THR Exercise Freak Bites the Dust..redux

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Hi @beachgal! It's nice to still see familiar names. I think you are having a stellar recovery too! I peek in every now and then...and know you've been baaaad to the bone, driving before permission. You know I'm teasing. I enjoy your spunk. By the way, I think it was you who mentioned Daphne, Alabama? I was so startled to see it. Each year that's where we stop for the night on our drive to St Pete. There's a Hilton Garden Inn right off I-10 just after crossing Mobile Bay..nice, clean, convenient on/off I-10, and a halfway decent restaurant in the shopping center just to the East. Funny little small world isn't it? :). Hope you get back to your beach before long! You WILL be doing your Paris walk too!
Yep. Been bad. I've really been pushing the envelope but I know I have to do some of this to get moving. I'm not having nearly as difficult a time getting in and out of the car as a week ago.

Our dog sitter lives in Daphne. We love that area! I do miss my coastal home but I've not allowed myself to think about it too much. It will be a happy day when I get back -- 9/8!! I've been at our Jackson area home since 7/23. Long time but a very blessed and healing time. So grateful.

You're still my hero! Keep updating!!

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@Beachmusic Congratulations on your great recovery! You are doing just awesome, and you can tell that
from your posts. 5 miles a day walking is superb. This surgery really does get our lives back for us.
I am at nine weeks and biggest issue is severe calf pain. I already had huge muscular calves. The operated leg calf is atrophying and the top of my ankle is zinging.
Hi @LoyalD you and I share a surgery date. Nice to "see" you again, but very sorry to read about your calf! What's going on...when did it start? Oddly, my calf muscle is very tight too when I first get up, and if I've been sitting for a while. It works itself out with some careful walking. I have torn a calf muscle in the past and don't want to go that route again, so walk very very carefully until it eases. I don't know if this happen because I was toe touch weight bearing for so long or what caused it, but I haven't worried too much about it because it does work out pretty quickly. Yours must not, or it must take a while. Are you still in PT and are they doing anything for it? Was it you who was used to wearing heels but are now in flats? If so, I wonder if that has anything to do with it...if the calf muscle has shortened because of heels, but is now getting stretched? Guessing here obviously!!
I realize I'm not to start new threads, but my recovery thread (title above minus redux) says I have insufficient something or other to post, and the thread has been closed. Please feel free to move this. I have serious concerns I'd like to discuss.

My recovery from my 6-24-14 surgery has been fantastic. No issues, back to walking 4-5 miles/day and back to the gym. It's fabulous! Then: I developed a squamous CC on the tip of my nose. The dermatologist, rather than Mohs, decided to do a 28 day course of Aldara, a cream to stimulate my immune system to fight the SCC. He knew of my hip replacement but felt I'd be OK doing this with no antibiotic. At day 19 of a 28 day regimen (March 24), my nose appeared drastically worse overnight and I was seen by the PA who did not feel there was an infection but because of MRSA "in the community" put me on doxycycline and Mupirocin ointment 2x/day. Two days later with no improvement I saw the MD who also felt there was no infection, but cultured the area to be safe. Culture came back this morning, not MRSA, but Pseudomonas, which is not affected by doxycycline, but will respond to Cipro. I began a 10 day course of Cipro this morning. Meantime, by Sunday the 29th, I was seeing some noticeable improvement in the appearance of my nose despite being on the wrong drug. It was far less red and had scabbed over. Indications of infection had included markedly increased redness, and oozing of a clear liquid on the area being treated. It was never sore, nor did there seem to be pus in the normal sense of the word, just weeping a clear liquid which would be present after washing, but stop after that.

There was infection though, and being on the wrong antibiotic, it was essentially untreated for a full week. Now I'm in an absolute panic about my hip and the possibility of infection traveling there. No fever or other indications at this point, but a week of untreated infection has me so very worried. What is the likelihood of this infection traveling in that period to the hip?

We have been in FL and away from my San Antonio doctor since Nov and don't return until May. I called their office this morning and was told to take the course of antibiotics and call back if fever developed. Nurse said he didn't seem overly concerned. I have no orthropod here, but have made an appointment with one for Thursday to discuss what has happened, and simply because I need to have someone here as we are here 6 mos every year. Discontinued doxycycline but still using the Muciprin ointment as well as the new Cipro RX.

I know no one can say with any certainty if I have dodged a bullet or vice versa, but this has me so freaked out, I really would like to discuss how common late infections are from something like this. Essentially I was untreated for a week. I have been SO careful otherwise, dosing prior to the dentist, if even a suspicion of bronchitis (just prior to our SA departure), dosing before the biopsy to diagnose the SCC...and now this, even though I'd gotten myself in to be seen. I'm really sick about it and any enlightenment regarding infections would really be appreciated!! Is there anything else I need to do, or be on the lookout for?

