THR Mayhip8's recovery thread

Yippee!! A September hippee!! Fingers crossed you'll get snuck in earlier, just to get this show in the road. Now the countdown starts. :yes!:
Second one and done! Well done for getting that surgery date. You are on your way to the double hippie club!
Yay @Mayhip8 a date at last! So we need to make sure we get a virtual vacation in once @ahipgma has op 2 so towards the start of Sept, which would feel great for me being back at school, then we can go somewhere else early October after yours. We are such globe trotters ladies. @Calgal now we have dates for our hippie sisters round 2 we need to brush up on our cheer routine and make sure we can have a slot later so @ahipgma can join in if she's feeling up to it after @Mayhip8 has her 2nd op, though lets get crossed fingers, positive intentions, visualisation and prayers going and we might see that date come earlier, who knows!
I've been a slightly busy bee today trying to slightly tidy the bedroom as we are getting new beds. We live in a very old, strange shaped cottage. The bedroom is really big so we thought we'd go for a king size but then on measuring the doors, corridor and stairway as well as angles to manoeuvre and then remembering how difficult
It was getting the double in we've decided on 2 singles that can be side by side, making what in essence looks like a superking but means we have our own space( I'm a light sleeper and he bounces about and is a noisy, rested sleeper so yippee!)
@ahipgma my mum, as an Italian was a devout Catholic and I was raised that way, hence the fish Friday but I've grown more spiritual as I get older and do believe there is a much greater force out there and just feel that as long as each of us has faith in something or someone we can all live happily alongside each other. I think that's one of the reasons I enjoyed doing the prep work yesterday for the religious studies classes as I spent time looking at important religious events in Islam, Hinduism and Judaism as well as in Christianity so it was interesting to look at similarities across the different faiths.
Anyway going to make myself a nice cup of jasmine green tea and relax for the rest of the evening so love to all on this positive day and as I say daily 'namaste' xxx
Wow @Mayhip8!
A date!
So glad to see you now have something to hang your hat on to get mentally ready, with possibly sooner.
My boss called me today about a 2 day a week lighter duty job so we will see what happens there! Told her I couldn't start till after my 6 week clearance, but it's great shes keeping me in mind!
@ChrissyW, my son in law is Hindu and its amazing how many of their parables and stories are in their scriptures are similar to ours. I couldn't ask for a more godly man for my daughter and we love her in laws too. So very possible to have peace and love between faiths, if only in microcosm.
We have pouring rain here but we needed it. Just working around the house up till dinner ' cause its leftover spaghetti and meatballs-- no need to cook.
Had to chime in for congrats. One more and done Nurse Mayhip!:elevate:
Thankyou ladies for your positivity and cheerful responses :thankyou:
It's sinking in now !
@ChrissyW an early Sept getaway sounds a fab thing to look forward to :yes:
Though I secretly hope I'll be whisked away to the land of nearly nod and treated to a touch of titanium by then :dancy:
@ahipgma how good of your boss to want you back on reduced hours to suit you - no doubt a reflection of how much they miss you and respect you professionally . See how you feel as your recovery progresses? I'm going back next Tusday on reduced hours and am looking forward to seeing my colleagues and getting back some sense of purpose (nurspose!) I'll call my boss and discuss my Sept Rota later today. It's just now- and if I were on the night shift aid be drawing up the six Am IV's ,the nurse aid would be starting the early morning breakfasts for the NBM after 6 am and we'd be calculating how many hours before we could climb into ours as own cosy beds..
@Calgal thanks for the tomato tip - as I Eat my harvest next year I'll be remembering back n this time when we were at this stage of our recovery and planning
@ChrissyW be careful with the tidying! Though new beds are a great thing to look forward to ! I recall a saying that goes ' invest your money on good shoes and a good bed because if your'e not in one your in the other ' ( Imthink that's how it goes!)
Well time to roll over for me and catch another 40 winks before a new day starts proper
Love to all
Good morning ladies! Your advice @Mayhip8 on a comfy bed made me chuckle as we went bed shopping at the weekend and the technology behind selecting a mattress has really moved forward. I'm sure the last time I went to buy a mattress I was simply asked did I want a soft or firm mattress and then I sat on some and basically picked based on appearance of the mattress fabric. Well I don't know if any of you have gone through the technology selection for a mattress you both lie on a test bed and the advisor makes adjustments to firmness you you select between a range of numbers. You get to see an image of yourself(well a body shape) but it shows where there is pressure or no contact and if you can get on your side ( or front if you are a non hippie front sleeper) you test all sides then are advised as to a level of firmness. I'd always thought I needed I really firm mattress but apparently I don't I need a medium. To firm for better support around my lower back. Let's see after a few nights sleep on the new mattress once the room is set up. We settled on bed frames ( in my day called bedsteads as that's what my gran always called them) because they are easier to get up stairs and can be assembled in situ. A good knock on for me us I get to go shopping!! I know it's nit everyone's cup of tea but I like shopping, especially with a purpose, so it's purchase of bedding and colour schemes to be considered. I'm feeling country style with red and some duck egg blue ( I do have a deep red wall in the bedroom which colour therapists would frown upon for sleep issues). Sounds a weird combo but I've seen it in magazines and like it, it's quirky!
