THR Are We There Yet?

Fortunately, despite not as much flexibility in my operated right hip as I'd like, it mostly doesn't bother me except for that pesky morning stiffness.
Same for me. My op hip is no where near as flexible as the non op hip. I suspect flexibility will be one of the last things to recover. Even though my right hip was in very bad shape prior to surgery, I still had a lot of flexibility in it.
@KathyB I have just updated my thread afterva conversation with the physio with regards to this as also have some flexibility and stiffness issues. Will post in 2 weeks about how the exercises are going for this.

Barbara J you are doing brilliantly with the Elliptical. One hour -wow! A friend of mine has access to the posh country club near where I live with a warm swimming pool and is getting me a guest pass. Yay!
Oh,'s begun to snow. The weather forecasters have predicted MORE snow, anywhere from 4 - 10 inches depending upon where one lives in the area. Since we're about a mile plus from Puget Sound, I'm hoping we'll only get on the lower end of the predicted amount. I really hate snow. Plus, all the grocery stores in the immediate area are out of milk and eggs! Argh... This is going to be a l-o-n-g weekend, I can tell. I know, compared to those who live in the path of the Polar Vortex, our relatively puny amounts of snow might sniff in scorn, but around here snow sends everyone into panic mode. I am feeling grumpy already. Both hips are achy this morning (curse you, cold weather) but I did make it to the gym for a half hour on the elliptical before heading home.

I wonder, @KathyB, although I HOPE this isn't true, if flexibility is permanently affected because of scar tissue build up? I definitely can't do as much with my operated hip as I can with my left, unoperated and often achy left hip. And, @SurreyGirl, I hope you enjoy your guest workout at the warm pool. Not a personal fan of swimming myself, but seems like you enjoy it, and if it helps then that's an added bonus.

Off to drink wine for lunch (otherwise you KNOW I'd be having a boiled egg and warm milk for lunch--but can't due to neither of these in the house!) and stand at the window and rage against the white stuff.
Barbaraj... oh I am with you ...I am not a fan of snow. Lived in Colorado. Here in the northwest it’s mostly ice storms and icy roads. Watching buses and garbage trucks slide on off ramps , scary stuff. In the northwest they haven’t the equipment to keep the roads safe. Latest ice breaker odot using beet juice. Alrighty then better than salt to mention the bumper cars going down icy hills. It’s best to stay put on snowy icy days.
Our frig broke down and put all the food out in the garage colder than the frig 22 degrees now until a repair guy comes.
Heat up a cup of spiced apple cider and ignore the snow hiding all the daffodils coming up. Just when I thought we had missed the cold winters up here we are caught by the arctic front. Lots of wood to stay warm and hope you stay warm and take pics to share too. How to keep the healing journey going....sending good healing wishes for your journey.


  • Are We There Yet?
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Layla..:roseshwr: you are beautiful and I am grateful for your support to so many on this forum. THANK YOU for all your hope support and most of all just being the lovely lady you are:wowspring::yay::friends:
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Aww shucks @Hippielife you're making me blush :blush:
A very kind sentiment and I thank you.
Thank you for the time, support and encouragement you offer on the forum.
I'm sure you've cheered and comforted many through your words.

Hope you're staying warm and enjoying the beginning of the weekend @Barbaraj
With any luck the snow that's accumulated there will melt quickly.
Ugh...more snow last night and more to come early next week. Hips are absolutely groaning this morning, I may be forced to take some extra strength Tylenol this morning. I don't know how hipsters who live in really cold winter climates handle the cold weather! Okay, I will give the snow points for creating a pretty scene out there, but it's just such a hassle! A friend of mine who was out and about yesterday was able to locate milk and eggs in a grocery store for me, so she picked them up and dropped them off. So, my morning latte was made and gratefully consumed this morning, as I sat by the gas fireplace and looked out on our backyard (see picture attached).

We actually went to a neighbor's house last night, before it got really snowy out there. I was prepared to walk down but fortunately my husband doesn't get as scared as I do about driving in the snow. We had chili for dinner. She makes a great chili with all the fixings, someone else brought salad, I baked cornbread and sugar cookies and we ALL contributed wine. It was a very pleasant evening, and we played a card game called "Pitch the B'tch" which is easy and goes quickly. I am not much of a game player, but if I have to play I am all about games that go quickly. My kids love these dreadful strategy games which take hours to play and move with the pace of snails. Anyway, we got out of there shortly after 10:00, our car needing to be brushed off with all the snow that had fallen.

