THR 9 months post-hip recovery!!!

Hi @Trudijane Sorry you are feeling twinges and worrying.
I'm guessing that you just inflamed the area with the blunt bump you received on the bus.. I think our soft tissues remain inflamed for quite some time after our surgeries and that hard hit made the soft tissues ramp up their inflammatory reactions again.

I am guessing that with your second little mis step that you strained some of the intrinsic ligaments and tendons around your joint. The few times I've felt that sort of thing I was told it was most likely irritated tendons/ligaments that weren't gliding as nicely over the bone. they were snapping over or as you said, clicking over.

I'm glad to hear that you are going to contact your Dr office.. they know your history, etc.

It's funny, just in the past month my first hip- the left one- has been feeling that way.. like a tendon isn't gliding.. it's a "thunk' kind of a feeling. I'm guessing it's having some adjustments too, after the newest hip was "installed."

Good luck and it will be interesting to hear what your Dr says.
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The clicking sound (sooo faint but there) was not there after slamming my hip against the rail of the bus! I was really ticked at the bus driver.

But it started shortly after my body torqued in a way that must have been bad for my hip. It's one of those movies that are definitely prohibited for the first 2-3 months in recovery; but now I'm doing thing, altho a little bit more cautiously, I turned w/o thinking about it.

When I looked down, I noticed my right foot was facing inward and I think I reached for something to the left of me, but I'm not sure. You remember when they tell you not to keep your foot turned inward? It was, but only slightly. So, not sure why I felt that second of hip pain and now the faint clicking sound.

Just heard from my surgeon's assistant:
It's hard to know what happened to your hip with the torque and the current clicking but I hope everything is OK since you're able to walk/bear weight. It is time for you to see Dr Lannin again for your 6 month post-op visit so make that appointment (650-853-2018) and we can examine you and possibly take an Xray if needed.
The bus incident was unfortunate. It can be such an unsteady ride and you never know when they'll make those jarring quick stops. I found the area surrounding my incision to be sensitive if bumped for months longer than the seven months post op that you're approaching. I'm sure it was itrritated by bumping into the rail, but will continue healing for months to come, while feeling tender when excessive pressure is applied.

I don't think I'd worry about the faint clicking sound just yet either. It may have been there all along but now you're suddenly laser focused due to the odd movement and resulting sharp pain. I'll bet with some icing and OTC meds it will disappear over the next several days. You'll have your appt to fall back on for reassurance if it lingers.

Wishing you the best! Stay in touch and let us know how you're doing.
ok good! There's your answer,, time for a check up and get some (hopefully) reassurance.

The clicking sound (sooo faint but there) was not there after slamming my hip against the rail of the bus! I was really ticked at the bus driver.

Yes, I realize it didn't start after the bus incident, I was responding to your comments about the hardening and soreness..
It's difficult to worry, but it's heartening that your surgeon wants to see you for a follow up. Ihope you can get onto their schedule soon. :flwrysmile:
OK, Just made appointment for my 6-month follow-up

What I noticed after the bump was not just soreness to the touch - but it hardened so much; I still am massaging it to perhaps soften the wound.

I'm pretty sure the clicking was not there before the reaching incident where I felt that deja vu kind of pain. I notice every little thing - and it did start after torquing my body in a certain way. I just walked up the stairs, and although faint, it's definitely there.

Anyway, I have PT tomorrow and will tell her and my appointnent with my surgeon is in November.

Thank you for your advice.
Have a good night @Trudijane. Glad you have the appointment and also PT for tomorrow.
Maybe you should skip PT this week?
Would hate to see you risk injuring yourself if you're feeling the residual effects of two separate incidents already. Your choice...something to ponder though.
Have a good night. I hope you sleep well!
My 6-month post-op appointment!

Visited my surgeon yesterday, and all is well with my hip (and knees). As a followup of what I wrote above, I mentioned that I heard something 'clicking' in my hip when I walked. When I went to the Physical Therapist (for the last time), 2 PTs concurred that this clicking sound was coming from my knee - not my hip. I just assumed it was my hip because I'm still healing in a way.

I say my last visit to PT because the time I went - I did all the exercises they gave me and felt strong. However, the next day, I had a lot of aches & pains (in my hip & elsewhere) and so decided that PT may not be a good choice right now. For that day I felt like I had regressed and so I stopped. My surgeon told me that was fine - but to just keep active in one way or another (I really just walk as much as I can).

We looked at the x-rays of my hip and my knees as well. The surgeon demonstrated to me that he, too had some clicking activity in his knees! And that it was all good according to the x-ray. No excessive wear & tear. I even talked to him about my left hip - as in the beginning he told me that it was structured very much like my right one is - and wouldn't be surprised if sometime in the future, I may need my left hip done as well.

