TKR Hawkie's 2nd Knee

Glad you’re recovering well. I am too, except for nighttime zingers.
At 3 months I still had all kinds of challenges. I'm glad you're down to just the night time zingers.
You were good having 2 whole weeks with your grandkid! I get tired after having mine for a couple of nights, particularly the granddaughter who talks non stop.
oh yeah, he's one of those, a talker, and full of high jinks. I was a cub scout leader so have a full bag of tricks for the kiddos. My mantra back then was you have to have activities scheduled, if not they'll find their own and you probably won't like theirs. With that said, it was important for him to have down time, too and that was when I saw the teenager in him making an appearance. I love that nugget and cherish those memories.
getting up from the desk after 3-4 straight hours requires a few steps to get the kinks out now and going down stairs reciprocally is not always a smooth operation
Thanks for sharing this! I've noticed similar challenges and was starting to worry I might be losing ground. It helps to know others' experience the same "road bumps."

I just need to remind myself that this recovery is still in process.
Hawk2go, I agree, always have activities scheduled. If I don’t my granddaughter focuses on the dog, hugging her way too tightly and trying to dress her up in my jewellery and scarves. The poor dog tolerates this but doesn’t like it. Grandson is also showing a pre teen side. He’s gone very quiet and prefers his ipad for company. However he thoroughly enjoyed putting a care pack together for his mum who has just had surgery. They wrapped a small present for each day of the week and my daughter said they were so proud of it!
I will try heat on the thigh before bed. Thanks for the hint.
benne68: I know what you mean. If I have been writing for hours I stumble a little when I get up. My own fault for sitting for so long but writing is such a passion for me…
I'm back at PT. The evaluation revealed that I have some weakness on the lateral side and some residual pain deep in the tissue or bone or tendon or some such. I'm ready to begin pain-free therapy and will not suffer through. More to come.

me: Doc, it hurts when I press the hip like this
Doctor: then don't press the hip like that :rotfl:
Welp, it's been a year!!!!!!!!:wowspring:
My 1 year check was pushed to Nov 7 so there's no OS report but I feel confident all is well. I walk anywhere I want and though I think about distance, my stamina is sometimes an issue but not the knees. I can say lower case knee now because The Knee is not the boss of me. There are times at the end of a long day when it hurts a bit to walk up or down stairs but the pain doesn't linger and it also doesn't force me back to one stepping. I can ride my stationary bike with the seat low and some resistance, again no pain. I can stand for long periods of time without a problem. I still have a long day of sitting for work and if I'm not mindful to break it up can have some stiffness when I stand but that eases out almost immediately, with 2 or 3 steps. Though I can still land in the ODIC, the recovery is quicker and the incidences are fewer and farther between. I don't think I've been there in over a month, but I'm still careful not to stack the day with lots of activities. I'm back to my pre-surgery sleep patterns, an area where I struggle with insomnia, but pain no longer wakes me. I have to admit that I still brace for pains I expect with some movements but that pain just isn't there. I'm going dancing on Friday! It's "knee"rvana.

I am immensely grateful for the patience and kindness so many on this site have extended even when I was my grumpiest. I honestly know I could not have gotten here without you.
Congrats, @hawk2go :happydance:
It seems like that milestone is so far away and then its right here. I'm so happy for you that you're back on with life. Dancing! What a great way to celebrate. Have fun!!!
Happy One Year Anniversary!
Have fun celebrating on Friday. Cheers to many more years of dancing! :cheers:
Happy first year, new knee, and Hawk2go! Feels great to be this far past the day, doesn’t it! Congratulations!
Thanks for the cheers! :loveshwr:

I did a real yoga class today. It was just me and the instructor so I got very personal attention on how to adjust the poses to save my knees. We were both super careful and checked in with each change - how does that feel, you should feel that all along the back of your leg, you're pretty flexible in that pose, do you feel that in your back, oh that's too tough for now, I can't do that one ... yet, etc. I'm not sure what's in store but completing that class was great on so many levels. It's been years. :spin:
I did a real yoga class today. It was just me and the instructor so I got very personal attention on how to adjust the poses to save my knees.
So important to make adjustments for our knees! Glad you have an instructor who does that.

My yoga class is a group of four, all of whom have had joint replacements. It is great, because we all understand the need to modify the postures for our bodies.

Congrats on getting back on the mat.
Congrats on getting back on the mat.
Thanks. Yoga is way more than exercise for my body. A class with all joint replacement students would be great but I'm ready to be the slowest gazelle in the group while I continue on my healing journey - slow and steady.

A year ago, for those 1st few weeks, I wondered while bawling my eyeballs out why I did this to myself. Someone, likely a moderator, reminded me that this recovery is a marathon not a sprint. That simple statement was a touchstone when I was feeling low or impatient. Thank you wherever you are ...
yoga class - $ subsidized by work
dancing with friends - $ cover fee + drinks
resuming my fav things - $ priceless.

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