Not sure of exercise today, although I know I need to do some. Maybe we'll build a snowman today? We do have a birthday party tonight at a local bowling alley. Fortunately, it's nearby and we'll probably walk down. But I have to do something before then or, like the Tin Woodman without his oil, I will freeze up and not be able to move! Happy Saturday!

PS Where in the PNW are you located, @Hippielife? I'm just north of Seattle (Shoreline) and it's pretty snowy out there this morning. I've never heard of beet juice as a substitute for rock salt. Must make the area around where it's used look like a blood bath! Stay warm yourself. And please send this ugly weather back to Colorado!

PSS @Layla, you couldn't POSSIBLY think I'd really be advocating warm milk and egg for lunch (or breakfast or dinner), did you? Hey, check out my avatar--is this the picture of a warm milk and egg lady? I think not!


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Looks like in the frozen tundra. Only we don't leave heaters and lawn furniture out because of all the snow and extreme cold. Currently we're at -7F with a predicted high of 0. Yeah, ZERO with no sun. I'm bored and tired of spending time indoors. Got out for a Target run yesterday and it felt good to get what I needed and just roam around the store for awhile.

Your gathering with friends last evening for Chili, chatter and games sounded nice. Be careful not to go slip, sliding away if you walk to the bowling alley tonight. Hang on tight to hubs!

I recently read here, somewhere, possibly you did also, that the colder temps some of us are affected by with the new prosthesis only lasts up to two years? Was it you @Debra4 who shared that info, or was involved in that conversation?

Enjoy the weekend, BJ, and stay warm!
I am not much of a game player, but if I have to play I am all about games that go quickly.

@Barbaraj I am the same way regarding games. Had a pretty busy day yesterday, at least it was for me, cleaning up around the house. Then my 18 year old granddaughter drove out to spend the night. She and my daughter are going to go vintage clothes shopping today. After my granddaughter arrived yesterday, we proceeded to go out for sushi and cold sake. We spent about 1 1/2 hours at the restaurant. Needless to say, after a somewhat busy day around the house and than a long dinner out, I just needed to get home, elevate and ice. I let hubbie, daughter and granddaughter play a card game called Roulette. Hubbie said it was a fairly simple and fast game, just my style. I am not much for games, especially in the evening when I am just ready to relax. Another fun and fast dice game is Kismet.
Beautiful photo, but I can understand how you must get cabin fever. I would not do well worrying about slipping on the ice and snow. I am in Southern California and am cautious about just going out in the rain having to walk on slippery pavement. Such a wimp! We are getting ready for another round of rain storms. Can't complain as we can really use it.
Sounds like you had a fun evening last night and overall a pretty active social life. I would guess getting together frequently with friends/family helps! Have a great rest of the weekend.
@Layla I can't imagine being in your deep freeze!
@Barbaraj My friend in Kenmore got a fair bit of snow last night (looks like close to 6 inches in the pictures she posted). I know Victoria also got a fair bit for them; my girlfriend there jokingly put out a plea to be rescued last night. I grew up in Victoria and we rarely got snow then but the last few years, they seem to get much more. Now living in Ontario and having lived in Alberta a good few years it is very hard to get excited about snow in any positive way! Today I got excited about my husband bringing me home an ice grabber attachment for my cane (I know, I need to get a life! :)) Have a great time at your bowling party - I love bowling but prefer the lighter 5 pin balls we get in Canada. Stay upright on the snow and on the lanes!! :happydance:
Wow - much sympathy to those of you socked in by piles of snow. Years (and years and years...) ago I had a business meeting in Minneapolis in the winter, and I was taken by the pretty low hills that lined the roads to the hotel. When I came back in the summer, the hills were gone and terrain was fiat - the "hills" had been snow banks.

Mind ... blown.

Vis vis flexibility in your op leg, @Barbaraj - I'd love to start a discussion about that! That's my next frontier, and I'd love to see how much and how soon it returns for other people.
Well, it's a beautiful sunny Sunday morning but the snow is still here and now--horror of horrors--those grim weather forecasters are predicting another inch or so tonight, followed by an even bigger snowfall on Monday. I am officially so very tired of this--where is my beloved PNW winter rain?!! Expecting all sorts of events to be canceled this week as "the hits just keep on coming".

