THR 3 years post OP left THR issues

If they stretched/lengthened the tendon, it will take some time to strengthen and get it to respond properly. From my experience, the brain and the muscle have to adjust to the difference. The brain and muscle think they're doing what is being asked but they need to learn to think about moving more because of the longer tendon. With the open approach, you really are recovering from something akin to a hip replacement as well as the tendon surgery - two recoveries in 1 with different issues in each.
Makes perfect sense, he told me 2-3 weeks recovery I think he was a little short on that!

thankful for all advice/replies in this...I so need to hear it right now!
So good to hear from you. Oh, I’m sorry but not surprised you are feeling like you are. I know you’re disappointed but I would say you’re right where I would expect you to be. An open procedure with what you had done is no small thing. Even with my less invasive procedure, I was surprised at how weak and sore I felt. Return to work in 5 days for me was another pie in the sky, optimistic value from the medical people. It will probably be less frustrating to expect your recovery to be more like your THR and be surprised that after the first weeks you’ll be feeling much better. It’s traumatized again before complete healing was finished like mine. Take it slow and easy, ice and elevate, stay on top of your pain, and exercise that patience muscle most of all. Hang in there. It will get better. I’m right there with you. Sending you more healing blessings. Keep us updated so we can support you. ❤️
Good to hear from you and know you’re alright. Well...kinda, sorta aside from the pain and discomfort of recovery. I’ll bet you’re glad the procedure is behind you and you’re looking forward to brighter days. They’re coming...they’re coming! :happydance:
Wishing you comfort. :)
Gosh I am feeling the love tonight! Thank you so much, words I desperately needed to hear to understand I’m normal and so many of you have been there done that. Next appt with surgeon is the 22th, I’m anxious to talk to him and hear his words of wisdom. I have all my faith in this guy and he hasn’t steered me wrong yet (except maybe the 2-3 week recovery timeframe) Lol.
More coming and thanks again!
Hello! Well, you are in recovery, so that is a big plus, sorry it's a little more intense than expected.
I bet you begin feeling a bit better with each passing day, now. Well, at least I wish this for you.

Congrats on getting through this next stage to complete recovery. :yes!:
Things have been feeling better the second week. I try to be strong and not take the pain pills but I know Im much better off taking them. I can now put a little weight on my leg when taking the meds. Yay! I have noticed climbing stairs is easier and my gait is a little better...although a long ways to go with the gait but I will get there.

Just had my 2 week follow up with the surgeon and he is very pleased---things are right where they should be. He assigned PT for a month and then we will re-evaluate. He cleaned out a very large amount of scar tissue in addition to lengthening the tendon and it will just take some time for my body to readjust to "normal', just like all of you said!

I will be focusing on the small improvement every single day from here on out. Im so ready.

More later!
I'm so glad to hear things are improving. From the surgeon's reaction to how you're doing, 2-3 weeks was definitely not the expected recovery time! 2-3 months maybe? Or maybe just different because of the amount of scar tissue? In any event, just keep focusing on the improvements, big and small, and in no time you'll be right as rain!
That is interesting about the large amount of scar tissue. Maybe from the constant irritation of the impingement?
So glad you are beginning to see and feel some positive changes, however small.
Soon you will be at 60 ft and enjoying looking at sea cucumbers and angel fish!
Hello everyone!

Still working my way through recovery and getting better every day. I started PT yesterday and there are only a few things I need to work on but they are big ones. I am still battling foot and ankle are big. I dont really understand why this is so bad, I would think it would slowly go away but so far it hasnt. Even first thing in the morning out of bed its puffy. The PT said it was possible that the surgeon may have gotten into some lymph nodes in cleaning out the scar tissue. When she said that I froze, as I battle this problem on my right side after breast cancer when they took 16 nodes for sampling. Im stuck with that for life. Oh I pray this isnt the case.

I am walking VERY WELL! I can bear weight on my left leg! I can climb stairs like a normal person! I cannot explain the happiness I feel when I walk normal. He wont let me in the pool for another week but once I can Ill be doing my exercises in there too. Cant wait to put some fins on and see how that feels.

If anyone has had swelling issues like mine I would love to hear from you. Thanks again for listening and supporting. This forum is the best!
Oh boy, I wish the PT hadn't said that without knowing for certain what transpired.. I would have froze right in my tracks, too.

I had tenacious swelling with my right THR.. the worst case I ever saw first hand was on my poor mother, it was relentless! I could move it and then she would complain about needing to pee all night.. but it would return the following day after her rigorous PT.. she was in a skilled nursing unit for her recovery so OT was a huge part of her days, unfortunately I didn't know about our right to say no thank you , not today please. which extended into my knee and foot/ankle

It eventually receded and stayed away but it took her a good 6 weeks to see consistent improvement.

Back to your swelling, though. It could be impacted by your past history with your upper right side. Did you ever have any Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) sessions after your breast surgery? If yes, would you consider going back for some more sessions and treatment?
Your lymphatic might just be a little sluggish and need some "priming"
I see this quite frequently and it's amazing just how quickly the body can respond with a little help in the right direction.

