clearly I still don't understand their role in our knee recovery.
Unfortunately I think a lot of the problem in the US is the whole medical community running away from the opeiod crisis in the country. In our sue for anything culture they have become afraid to treat those of us in serious pain because they are afraid of being sued.
I totally agree with you about the medical community and the opeiod crisis. Unfortunately those of us whom have had major surgery are the ones suffering. I could get on my soapbox, but it is all what we all know.

I have figured something out. Yes it feels good to elevate and ice. But I'm realizing when I get up after being down my knee does move a little more easily. Yes I still have outer swelling but I can feel the inner swelling. That 'decent' feeling last maybe a couple of hours then I'm back at square one.

I'm admitting today is awful, I'm miserable. Maybe even a little worse than miserable. My thigh is screaming at me. Its always when weight bearing. Putting myself down with elevation, ice, medication and Netflix's. Surely later on I'll at least feel somewhat better.

I see the surgeon on Monday. This is absolutely crazy, never had this with any other surgery, nor prior to this 3rd revision. To me they go together. Well see............
So tomorrow is the day. The day I've patiently waited for - to see the surgeon. I know good and well that he'll refer me out for some testing - his thoroughness is maddening. Wait for an appointment, have testing done, wait for results then see the surgeon to 'review.' Then he'll order something else...... at least in the past that is how its gone.
I sure hope I don't end up tossing my walker at him!!!:tiredwheel: The vicious circle I've been on.
I hope it goes better than you think it will.
I hope your doctor surprises you with something much better than you expected.
I am blown away. I had several 'what if's' in mind prior to my appointment, something I always seem to do. However, he watched me try to walk, had multiple x-ray taken and quite the exam (both with him feeling the knee / leg and him asking lots of questions). Then he said "I think its a good possibility the very tip of the prosthesis has come loose." Nothing prepared me for that - this will be revision #4, crazy. He very clearly showed us on x-rays taken Feb, then April and today what has him "very concerned." I'm not a PHd but I could clearly see on the x-rays what his was talking about. He said this doesn't happen - but yet it has. He did more physical exam and said "here is our plan of action."

Ordered a contrast bone scan. If it shows 'hot spot' at the prosthesis area it means its loose. If not then move to CAT scan to see what it shows, then I think he said MRI - frankly by then my brain had shut down. He did order blood work. Once he sees the bone scan "we'll make plans from there." Which to me says he pretty much knows its loose and we'll plan for more surgery. Ugh.

I could throw up. The thought of another recovery when I just had surgery in Feb is really overwhelming me. My mind is spinning. The best thing of the day - when we were walking (wobbling) to the car hubby looks at me and says "WTH honey we don't need this." He is 100% correct - we don't need this.
I'm so sorry to hear this, @eaglemom . That's the last thing you wanted to hear. :console2:

Do you happen to have a copy of the X-Ray that shows possible loosening? If so, please will you post it, so Josephine can have a look?
I so wish I did have a picture of it. I was just too dumb struck to think to take on. I have the April one, just not today's. I'm certain I'll be in his office several times in the next few weeks - I'll make certain to get a copy.
I’m so sorry. It’s just not fair. :console2:
The bone scan is scheduled for the 26th. I'm thinking once that gets completed things will move quickly.

I hate that an acquaintance in another state is dogging me about another possible surgery. She wants me to have another 'more skilled' surgeon to look at me. She went on and on about how I had a probable 'case' against my surgeon because of this outcome. When she finally came up for breath I told her I appreciated her concern but had this under control. The surgeon I have is a revision specialist, he's a Top Doc and I have no interest in a lawsuit. Maybe I'm being naive but I don't need her negative comments in my head. She tried to go into detail about the three components of the knee, etc and I told her I'd done my research and virtually no other physician would see me now and I don't want another surgeon. She was an RN, a hospital administer, OR adviser, case worker - she looks for the bad things.

She meant well, thought she was 'helping' me, but darn it all it just made me mad. Its not like I haven't been through enough with knee / leg issues, I think she was way out of line. Like I said she's a good acquaintance, not one of my dear sweet friends.
Yes, based on all the work you've had done I think you'd be the expert in the field. Sorry you've been through all of this.
I completely understand your anger. People don't know what to say when we're having problems, so they try and 'help', which is no help at all! All we need is someone to listen and not try and 'fix' it. With all you have been through, you should be an expert on tkrs. I pray this OS can permanently and totally heal you.
You just can't make this stuff up. I decided to sit outside yesterday morning as it was spectacular out. Hubby was tending to his garden and I was enjoying fresh air and sunshine. I stood up to get my drink - I'd left it on another table outside. All of a sudden I was dive bombed by a wasp - which got me several times on my right elbow area. In trying to swat it away my left arm brushed a plant and darned if 2 bee's (whom were pollinating) nailed my left arm. I stood there because we all know that there in no way I can walk quickly away. The entire thing didn't take 15 seconds, but it felt like 30 minutes!!

Last evening the itching was horrendous, I was miserable. I started myself on Benedryl but didn't sleep much at all. This morning both arms are swollen and red to touch. I called the doc and went in to see him. Of course he said - why didn't you run away? I wanted to slap him!! Then he went ohhhh. He said I was having a pretty good reaction to the stings. He doubled up the Benedryl - and wants me taking them around the clock every 4 hrs. He then gave me another antihistamine to take twice daily. If the redness / itching / swelling isn't gone in 2 days he'll give me a shot and a Z pack, and change the antihistamine. I'm minimally less itchy tonight - feel like I'm moving like a limping cane using sloth!!

So much for fresh air!!
My full body bone scan was done today. It was 22 minutes on top & 22 minutes on my backside. Then of my knee 3 different scans - medial, lateral and front all of which were 15 minutes each. Now the waiting game for the surgeon to view them and come up with a game plan.
Just catching up on your thread. You've been through the wringer, haven't you? All I can say is: :console2:
I really can't believe this. I just received a call from the surgeons nurse - he's seen the test results from the full body scan. And, drum roll.........stress fracture on my femur. I certainly didn't expect to hear that news. I tried to ask several questions but I didn't even know what to ask. Thankfully the nurse told me to write down my questions and call her tomorrow. She'd go over them with me. She did schedule an appointment to see the surgeon the end of August to "see if its healed." I don't even know how to process that.

So my extension is good, however my flexion probably isn't 100. That's what is making me crazy - the knee simply won't bend beyond that point. It is still swollen which I know impacts bending, but when trying to bend the knee it feels full, if that makes any sense. And now lets just toss in a stress fracture for fun. Its no darned wonder I've been miserable. And no wonder I wobble even with my cane. No wonder I'm cranky.

So what questions should I be asking? I will admit this has knock the air out of me. I didn't even ask about the prosthesis being loose. I would assume the fracture has to heal prior to surgery on the prosthesis? Is that even right. Sigh...............color me blue.
My first question would be, how did it fracture? I can’t remember right now if you’ve said, but do you remember a specific time you felt a pain that might have been when it happened?

Oh my, this just goes on and on for you. :console2:

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