Revision THR hip replacement gone bad<

Hi @danabanana You come with words of wisdom.This stuff is not for the faint of heart; it's not a breeze, that's for sure. I have to fight myself to be patient. My heart is pounding away in there feeling all heavy and I know that's anxiety. I'm 5 weeks and I can't walk without my cane either. I am starting to take a step here and there but they aren't exactly human. . .more like a duck. But I have this crooked foot which adds to the duckiness of it all. And, darn it, it is just plain hard so I have to come to grips with that.

But we'll get there. We both have some history behind us that requires more time, I think. The main thing is to walk as much as I can tolerate, that is not to excess so I exhaust myself, assisted if necessary. I've been reminded more than enough on Bone Smart, that we're not in a race. Everyone is different. And that's an understatement.

So, yes, a partner to travel the patience road with would be lovely. I appreciate the offer. You've got a deal.
Love right back at cha. Starting the New Year right, aren't we. :console2:
Glad you had a lovely New Year’s Eve and day. You are showing much progress. Walking without assistance will come.
Hey pretty lady....
Your New Years dinners sound lovely. So Southern!
You know what we're known for in these parts? Hot Dish, formally known as Casserole.
Most often an unhealthy carb (white rice or pasta) a protein (usually Chicken or Hamburger)
Throw in a veggie and the token Cream of Anything Soup. Yuckaroo!

Sorry, I don't have an answer on the redness in the area of your incision but I'm sure the PA will offer reassurance on it today as well as re-affirming you are right where you should be in recovery.
Ask if they can write you a script for a very large dose of "Patience" :heehee:

Please update us later on your visit. I'd love to hear if you care to share....
Sending a hug and lotsa love :loveshwr: Hope your day is great!
Okay, the trip to the PA went well, @Layla. Thanks for asking. He was happy about the X-rays. . .everything looks good.

Normally the OS lifts the restrictions at this point but because of all the nonsense I've been through he is keeping me on them for 2 more months at the end of which I will see him again, another X-ray and we hope all will be well.

The red areas are skin irritations where the knots of the sutures for the interior stitching are. Sometimes they leave too much "tail" on them when they snip the ends. He is putting me on an anti-biotic just to be sure though and some probiotics.

He wrote a new script for PT which includes gait training and neuromuscular re-education among a few other specifics. We had quite a conversation about out patient PT; bottom line, I am going for "re-training" and a non-aggressive gentle protocol with no strength training. I will see what happens and, since I am pain free, if I get pain I will know where it is coming from. Not to worry, I am not doing anything that makes me sorry I did it and the PA knows where I am with this. We are compromising and walking as tolerated is still the highest exercise. There was no arm twisting here either. It is my choice finally to go or not. If they are anything like Andy, my home PT, I will benefit from their expertise on walking which is why I will try it and see. I am truly in control.

Today, in fact, I start on the recumbent bike and my walking on the treadmill. It's dreadfully cold here! in the south. So I have my own protocol going on here which I will do in-between PT visits if I even continue to go to them. As it stands, I wouldn't start any sessions until after we get back from San Diego anyway.

Meanwhile, since the appointment with the PA was at 0 dark 30, I have the rest of the day to. . .REST and catch
my breath.

Hope your day so far has been peaceful and bright. How much snow do you have? Keep looking over my shoulder. Don't know how to do this any other way. :flwrysmile:
Good update @zinnia. I love your plan for maintaining control-it is up to you. I am easing into my new recumbent bike-just two miles or so a couple of times a day. Replaced hip likes it-waiting hip not so much. Want to keep strength up, but not overdo it.

Hope you got some rest. Most of my days start ar 0 dark 30!
Great on the x-rays looking good. You have been through a lot, Zinnia. If they feel it's not time to lift
the restrictions, that's okay.....because I believe this will pay off and you'll get it right this time.
The PT doesn't sound like a bad idea as long as you take it easy and I believe you will.
I saw a sign the other day that I liked and intend to use the phrase on BS often. It stated:
- Pain Is Your Body Asking For Change - so remember that if you get into pain.
Stay warm, sneak in lots of naps so you're well rested up for Cali....
Sending love and a warm hug!
@zinnia, aka my Patience I did this thing where you take a screen shot as the video runs through multiple underlined words and whatever your screen shot randomly picks up, is what you manifest this year...look what mine chose! Haha it's destiny, baby!
hip replacement gone bad<
That's absolutely terrifically scarily great!!! :yikes: Did you click the image to enlarge it? I love it enlarged; it's off screen and you have to go searching for it all. Love it. Destiny awaits! The New Year awaits with destiny in it which also awaits.

Now I have to do it. If I could only remember which keys to press for the screen shot.

Thanks for that. . .there's hope for us yet. I'm holding on to your coat tails.
The video clip of it was on Facebook.Im gonna try to post it here for you.... If you can't screen shot as it plays, just hit the play and then touch it and hit the pause button.