Anyway enough of my interior design indulgences. I've slept much better since I started to assume more everyday things. I need to pop in to work today ( results day tomorrow ) and it's rainy so I wondered what plans you ladies had? @ahipgma in a previous post you talked about your plan to get out the day after surgery for hip 2, how long did you stay with hip 1? What about you @Mayhip8 and @Calgal? I had a 2 night stay which seemed the shortest the hospital I was in did. There was a poor chap in who left on the same day as me who was back in 3 hours later as he fell down his steps at home and dislocated his hip. When I saw him at physio a couple of times it had put him back a bit and as an older chap he said he was worried about going home so soon so perhaps confidence should be considered more. @Mayhip8 and @ahipgma did you, as nurses, guide doctors as to a patients readiness to leave or do doctors go on their own judgement?
Anyway have a good day my lovelies xxx
@ChrissyW I went home on the 3rd morning, so stayed 3 nights. Op Thursday morning, discharge Sunday morning. I had very low blood pressure so really can't imagine being able to go home same or even next day! I think my length of stay was perfect, was ready to go home with enough 'getting around' skills courtesy of PT practice plus psychologically feeling ready. It seems US hippies have much shorter hosp stays. Not sure if that's mostly insurance stipulations or partly due to what seems like more anterior approaches there? I had posterior do can't compare the different approaches.
Hi all
Interesting conversations going around!
@Calgal in my professional opinion its insurance in the US that rules the roost, both with staffing and length of stay.
I had surgery @ 930am on a Wednesday and was on my way home 3pm thursday..
My OS offers same day which is a little scary to me considering the seriousness of the surgery. Between my low BP and vomiting I wasn't going anywhere the same day and they dont push too hard for it. So I am imagining it'll be the same this time.
We do have a lot of home health and social service options to make up for the shorter length of stay.
Bed buying ,@ChrissyW! I wasnt aware of the platform beds they have that dont even require a box spring! We havent bought a bed in many many years, I am soon buying a guest room bed from Amazon, will just go by the reviews as it wont be used that much.
But the choices even with mattress composition really amaze and confuse me! My bed still feels really good to me at this time so it'll be a while till I buy one that I will sleep on every night! And hey, your bedroom dec is very personal and you love what you love! Our bedroom is all in mossy greens and blues, very impressionist- like and muted. I love shopping for bed linens but use what I have because they are so expensive.
Talk about surgery dates sinking in I have now stopped any meds/supplements that thin the blood. That includes my NSAIDs so its tylenol for me and if my pain is terrible I may sneak a tramadol in there.
Next week at this time I hope to be all done, we shall see, I will call for the pompoms as soon as I'm conscious:heehee:
Chrissy and Calgal! And Mayhip too!
Love and hugs
Congrats on scheduling a date.
It will be so nice to have both surgeries behind you, beginning the New Year pain free as a double hippie.
I'm happy for you! :happydance:
@ahipgma your stay in hospital was pretty much like mine. I went in on the Saturday morning and was the first going down for surgery at 9am, back at 12, up and out of bed somewhere between 4-5 at which point my bl plummeted so I was allowed to sit and wait until the physio said try again (!) and then I was allowed home before 12 on the Monday.
I too love looking at bedding but like you, until now have continued using my old ones as well as those I inherited when my mum passed. It felt good going to buy lots of matching pieces.
It will be good to get you and @Mayhip8 through surgery 2 and I'm ready with my supportive Pom poms waiting! I'm going to have to get multi tasking as it will be interesting to see your individual recovery threads too.
Anyway my lovelies gave a good evening, I'll be up and out early in the morning to deal with results and university progression and support anyone needing to make any changes or use the clearing system ( @ahipgma this is a provision whereby any student who has not got the grades for their chosen university course gets a second bite at the cherry based on vacancies and the grades they have achieved). I will let you know how things go but I'm hoping for lots of smiling faces based on what I know so far!
Hugs ladies and catch you later xx
@ChrissyW hope all goes well on results day - a nail biting time for lots of people I'm sure?!
To answer your earlier question re discharge from hospital - generally we worked as a team in collaboration with regard to patients home circumstances ( safety) and from reports from physio, occupational therapy, and how the patient was progressing - etc - it is a brave medic who doesn't take safety into account before discharging a patient- though there are Massive pressures to reduce hospital stay . One of my roles at present is to reduce avoidable in patient admissions and support people in their own homes with the appropriate services . When yo consider 20 years ago a THR patient was in bed for days with huge dressings - ' fat pads' and drains and IV fluids before allowed to even wash themselves let alone get up and walk!! We have brought stays in hospitals right down - I've not assessed any stats on re-admissions recently or cost to NHS from accidents occurring from early discharge - if your'e fit well and able to make your decision safely then that's great- home is best.
