TKR TS’s lopsided recovery'

Tracey, I'm so sorry you are struggling right now. I know this recovery must seem like an endless journey at this point. But there will be better days. And things will improve, even if it does take a lot of time.

I'm so pleased to hear you have the support of your family during this challenge. God bless your hubby for being there and trying his best to keep your spirits up and things as normal as possible for you. And your sweet son coming home to comfort you! What a blessing.

It sounds like you are just completely worn to a nub with all of this. Did you get rest from the sleeping pill and, if so, did it help? Since you're having trouble getting adequate rest, maybe you could discuss this with your GP to see if a short term use of some type of sleep aid would be a good idea. You might not need the big hammer of the pill you use only twice a year (there are other options), but being to get some quality rest on some type of schedule just may help you feel more positive about what progress you've made in recovery so far.

Please know that your BoneSmart family is here for you. We'll listen to vents and celebrate even the small successes (like grocery shopping and preparing a dinner!). Please take care of yourself and continue to let us know how things are going.
@traceys, although I haven’t posted previously to your thread, I have watched your recovery and read the words of encouragement you have provided many other members. Please don’t be so hard on yourself and think about what you’ve told others. The advice works for you just as well. It’s difficult to be our own advocate and even more difficult to be objective on our own progress and to see where we may be pushing too hard. If you are really concerned, maybe it is time to have a heart to heart with your OS? Even if your doctor says there is nothing wrong, having the chance to put words to your concerns, to share the frustration, may be just as helpful for you.

Keep the faith, be strong, and don’t be afraid to lean on the rest of your extended BS family when you need the extra support.

This surgery is so frustrating. It's painful and inconvenient and the recovery... the recovery takes so long. You've been positive and supportive of others for a long time now. You're bound to feel worn down and like you're getting nowhere, even when you are making progress. Sometimes others see things we can't quite detect in ourselves.

A talk with your OS would be good, I think. Share your concerns. Unburden yourself. Your OS knows your knee's history and many issues and can guide you on what to do. If your therapist is willing to go with you, or your husband also, that's a good thing.

I'm still surprised at how my knee has improved well over a year after surgery. The biggest improvements -- in terms of my appreciation for such -- came at the nine month or so mark when I noticed one knee was no longer tight. The other knee took until 13 months. But everyone is different. There's just no way of saying when improvement will make itself apparent. I hope you see more improvement soon! It will happen. :friends:
Hey all. Super quick update. My knee is so tight and achy reminiscent of presurgery. However we are also in the death grip of -25 to -30 C windchills and snow to mid calf so I’m thinking that’s all weather related.
Saw pt today and she said everyone is coming in tight and swollen so she didn’t expect much today.
It was def a challenge and felt some real stretching and pulling during flex but she was very happy so :shrug:
I’ve started wrapping my knee and she tested my movement before wrapping and after and said the difference is huge - much more stable and fluid when wrapped but less flex obviously.
And then...... she says to me....

“Let’s go. You are gonna try the elliptical”

It was ugly and slow and awkward. And the best 5min I have had in months!!!!!!!

I bawled and laughed and shook and the pt and 2 assistants all clapped.
That ice and elevation has never felt so good as it does now.

Then I get home to find insurance company called and want to know my return to work plan. Is it still end of feb? Told her I see OS feb 21 and won’t know until then and she got frustrated. Told her right now I’m fighting for every little thing and the end of feb and work isn’t in my headlights at the moment.

Now - I’m starving and exhausted. Time for lunch and more ice.
@traceys, great progress update! Continue to rejoice in the little successes and soon they will outnumber and overcome any minor setbacks that come along!
@traceys hurray for a good pt...yes this cold and huge snowfall has made both knees hurt and stiffness sets in. Insurance companies sure don’t give an easy time of it...hold out for the surgeon..the insurance company can wait on him!
Will wave as I go to Grand River a week today for surgery ...maybe you’ll see me out your window :) hugs
You will rock the surgery. At least you can watch the snow outside the window as a distraction. Will shine a laser in the window for you to say hello! :heehee:
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Yippee! Yay! What a good day you had! Yahoo!
My knee is so tight and achy reminiscent of presurgery. However we are also in the death grip of -25 to -30 C windchills and snow to mid calf so I’m thinking that’s all weather related.

Yep! and nothing changes like the weather. And if it's the weather, at least primarily in this still vulnerable and recovering time for your knee, then it's NOT the knee.