I asked him what the chances of that happening and he said it may never happen and if it does, it would not be anytime soon. A sigh of relief. In general, I've been feeling like myself again - that is, when I walk I feel as if it's my hip and not some mechanical hip! It seems like a long journey, but it was well worth it.
What a lovely update, Trudijane.
You must have felt good getting the reassurance you did from the OS in regard to your progress, your knees and your left hip. At only 7 1/2 months you're still healing and that means room for improvement. Yay....things are looking up!
Have a wonderfu week! :flwrysmile:
Thank you Layla! I appreciate that.

I just want to relay an incident that happened to me this week that scared me to no end. What's the last thing you want to do when you are recovering from hip surgery - I think the answer if FALL - which is true anyway as posing a danger.

Had this appointment for a facial. She left the room when I got onto the table & when I did; the entire table collapsed with me on the floor and the table in top of me! I couldn't move for awhile just from the surprise that this happened - and I was afraid to get up for fear that I hurt something!

She came running in to see if I was OK - I wasn't - but thankfully I wasn't hurt in the hip area; but other areas had black & blue marks the next day. It collapsed because the legs of the table were not stable (were bent) at the end of the table and so it collapsed.

So, although I have been so cautious for such a long time, the unexpected can happen, and one has to exercise caution when it comes to getting on/off a table or check it before you get on. It could have been a catastrophe. Luckily it wasn't.
That is horrible! What a shock to your system.. good heavens, those tables should to be serviced frequently! I can imagine how scared you were to move your body and find out if there was any damage.
But you and your hip survived! That's there good news.
Did you stay and get the facial? Hopefully for free??
Unbelievable, TrudiJane.
That had to scare the daylights out of you. Toppling over like that and the table landing on top of you, it's amazing you didn't get hurt. We think of slipping, or tripping and falling but not being tossed off something that's supposed be sturdy enough to hold our weight. I'm so sorry you had to experience that and have the bruises to prove it. We should have a thread in the Social Room on "near misses" I've read of many falls, but as I mentioned it was most often a slip, or trip. Thankfully you're okay.
Hugs to you. :console2:
Yes, it did scare the daylights out of me and I thought what if I had really been hurt? (my hip area that is). It was her responsibility to see that the table was stable before anyone got on it; she did put a small step beside the table so I could get up more easily, but as it was high but the legs toward the front was not capable of holding any weight, since the legs were bent back there. I used to be a massage therapist and owned a table. I would always check to see if it was stable before anyone go on it. If it were someone more greedy than I am, they might have sued the poor girl but I wasn't hurt and let it go. I insisted that she stay in the room, until I got off, though.

I already had paid for the facial through Groupon, so, not it was not for free. It was hard to relax after that. But, it's a good idea to start a thread of "near misses" I think. I'm sure everyone has their stories to tell.
Hugs back
It was hard to relax after that.

No kidding! I'd be looking at ceiling wondering what may collapse next. You're right....not very relaxing. Once again, glad you weren't hurt!
Hi everyone,
I could not find my original thread (is there a place to search for it?) so I decided to start a new thread!

Anyway, just wanted to wish you all my hipster friends a very happy new year. I just took my 9-month post-op survey; and I would say that my hip is doing well; I finally feel as if I never had a hip operation!

I have been reading everyone's posts, and my best to you all.
You'll notice that I have merged your newest thread with your original recovery thread. For several reasons, we prefer that you only have one recovery thread:
  • That way, we have all your information in one place. This makes it easier to go back and review your history before providing advice.
  • If you keep starting new threads, you miss the posts and advice others have left for you in the old threads, and some information may be unnecessarily repeated
  • Having only one thread will act as a diary of your progress that you can look back on.
So please post any updates, questions or concerns about your recovery here. If you prefer a different thread title, just post what you want and we'll get it changed for you.
If you need an urgent response to a question, just tag a member of staff.

Many members bookmark their thread in their computer browser, so they can find it when they log on.
To find your threads, click on your username under your Avatar, you will be taken to your information page, one the box that says find, click on the drop down menu, find all threads by Trudijane. Your will be able to locate your recovery thread there.
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Thanks for checking in. It gives those of us still early in recovery a glimpse of what we all hope for going into this.
Hey @Trudijane
Noticed a post of yours last evening on another's thread so thought I'd drop by to see how you're doing. I see you're coming up on 10 months post op in about a week and a half. Your one year anniversary will be here in no time.
I hope 2020 is good to you. Happy New Year!

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