@zinnia - I'm so glad you got such a good report today. As Layla said, being a little cautious isn't a bad thing with all you've been through. I know it's hard to continue to be patient but give it a little more time! The results will be worth it!:flwrysmile:
Talked to the PT suggested by the PA based on our discussion of a less aggressive approach and I liked how she responded to my needs, my concerns and my absolute restriction on strength training except for weight bearing.

It's clear that 2 years has taken a toll and I have a great deal to make up in order to walk without a limp and with a decent gait system. (Pains me to say it, but I could give that first surgeon an ear full given half a chance. Things could even get violent!) I will be patient, I have to be patient and cautious, but at the same time I need to make up time. However, @Layla and @SaraK, never stop reminding me especially as I enter into the PT activity again. I want to do this right and I will need some guidance.

The bike left my left knee in a painful way last night @MammaT. I'm laying off for awhile. Had trouble strapping in my left foot and it kept slipping out. Thinking of buying one of those pedal things from Amazon for the duration and graduate to the real thing later. In fact, my own 3 wheeler when the restrictions are gone. Is your recumbent one of those 3 wheeler types?

I made an appointment for when we return from California. Now, my only concern is what do I pack in one carry on! There is one "formal" night on the cruise. Which simply means cocktail clothing; that's not hard. But San Diego weather is so crazy especially this time of year. I'll be wearing 3 layers on the plane but I only have two feet so shoes are a problem. Sign!!!!!!! :sigh: :what:
Glad you feel comfortable with pt @zinnia. Two years of not walking right will take its toll. You will get your walk back, you are a determined woman!

My bike is just a stationary bike. A friend is trying to talk me into getting regular bike for the summer. I think he bikes further than I would care to, but who knows? I will keep an open mind.

I hate pa king-no advice there. If you forget something, they sell it in San Diego!
Great news on the PT. Having a mutual understanding is important.
I'm happy to hear you feel she'll be a good fit...

You know I'll be here snooping around, checking to see that you're behaving. Can't get rid of me, Zinnia!

What specifically are you wondering about the packing part, sweetie?
Hey @zinnia.
I have a look around the site for the first time in quite a while and what do I see ?
You've gone from someone who feared she would never walk again to wondering what to pack on a trip to Cali after enjoying a big family get together at Christmas.
I'm so happy for you and just think how much better this Festive season was for you compared to the last. Patience going forward and take it easy. There are loads of roses to smell.
Well done you and hats of to your fan club here on bonesmart.
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So excited to see you back @Irish Joe; what a treat to get a message from you.

Yep, the tide has changed. Thanks to you and a whole big bunch of Bone Smarters. Lots of hats off to them. Not exactly on a roll here but things are definitely looking up.

We have snow and ice on the ground here in the south so my walks have been cut down to lots of walks around the house. Can't even get to the gym to walk on the treadmill. I walked a 15 minute quarter mile very slowly day before yesterday. For me that's real action! But this darn weather has put a hold on my plan to get up to a mile with a few more minutes each day or at least walk faster for 20-30 minutes. Anyway, I'm also walking some unassisted in the house but not pushing it. So patience is holding.

Happy New Year to you Irish Joe. Good seeing you back.
Oh! How much do I love you two, @Layla and @MammaT! Always back with a kind and encouraging word. I want to be there for you, MammaT, in February then you have your second hip surgery. How are you doing in the pre-op department? Time is getting closer for you, about a month away. Good you are toning up on your bike. I am thinking about you mightily.

The point with the packing, dear Layla, is I have only one carry on I can pack. We send my husband's bag through and I have a carry on and that's it. He has to carry all this nonsense when we don't have the wheel chair so we lighten the load. I also have a diaper sized personal item. Actually it is a diaper bag which I use. For a 10 days trip including the cruise, that's a tight pack. It is 70 degrees in San Diego right now. Sweater weather for me so that makes it sort of easy. Shoes are my biggest problem. We'll have access to a washing machine and dryer, staying with my step-son as we are, so that helps as well.

They are going to get tired of seeing me walk up and down the aisles of the plane. I have an aisle seat so that will help. Poor hubby is sitting in the middle. The other poor person sits at the window. I hope it's not a woman.
Dear @danabanana, how are you since your recent success IT wise? I haven't had time to look into that video. It's a little late now for predictions and I could never get one better than yours anyway. I feel out numbered!

But really, how are you? Think about you with every entry. . .wonder how danabanana is. :umm:
Surviving nicely @zinna. Right hip has more frequent pain, but not unbearable. Biggest proble seems to be muscle pain in operated leg. I think my gait is shifting.

In terms of packin- have you thought of mailing/shipping a box out ahead of time? It would cost a bit more, but would save stress on your husband. Then have them shipped back.

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