@ahipgma - this time next week you'll be with your second new hip! This week will fly by for you as you keep busy and occupied - no doubt with some calm time for reflection and mental preparation . Look how well you've done and how far you have come since your first hip :old::martini:
As @Calgal & @ChrissyW prepare their cheerleaders dance I shall be on the side lines ( wrapped in cotton wooL) cheering you on with the odd song and chant !
Well it's very early again here and I've had my dawn cup of tea so I'm back to snoozeville for a while
Catch you later beautiful ladies :loveshwr::roseshwr::flwrysmile:
Hi all
Well as our UK sisters would say my sleep last night was pants so I slept from 3am till 9am.then finally hobbled out of bed.
Met with a friend last night who had her hip replaced 11 years ago for congenital hip issues. She watched me walk toward her and said I bet you're glad you're getting that hip fixed! My gait is not so good. I have to keep up with my Tylenol because that's the only thing I'm permitted to have.
So glad I have plans in place for the weekend! When it's less than a week to go and you know what you're in for, it gets a little dicey.
So onward I go knowing it's a positive step but dreading the first 2 weeks.
Did you make your final bed selection, @ChrissyW,and did it get it into your bedroom ok? As I said before, I'm shopping on Amazon for a guest room bed and I will go by the reviews. When we moved I was able to buy all new furniture for the living room because with 4 people and a dog who had the run of the furniture it was time! We're here in our little ranch (one story) home almost 2 years. We were 24 years in a much bigger house with a much bigger yard and much more work. Good timing for these hip ops. Chrissy you are a girl after my own heart as I love to shop, for me, for my home, for others. You name it! Though with my not working I've had to curtail it. I dont need much anyway.
@Mayhip8 I could cut and paste your post above for the US hospitals, past and present! When I would discharge a patient I would interface with all the disciplines including our case managers (nurses whose specialty is placement post stay and discharge planning) to make sure my patients had what they needed to go home, or to a facility. Home is best, but I always wonder how many more blood clots may have occurred back in the day compared to now with all that forced bedrest. Walking was painful at the beginning but definitely a positive after the last hip!
Hope your college placement stuff went ok today, Chrissy. My girls picked modest schools, got accepted, did their thing and got out. It was taking their professional boards that were nail biters for them. I was at the breakfast table with younger daughter after she took nursing boards and she kept refreshing her screen looking for her pass /fail. I told her to leave it for a while and she defiantly poked the button one more time, looked down and saw the screen and leapt up and started running around screaming I Passed! Will never forget that moment as I had done the same thing with my mum 30some years before. So after that stroll (or hobble) down memory lane I'd better get something done today.
Love to all.
Good evening one and all. Well what a good day at the office! Lots of tears ( but on the whole of joy!) 100% pass rate with 48% of all A level grades at A or B and 64% of the vocational courses were at a distinction (we have an extended diploma in applied science and an extended diploma in health and social care) @ahipgma these grades are the top grades so we're really proud of our students. We have a future medic, a nurse, a few different types of engineers and a first with a student doing American literature and creative writing. All students that spplied to university are going and there were only 2 to sort through clearing and 2 through extra ( which is for those who got higher than the offers they'd received so it gives them a chance to go for a different course). I did the press release then got all my stuff ready fir next week when I go to a different school on GCSE day in the morning ti district some marketing and promoting so all in all a busy day.
It was nte resting to see the similar approaches to nursing from you both @Mayhip8 and @ahipgma . Now are you two the mean, scary nurses or those that you just want to cuddle. I had one who was like an old fashioned matron but she was so lovely and made me feel safe.
Well I will make sure I practice some wiggles and waves ready to cheer away but I would like a promise of cake as a reward!
Have a good evening xx
Wow @ChrissyW fantastic results ! Well done to everyone :yay: cake is definitely deserved !
A very interesting question re professional persona :chinstroke:
- @ ahipgma how would you describe yourself as a nurse?
I'm very professional ( rules is rules!) :dubious: .. not a doctors handmaiden but will be kind and helpful. I support good research based practice- not afraid to challenge and innovate - can't stand bullying behaviour or discrimination. I will empower and encourage. I will sit with you in silence. I will educate . I will listen to the words you don't say. I will hug you if you want but if you prefer safety and common sense then I'm the nurse for you! I will always wash my hands...
Available for work early next year ... Top salary required and daily posh coffee please. Oh! And can I wear a linen and silk uniform? And really comfy shoes?.. And if you happen to throw in frequent holidays and weekends away then all offers considered:loll::heehee:
On a totally different note... My scar has developed a shooting nerve type pain along the length of it overnight, I'm guessing my electricity is being rewired! I had a nice quiet day yesterday after a busy few days and think perhaps all the tissue is settling down and reconnecting.?