You've had a lot of surgeries on the knee and doubtless this is keeping recovery slow as well.

I think having a talk with your OS and maybe even some imaging if you're really worried might be a good idea. Just for your peace of mind. But if your PT and your OS say no imaging is necessary because you're till within normal parameters, given your history, then that's nothing but reassuring too. Be proactive and go get reassured, or find out if there are complicating factors somehow (I bet not but better to know and then have a plan). Voice your darkest fears to your PT and OS if you haven't and see what they say. I bet you'll end up feeling relieved and reassured!

anyway we're all pulling for you so how could things not end well? We're like the sled dogs on your sled pulling you through the snow.***

***not all members here may approve of this analogy.

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I am more of a lurker than a poster. I follow your thread and benefit greatly from your experiences and ability to reach out to a community that cares deeply. Daily...I wonder “if” I made the right decision to have the TKR.
Then...I come to the realization that that ship “sailed”. I spend my sleepless nights reading posts from the collective. You are being thought of and prayed for!
Yipheee!!!! Yay fantastic young lady have just made my day, now I am off to physio with a big smile on my face, still sending mega hugs and healing prayers :)))))
overcome any minor setbacks that come along!
I have no choice as can’t go backwards. Main setback at the moment is my butt muscles are tightened right up. :rotfl: Ya forgot haven't really used them in decades.

What a good day you had!
Yup. However at the moment every little movement below belly button is a challenge. Should just go stand outside for a body ice pack!

. Voice your darkest fears to your PT and OS if you haven't and see what they say.
Talked to pt today. I’m blessed to have forged the relationship I have with her. She said 4.5 mnths for me is nothing and she sees and feels nothing wrong and is going to meet with OS herself to talk with him before I see him.

We ARE all pulling for you!
Thanks :console2: may actually need someone to literally pull me around tomorrow tho

. I follow your thread and benefit greatly from your experiences
Awww thanks. It’s so hard sometimes to be honest when I’m at my lowest but I want to make sure someone else who may go thru it isn’t alone.
:wave: young lady have just made my day, now I am off to physio with a big smile on my face,
:roseshwr: Young lady. Lol.

Ok. Off to take a pain pill or I will not be sleeping tonight. And that is not an option cuz :yawn:
I hope you got some wonderful, glorious sleep last night!
Wow, Tracey! How did I miss your post from the weekend????
I hope your experience at pt with the elliptical was a good one!
Sorry you had such a down time over the weekend.

I vote for a huge group hug for the forum! Here ya go....
I've been.popping in and out of this forum just browsing and posting my concerns. When I saw your post, I have to say that I was filled with compassion for you. You were one of the first people that reached out to me and assured me that my symptoms were normal for my stage of recovery. I've been back and forth and up and down with this rollercoaster recovery. It seems that whenever I post something positive, sometimes the very same day it turns the other way.
I will think positively for you, when you can not. I will ask Spirit to take your concerns and guide you to the best outcome. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings.
I hope your experience at pt with the elliptical was a good one!
That it was!! My pt said she wished she would have thought to put me on it sooner based upon my facial reaction to that first rotation. It didn’t dawn on her until she saw me always looking longingly at it or lingering around it (was always my fav equip at the gym until I had to stop it 5yrs ago). Today my quads and butt are SCREAMING at me in protest. Lol. Too bad muscles- I’m in charge of this action!!!

I will think positively for you, when you can not. I will ask Spirit to take your concerns and guide you to the best outcome
Thank you. I’ve said more prayers and had more midnight conversations with Him in the last 4 mnths than the rest of my life total. You are doing fine. A TKR is the gift that keeps on giving and doesn’t provide receipts for returns. Enjoy the journey cuz it really is a miracle unfolding how we make it out of it.

Seeing the family doc tomorrow for the first time since my TKR. I know he’s going to be quite interested because he always felt so bad he couldn’t do anything but make me somewhat comfy while I sat on the wait list for the 16mnths. Then for a treat I may duck into my fav bakery which is beside his office. So much for all the weight I’ve dropped the past few mnths!!!
It's so nice to try things we used to be able to do!
My elliptical experience was no bueno. For some reason it killed my SI joint problem. 1 1/2 minutes on no elevation. It used to be my go to machine, too. :cry:
Oh well, improvise, adapt, overcome.

Does stretching help you? I mean gentle yoga stretches done several times a day?

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