There are things you can do at home, too. I hope you don't mind if I leave you some simple breathing exercises to help stimulate the lymph flow.

Take deep breaths.. deep, as in breathing in to a count of 3 or 4, whatever is best for you. hold it for another count of 3-4, then blow out completely, still using the count that's comfortable for you. A series of at least 6 of these could help get your excess swelling to move. To ensure you are taking proper deep breaths, place your hand on your naval and watch while taking in your breath, if doing this properly you should see your hand move up.

Then, as you slowly breath out, to the same count of either 3, 4 or 5 gently press down and slightly upwards with the palm of your hand.
Do this whenever you feel up to it during the day or night. The more supine that you can get in the recliner or bed, the more effective this can be.. you have lymph nodes located in your groin and sitting up too much can cause a restriction of the lymph flow.

You can, after the breathing, place your hands lightly on your upper thigh, right where the crease is in your groin and lightly stroke upwards towards your naval.
I did this quite a bit post op and while it takes a while for the body to wake up and respond, it will and it will help get things moving.
The reason this can help is because our lymphatic system doesn't use our cardiovascular system to help lymph fluids move.. no assistance from the heart pumping. Our breathing and our physical (muscular) movements keep it flowing.

If you have any questions about this, please let me know, would be happy to clarify anything that may be confusing.

The key is to get comfortable on your back with your legs elevated quite high and then do the breathing, etc. It may take a few times to get things stimulated and flowing and it may return in a day or so, but that's okay! Each time you work on it should help.. mine took weeks to go down and stay down but the relief I got was huge for my spirits and discomfort.
Plus each time I went through the routine, I would fall asleep and remain elevated and would wake up feeling better!

There are additional steps for easing any congestion around your clavicular and axillary areas, but hesitate to get into that for now.. especially if you possibly have someone you can go to for a complete MLD session.

Well, I know she prob should not have, but I know to take it with a grain of salt but I hadnt even thought of that! I gave up on the manual drainage it really did not help me. My right arm is mostly impacted and just stays a bit larger. I really should look into new techniques tho as its been 23 years.

I will give the breathing exercises a whirl! Thanks!
Happy One Month Anniversary...since your Psoas release.
I hope you had a nice Fourth. Enjoy the week and stay cool. It seems to be hot all over the country these days. :SUNsmile:
Ok so some GREAT NEWS! The swelling is a lot better--not gone but I really think that tape stuff helped. Did a lot of exercising in the pool this weekend and I am trying to not do the percoset thing every morning and Im doing ok. I feel much stronger with it and will continue to take it before PT so Ill get the maximum amount out of therapy I can.

Hope everyone had a great 4th!
I'm so glad things are improving! Getting the swelling down was the key for me after psoas release. You had so much more done, but that swelling can still be the key to getting back to normal!
I feel much stronger with it and will continue to take it before PT so Ill get the maximum amount out of therapy I can.
Be really careful about that. It's easy to go too far in therapy because you don't feel the pain. Better to save it for after PT if you need it so you can control how far you go in PT without over doing it.
I’m so glad things are improving. Swelling was the nemesis for me as well. The pool was my saving grace. Be careful to not overdo and you’re going to get where you want to be in no time. Good update. Keep us posted.
Well, swelling is better, not gone, but having to sit all day and work certainly doesnt help.

I am frustrated about the level of pain I still have. I am almost 7 weeks PO. Im still favoring the left side and cant walk normal unless I take a pain pill or today I tried some ibuprofen but neither is good either way. Do you think Im asking too much to be pain free at this point?

Has anyone tried CBD after revision/hip?

Last weekend I spent at the lake and was really hurting on Monday and had to cancel PT. I hate doing that. See the doc next week I guess Ill discus it with him. Pain down my leg to the knee. :(
It sounds like you have a very tight iliotibial band, which runs from your hip to down to the side of your knee and it can really be bothersome and painful after a joint replacement. I found great, temporary relief by rolling out my lateral thigh with a rolling pin type device. In fact until I found a roller, I just used my old fashioned rolling pin..

The forum discourages discussions about CBD, mainly because it varies from state to state as to what is allowed to be used.

7 weeks is still not that far along for a joint replacement. I'm guessing that being at the lake meant navigating on uneven ground and walking/doing more and caused some inflammation/irritation to the soft tissue.
I know it's frustrating,, I remember it very well..having a good day, followed by two bad ones and trying to figure out what my body could handle on any given day.
It does get better, I found the best thing for the IT Band was hands on body work, maybe the PT could help with that? I used my trusted massage therapist/colleague and it was a huge help.

You have had two surgeries in less than a year. That's a lot. :console2:
Wasnt aware of the CBD thing, apologize for that. Looking for anything. Im concerned about my dependence on drugs to feel better. Surgeon just cleaned out scar tissue, lengthened, and replaced the cushion so I expected pain to be gone quicker than the whole replacement. Im so impatient after 3 years of going thru this but Ill get there. Thanks!

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