What's everyone up to this weekend?

I've decided not to go away as the weather is still pants so I'm going to online shop to look for a comfy reclining chair in preparation for hip NO2 - the sofa and chair in my lounge are too low and soft ( I made a poor choice last year and bought a new suite that just isn't right!) I'm a really rubbish shopper !!! I'm kind of thinking I get me a chair so I can be included with the rest of the family instead of isolated in my nest - although to be fair When I'm ill or injured I do tend to want to curl up on my own and lick my wounds (metaphorically )and sleep it all away- it works for me .
One thing I Will be mindful of next time is to continue with the strong painkillers longer - I do think I stopped them too soon on reflection- obviously I'll be led by whatever I feel at the time.
I might also do 'the packing for the hospital bag shop 'buying those little things that are necessary for your hospital stay and recovery.( alcohol gel-soap-a new photograph of my family in a frame-bags of wrapped sweets -
New nighties - etc) here's a thing I remember -in the ?90s research showed that nurses and passing physios et c spoke to and visited patients on the ward who had a picture of themselves as a young person or a picture of their families On the bedside locker , in addition to a bowl of sweets that staff could help themselves to. Read into that what you will !
Well it's coffee o'clock for me now so I will say Happy Friday Hipsisters and hope you all have a fabulous Friday

Much love and respect :loveshwr::roseshwr::loveshwr::flwrysmile:
Laters xx
@Mayhip8 id pass your CV and say 'you're hired (with a Lord Sugar cockney accent if you please!). The nurse I mentioned, who reminded me of an old school matron was fantastic, she really supported me with (to be polite) the problems caused by long term use of codeine. You nurses deserve unbelievable respect and I think as a nation we have forgotten the importance of the difference to recovery a good nurse can make. My best friend from school is a nurse though she emigrated to Australia nearly 20 years ago. She really struggled with exams and struggled to get in yo the profession bug in those days there were 2 routes (Sen and Srn) and she went down the SEN route if I remember correctly and became a brilliant nurse, I knew she would as she has the caring gene ( her mum was also a nurse). Strangely on 2 occasions when my eldest had to go in to hospital she nursed him, which he loved as he had his auntie towel (he couldn't say michelle when he was 3!)
You are so right with how horrendous the weather is, it's so cold too, my little toes are begging me to put socks on but it's easier (still) not to! I got my granny chaud from a local business who supplies to hospitals too. Mine isn't a recliner though I wish it had been but you don't think of that at the time and I knew I needed a high seat, upright hospital style chair. They do have an online service as far as I know, they are James Spencer but maybe good old Amazon has something closer to home for you.
Well I'm going to see what's on tv and persons make another green tea to warm the cockles of my heart so catch you later ladies xxx
Happy weekend all!
In answer to you @ChrissyW, at this point I have morphed into a motherly type nurse. Was 24 and single when I started so now a little different but was trained by the Sisters of St Francis who taught us that people are body mind and spirit. I'm a friendly nurse and kind-- i always figure all my patients are having a worse day than me and treat them accordingly. I really have loved being a nurse but here in the US they work you short and pile on the duties, hence the stress. We were out to a play and dinner with friends tonight, out again both Saturday and Sunday night.
Then Monday and tuesday I finish cleaning and stocking the house with food. Then that's it. I get my pass to Grabber Land.:heehee: Check you out later.:loveshwr: and :friends:
Good morning ladies :happydance:
Well my ark is coming along nicely.....
It's such a British thing to start a conversation with the topic of the weather - but I've never known a summer like it !!