Last night's birthday bowling party didn't happen at the bowling alley because it was closed and all events there canceled. Instead, we had the gathering at the birthday boy's house. It was a much smaller crowd of folks who were brave enough to face the difficult drive. My husband, of course, drove as there would be no way I'd have attempted this. The hostess served frozen pizza and a salad. I brought some hummus I made that afternoon, and another guest brought a blackberry tart for dessert. So, we were well fed and sang "happy birthday" to our friend, who is hitting 55, the double nickels, on Valentine's Day. Bad aspect of the party for me was that everyone clustered in the kitchen and stood at the island (unaccountably, no stools), eating and chatting. I was dying after about 20 minutes and tottered, with as much dignity as I could summon, into their family room to sit on the couch, and made forays back to stand for awhile and then retreat. This was a BIG, 3000+ square foot house, so why everyone felt compelled to hang out and STAND in the kitchen for the entire party is beyond me. I felt like a complete wuss but my hips were killing me! My trusty heating pad got dragged out when I immediately got into bed upon our return home.

Tonight is another social event, an Italian dinner at the church of some friends. It should be pleasant, a sit-down affair, with wine included in the dinner price (!) and we have the first seating which means we'll have to get out of there without hours of lingering on hard wooden chairs. I need to do some stretching exercises today to make sure I won't be dying of discomfort during dinner. If it gets canceled, I'm having cold cereal and toast for dinner.

So, @Carriemay60, does it basically snow ALL WINTER LONG in Ontario? Sounds like you and @Layla live in areas where snow for weeks on end, plus really cold temperatures, are a fact of life. I am not sure I'd like to live fulltime in southern climates with sunshine (and HOT temperatures for much of the year) but I am all admiration for those who live places where winter snow seems never ending. And, @KathyB, a rain storm sounds like something I'd love right about now. I understand you have to be careful on slippery wet pavement, but rain would wash all this nasty white stuff away--bring it on!

And, @Bone-obo if you find out anything about post surgical flexibility, I'd be interested. For an old lady I was pretty flexible before surgery and feel dreary when I think about the fact this might be at an end. But will try to stay positive and fool myself into thinking that if I continue exercising, with time, I will regain most of it back.
@Barbaraj Thankfully, our winters aren't as long here as Alberta. My kids in Alberta have been dealing with lots of snow and very harsh temperatures since October this year and it is often April before you're in the clear but I saw snow in May more than once living there. We do live on Lake Ontario so when it's cold, it's COLD! We did not choose Ontario, just happened to be where the company sent us after repatriation from Asia. My husband turned 64 last week so much longer and we hope to move back to British Columbia.
Just saw an update that it is snowing hard again on Vancouver Island and headed your way. So unusual for you!

:happydance::happydance:Get your eggs and warm milk in tomorrow before they run out again!
Ugh...Snowmageddon continues, with another 3 inches dumped last night. Husband is out again shoveling the driveway. Sheesh, I am so very tired of this white stuff. Another round of snow is expected to roll in today about midday. Some weather prognosticators are suggesting things will warm up as the week progresses, meaning perhaps some rain--wahoo--but right now it's just COLD and miserable out there. We did make it to the Italian Dinner last night, and due to, understandably, a lot of cancelations, we were able to linger over our dinner longer than normal as many empty tables. When we emerged from the church, it was again snowing like crazy. Husband wanted to go to Trivia while I just wanted to go home--he may be comfortable driving on snow and ice, but driving in a snow storm makes me frightened and miserable, and he agreed we could just go home. This ended up being a good call, as Trivia was canceled and the bar closed early.

Husband may venture out to the gym today, and I may accompany him. It's not snowing right now and if we can get there before the next round hits it would be nice to get out (cabin fever a constant threat) and get some exercise. Otherwise, nothing my agenda today except cursing at the snow. Hips are feeling pretty good this morning. I did home PT exercises yesterday and that loosened things up considerably, I think. Well, it's Monday and my wish for the week is NO MORE SNOW, bring on the warmer temperatures and blessed rain!
I hear you @Barbaraj
We're bracing for another round tonight / tomorrow as we just wrapped up one of the worst morning commutes of the season. It was necessary that hubs and I traveled an hour away from home yesterday to a visitation for a friend who lost her mother. We witnessed 25 cars either in the ditch or involved in a twelve car pile-up we
encountered along the way. We're in for more tomorrow and I will admit it's getting old!
375 crashes and 395 spin outs were recorded by Dept of Transportation.
To brighter days for all dealing with the dog days of Winter. Is there such a thing? If so, we're in it.
And to think I was moaning about a couple of inches.

Warming up a bit here now @Barbaraj but still wasting my thermals and a fleece indoors as boiler still not working.

Re daft games - my favourite is “Pass the Pigs” , especially after a glass of wine or two. We take this on holiday when we stay all inclusive and get together with friends and a bottle of champagne. This has now become a yearly challenge!

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