Edited to say, the Aldara was stopped permanently at my 3-24 visit. The reaction I'd had was sufficient to eliminate the superficial SCC that had been there.
@Beachmusic .... I have merged your new thread with your original recovery thread. So sorry it was closed when you went to post. We periodically close older threads so that new members will not post in them. Their posts tend to get lost and go unanswered when that happens. But we're always happy to reopen a thread for a returning BoneSmartie!!!

Please don't worry about the idea of this type of infection traveling to your hip implant. The chances of that happening are really remote. Here is an article from our BoneSmart Library to give you more information.

I think it is an excellent idea though for you to locate a good surgeon in Florida where you spend a substantial amount of your time. If you are anywhere near Daytona Beach, I can recommend an excellent surgeon for you.

Don't hesitate to ask questions if you have them. We're here for you. But I just don't want you to worry needlessly.
Hi, I noticed your message here was dated back last year but I found it very interesting to read because me me that you are a physical fitness buff like I am. I just had a total hip replacement 2 weeks ago in two days and I am doing very well but having to kick back the routine a bit that I'm used to doing. It is very hard for me. How did you get through it the transition? I love my running jogging and weight training. I'm back at the gym finally after two weeks doing my typical routine, but not as much as I want to be doing. And when it's nice out I force myself to stay home from the gym and go for a nice walk with my dog and do other exercises around here. But it is so hard not wanting or not being able to go back into running right away X cetera.

So what I want to know is, how long did it take you officially to get back into your full workout routine? What did you do aside from what I saw you did Body Pump yoga and other exercises? People like you make me feel good because everybody here supports me and tells me to step back a little and it's unbelievable. People who are active and love to be working out all the time which I love doing it's so hard to just pull those reigns back. Thanks for your article have a great day.
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@Jamie thanks for the response and link, which I read last night in connection with someone else's thread, but read again this morning to absorb the biofilm discussion. This episode makes me a little crazy as I'd been so vigilant about everything infection related, having read some horror stories. Had I had any inkling of the possibility of a reaction like this to Aldara, I would have insisted on being on something. Far better safe than sorry, and how often do we take antibiotics anyway! In view of the fact that neither doctor nor PA thought that it really was infected until the culture results came back, and I was being treated prophylacticly prior to that, I'll have to trust it wasn't that bad, and just wait this out. Thanks, and thanks too for merging the two threads, and welcoming me back. :). Once we've had replacements and found this website, I don't think we ever leave entirely. Any questions and I head right back here for answers! Oh...I'm in St Pete, the west coast, but have several friends who have had their surgeries here, so have a list of several options. Thank you for the offer tho!
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@healthgal46 you are only 2 wks out!? I agree, you probably should step back some and go at this slowly. My orthopedist is VERY conservative! He would not let me put any weight on it for 4 weeks and I was using a walker during that period, then a cane for a bit after. When I did resume walking (for exercise) I built up gradually, as hard as restraint is, but it became obvious if I'd done too much, in the form of an achy thigh. It was at least 8 wks until I returned to body pump, and I started back with pretty light weights. Be patient! I'm back to the weights I was using pre-surgery (actually heavier for squats and lunges), and same distance walking. Am fitter now, really, as my hip had limited me leading up to surgery. You will get it back, I promise, and tho it seems like forever now, the wait pays off in the long run, IMHO.

My son-in-law just returned from an archaeological conference and he was telling me yesterday that one of his colleagues he saw there had had a recent hip replacement, but had overdone it early on and it had really set him back so that he was no longer able to get around well. His comment was that I was doing so much better than his colleague. Well, that's really no fault of mine--I would have been at it sooner rather than later too, but my doctor put the fear of you-know-who in me, and I was going to follow his rules "or else"!

Time will go faster than you think, tho I know you don't think so now. :). Your fitness level WILL return, no worries there! We just need to be patient, as the last thing you want is anything setting you back as it did my SIL's colleague! What is the adage? Slowly but surely wins the race? I believe it fully now.
yes it is hard to pull the reins back. i just went for a 3.2 ml walk with my dog and felt great and after i play with my other pup i have pt exercises to obide to. simple ones and i am sure i will be hurting but a growing hurt not a bad one so i take my Tylenol and alleve and ice it at night and feel great the next day. so i asked my pt when i can get back to my jogging or running what ever the difference means and i said my goal is mid may, is it possible and she said that will be 8 weeks out might be end of may and yes that is workable. so i can continue walking and doing upper body and now i am going to add biking in a bit at the gym and core. i think i can survive till end of may to be back and jogging. what the heck is the difference from jogging and running ?

