I hope you can find out what the hospital's call was about.
Hi @Nay Nay not sure if you saw I posted a few days ago. It arrived, and it seems to soothe my hamstrings and ligaments and whatever was hurting on the sides and behind my knee. I use it four times a day, mostly in the afternoon and evening and before bed. It feels greasy yet absorbs into the skin quickly. I hope you feel better.Wow, let me know if that comfrey salve works. I am willing to try just about anything to help with knee pain!
Sure @Nay Nay . It has three ingredients dried organic comfrey leaves, avocado oil and beeswax. It's called Comfrey Salve Herbal Balm Skin Body Care Ointment 2 oz. I ordered it from Amazon. Hope you feel better.Thank you for reaching out to me @dubloosh .
There has been a lot going on!
I will try to order the comfrey salve. Could you tell me the one you ordered?
Thank you. I think it was my surgeon calling. He didn't call the next day, though. The business manager called me.I hope you can find out what the hospital's call was about.
My bad. I should have looked the top of the container. Sometimes Amazon offers a lower price and free shipping for Prime members. I use it to buy paper products in bulk.The brand is Sunset Farms. They also have their own site.
Any exercise that you enjoy (and is not painful) will be good for your knee. Just because one surgeon prefers biking over walking doesn’t mean you shouldn’t walk. There are many opinions about this recovery and rehab. Do what works for you.I am near the Bronx River Parkway and sometimes walk there when it's closed on Bicycle Sundays. Now I worry I won't be able to do that as my surgeon said bicycling is preferable.