All I can say is with the damp and pressure this truely is a welcome to lefty hip ( no arthritic pain) and a send off to the righty hip ( the last lot of arthritis pain seeng as it'll be replaced by winter which is usually when arthritis hurt more!)
I cant decide upon a chair!!!
I looked at that site @ChrissyW and I see some good sturdy ' granny ' chairs ( I Giggle every time you describe it as such:snork: ) I very nearly ordered one type, but I have a sturdy upright antique oak chair that I just made new cushions for - then I wondered how difficult it would be to get in and out and use a recliner? If I were to go to a showroom I might be able be try one out - but mainly the seat heights are less than 20inches ( my min seat height needed) so I'd look and feel awkward!
I'm glad that's the only dilemma I have!
The other worry I had overnight - and this is a tad personal - when I went to the loo last night I noticed a lot of pink in the bowl.. It wasn't wee and it wasn't fresh blood and I worried a bit because I had belly ache after taking some fresh Kefir yesterday ( a new batch) I decided to monitor the situation because I felt well and thought it could be a normal bottom relate issue :)what:) .....This morning all is well and I planned a shopping list ,mentally going through my fridge to see what needs to be bought... then I visualised the salad compartment and it dawned on me !!! I'd ' binged' ( I know!) on fresh beetroot yesterday afternoon...... :heehee::dubious::flabber::dubious::heehee:
Moral of the story?.....

Well ladies I think on that note I shall wish you all a Super Saturday:flwrysmile:
Have a safe fabby day and @ahipgma a lovely social weekend is just what this nurse prescribes for you:beer:
@Calgal how are the fruit trees faring?
@ChrissyW Thankyou for your kind words . Without a doubt I feel priveledged and grateful to do my job and share some of the most intimate and personal situations with total strangers who trust us to keep them safe.
Sharing the love :loveshwr::roseshwr:
Ha ha! Beetroot! :rotfl:. Glad of that. I've just harvested a big pile that I will roast then slice up and freeze for my favourite green salad topped with beetroot, goats cheese and walnuts. I'll be sure not to binge though.

My apples and pears are getting larger by the day. They seem a bit small this year, stunted a bit by our heatwave early on. They and my sweetcorn are loving all this rain interspersed with sun. It's sweetcorn and a steak tonight for dinner methinks.

Hope you find a comfy chair. I bought a new recliner off eBay before op for under £200 ,and although the price was a steal, you do get what you pay for. :sad: I still like it and use it but it's not likely to last more than another couple of years.

Hoping your cranky hip enjoys the sun today before the next bout of rain. I'm digging my ark from about 4 years ago out if storage....when it really did rain for 39 days straight in summer! ...:heehee:
Hey ladies great posts today and we all have something else in common....beetroot! I don't grow any (no Diane in my teeny weeny yard!) but I adore the thing in any form, boiled, roasted, pickled anyway really. I actually eat at least a jar of pickled beetroot a week with salad. I've never had the pink effect ( or at least I haven't noticed it) Actually at my favourite restaurant they do a superfood salad with salmon that las lots if beets in and it is yummy. We went out for lunch today with a lively couple we met on holiday 2 years ago and I treated myself to a really nice haloumi burger, it's a current obsession that if haloumi is on a menu I go for it but there again my hubby was as adventurous as ever as he had his usual steak!
In respect of the weather we are classed as being I a flood risk area however we are high up and we don't flood but we know when it will flood lower down by the torrents of water that run down the road when it is exceptionally heavy rain. On a positive today has been very windy but lovely overall as the sun shone proudly and it was quite warm. Have a lovely evening ladies and I'm sure I will have beetroot at tea as salad is on the menu tonight ( light tea after larger dinner/lunch)

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