Healthgal, the difference is that jogging and running are pounding that new hip joint that is still healing and if you try to do it too early, you may find yourself with serious problems. Please ask your surgeon before your resume running on your new hip.
i already did on my 2 week post op and even pre op that was my first question and he said as long as i don't plan on running marathons or half marathons or 20 to 40 miles a week you can run at least 2 to 3 days a week but reduced mileage of 3 to 5 times. and i asked my pt also when she thinks i can and she said girl! you are way out now, you are 2 weeks out. i said i would like to aim for mid may and she said that is doable but most more near to end of May. i can deal with that, walking and biking will help me get them strong in the mean time.
What you are doing already @healthgal is pretty darned awesome! I understand where you are coming from, yes, ( more so now after reading your recovery thread), but honestly, I worry it could be too much too soon! I know one of your worries is weight gain, and despite my reduced workout schedule I didn't gain. You aren't burning as many calories, but I think you naturally eat less post op as your body doesn't require the calories it had when you were exercising. It wasn't so much the meals being smaller, but less snacking, for me anyway. I'll follow you over on your own thread and help if I can!
@waterman1 - Hello, I live in the tampa area and am having Dr. Raterman do my right hip
April 13, 2015. I also picked up him because of the direct anterior approach and the number
of replacements he's done.
I have since spoken with the other people who had him do their knees too. I feel pretty
confident with him. He also advised me correctly that I was not a good candidate for
resurfacing as in his experience there were more revisions for small boned females, so
go for the total hip.
@Beachmusic and @beachgal - have been reading your threads and feel comforted by
your recoveries. I hope mine will go as well, so far patience is what I need most of.
Hi @souldancer, I hope Waterman sees your post. He had an amazing recovery and I think you are in good hands. Know this is probably a tense time for you heading into surgery, just focus on the good ahead! It takes a little time but the transformation is wonderful. My best wishes for an uneventful surgery and recovery! I'll be watching for you recovery thread.

I saw an orthopedist in St Pete today to get established with a group in this area as we live here half the year, and I don't want to be scrambling if something comes up as it did with this nose thing. He felt the odds of something developing from the nose infection are very very slim, that it just wasn't that severe, if a concern at all. Our next door neighbor at the condo is a retired surgeon and he was telling me yesterday that the fact that pseudomonas was cultured out didn't necessarily mean it was infected. That bacteria was present but may have been part of normal skin flora. I'm calming the nose looks infinitely better in two days.

This surgeon also said he's an agnostic when it comes to medicating before the dentist. I'll stick with it as my San Antonio dr is so adamant, but the controversy is interesting!

Anyway...looks as if I'll live and I've enjoyed being back and seeing what all is going on here!
June 24, 2015. It's my one year anniversary today for my hip replacement, five year one day anniversary for breast cancer surgery, and things could not be better in both departments!! Hurray for modern medicine, and may the advances that give us back our quality of life continue. Even twenty years ago it was such a different story.

For anyone just starting down this road, my best advice is to have patience...lots of it. I was not. I wanted to be off that walker and walking on my own. Now! It happens at its own pace, and now I look back and wonder what the rush was? I celebrated the day earlier mowing our 1.3 acre lot while my husband did the edging and weed whacking. LOL. I can do it...without any thoughts to that hip, and if it hadn't been that, I'd have had to do our 5 mile hike. I can do that too. I did a yoga class this winter, and still felt the need to be careful with that, but am back to the old weights in Body Pump and think yoga is probably OK now too. The healing really does continue a full year!

I just wanted to thank you all, fellow hippies, moderators, RNs etc who post and encourage and answer countless questions over and over again as new hippies come in with their own fears and issues. This forum has been fabulous in guiding us through it all, and we all so appreciate the time you spend! What a valuable service Bonesmart is, as I'm sure we all agree. Cheers to all!
@Beachmusic, what an inspiration you have been to many on this forum, especially me. You were about a month out from my surgery and I read every detail you posted about your recovery, what happened, what didn't, you name it! By the time I was rolled into surgery, my comfort level had leveled out. So many here were rooting for you and you did not disappoint! Happy Hippiversary to you, friend, and many more adventurous years ahead!

:wowspring: :yes!: :yay: :ok: :cheers:
@healthgal46 ~ I had my two week check last Friday with the (awesome) NP, will see surgeon in another 4 weeks. She said that bone growth into the implant takes six months to a year (and continues as an ongoing process) but the major ingrowth occurs in the first three months so she advised to avoid impact exercise till then as those first three months have the highest risk of the bone-implant bond becoming damaged.
A good read is @Poppet's

@Beachmusic - it's nice to see so many others have the same "let's get going" attitude and that we all seem to need to get permission to kick back, slow down and let life do its thing.

Patti in Vail AZ :)surfer: no waves here)
@DesertHorses -- I suspect you are my number one fan, helping me to share the all important phases of recovery -- thank you sweetie x
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