TKR both knees

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TKR both knees KayeKaye, so sorry that you are suffering. Tooth problems are just so overwhelming and seem to have a negative effect on everything. And then having to put off knee surgery is not helping you at all.
TKR both knees
Hang in there, hon, you're going to get there---tho' I know sooner would be better. Take care.
TKR both knees
Inner thigh pain on right leg. Had a busy weekend with daughter home from college. Driving in snow storm crawling for 4 hours, standing baking cookies and decorating. Hope this goes away. Hurts to do any leg lifts or quad exercising and just sitting doing nothing.

Just documenting my endless journey...:sigh:
TKR both knees
KayeKaye, you asked a question about knee caps in someone else's thread. You wanted to know if you kept your own knee cap or got a new one. It depends on what kind o f condition it's in. If it's not too bad, I think they do some sort of resurface on the backside---they don't replace cartilage 'cause they don't have the science for that yet. If it's in really bad shape they give you a new man-made one. You won't know the difference.
TKR both knees
Thank you, I guess I won't find out for a while now. The doctor did say that the operation was a "no brainer" because my kneecaps were deteriorated from the inside. I'm still limping along.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.
Just documenting again. My dentist wants me to check with the root canal dentist again to see if he can give a "no infection" clearance so I can schedule knee surgery. He seems to think that having pain in the root canal is not always an infection and I should get the knees done, then later get the tooth pulled. I think I will get the Mayo's clinic's opinion on that. It seems backwards to me but what do I know? He also said that getting an implant in the next year or two after a knee won't require antibiotics. I might have misunderstood...
Well the pain in the left knee was so bad that I called the Mayo clinic to find out about getting a shot since I am waiting so long for this tooth issue anyway. They said fine, but they require a three month wait after a shot before surgery. So I got a cortisone shot in my left knee yesterday. It feels so much better today, stiff but better. But I am having nausea and dizzy reactions to it which I read are common. I hope it goes away soon. bleh. Now it will be interesting to see if my right knee hurts after my left one's pain is masked. Seems like my brain can only identify one pain at a time. Had a syvist One shot in the right knee last December and it I thought it was still good because the pain was all in the left knee. Will see where the pain goes now...

I wonder if it's better to baby the knee with the shot or work it by walking. I have tried to google it but it 's so confusing. The doctor didn't mention it.
Hi kaye kaye, I am sorry your left knee was hurting so bad you had to have shot.
Hope right one doesn't start acting up.
As far as babying it, I really cant give you an honest answer, as I have one some meds for several months know and have def not been babying it, it doesn't seem worse for wear though, its enabled me along w/proper diet to lose over 70 lbs.
But it does hurt every evening by the end of the day, so i ice it every day. My tkrs is not in the foreseeable future for now, too many other issues to address before i can take on such a serious and difficult recovery at this point in time.
So I can only give you my experience as a pre-oper w/pain that is being masked, that working it has not mad it worse, honestly if anything it has made it stronger. But that's my experience. Everyone's different, no guarantees if you didn't baby it that it may not damage it more.
Lets see what other folks have to say about it.
One other thing I might add, is that if u do baby it too much it may cause the right knee to take on too much extra work, therefore shifting the pain to erupt in the right knee, that's just my opinion and experience.
Hope all goes well with you, sorry you now have to wait at least another 3 months for surgery, that kinda stinks, but you do have the tooth issue going on, so may be for the best. take care, and hang in there...Sheryl:flwrysmile:
KayeKaye, I think that when I had the cortisone shot it was good to rest it for a few days, and then it was fine to work it. I also was nauseous after getting the cortisone, but it left in a relatively short time, maybe by the next day...(not sure) I do hope that you get relief soon and that you get your tooth issue settled. Hang in there! :console2:
My doc always says to take it easy for a day or so and ice after the injection.
Take it easy for a few days. Then ease back into exercise to see how your knee tolerates it! :)
Thanks Sheryl, how did you lose so much weight? I did lose about 60 but since summer I have gained more back from doing nothing. Have to start again. It's odd to try to walk normal again.

Yeah these teeth issues are endless. They just hurt and are not healing right, so extraction is next whenever I get the nerve up. Thanks BJ

Last night I was so nauseous and dizzy I could hardly sleep. But today I feel a lot better and did more up and about the house today, that was nice. Didn't go out or do anything because we got some severe winter weather but maybe tomorrow. I didn't do any ice either because I am just so cold with this brutal weather, ha ha, it just seems so wrong to put ice on when I'm freezing. But I felt so much better today that I made lunch and dinner, cleaned up the kitchen and gave my husband a manicure. He is like, what happened? I hope I didn't overdo it. We'll see.
Did I misread your thread? You haven't had the cortisone shot yet and you are trying to decide?

I can tell you that the cortisone shots didn't work very long for me. Of course, by the time I was in braces,nothing was working for my knees! I just kept thinking, I can push through the pain cause I am tough! :doh:

I had root canals, and extractions going on then and now. Before all the meds, I had perfect teeth! Now, I have a lot of crowns, and a danged partial! I want to get implants done all across the top, but right now my IS and Dr. Maale are not keen on the idea, for fear of restarting something. They said wait until knee is Completely Well! Hmmm.... Well, Ok but that sucker needs to get a move on! :rotfl:
Sonja, yes I got the shot Friday in the left knee, was so sick from being dizzy and nauseous but today feel a lot better. I hope it works for a while. The synvist one shot in the right knee work very well, it's been a year and it feels pretty good. These teeth issues are so annoying, I hope yours resolve soon.

I am having a basel cell carcinoma removed today from my nose. They did a biopsy two weeks ago and did quite a bit of cutting so I have been off ibuprofen because I have had wound healing issues. It was eye opening how much pain I was in without them. I got used to it, but that is what drove me to getting a shot. I will be off the ibuprofen again to aid in healing I suppose.

Back story about ibuprofen and me, had foot surgery in 2005 and the wound wouldn't heal for almost a year. It was about the size of a silver dollar and raw and open at the ankle. ick. Finally my PT told me to stop taking ibuprofen and showed me a study pertaining to prohibiting healing. I went off of it and within a week it was healing. I had been to wound clinics and even a plastic surgeon that wanted to do a skin graft. So I guess I will try being off it again. I have always wondered what this will do to my knee surgery.
crud... I popped my knee last night in sleep trying to turn over. The knee with the cortisone shot. It hurts when I walk on it again, but it doesn't hurt sitting. Wow that was fast, just a couple days. I hope it goes away, how frustrating.
Thanks BJ. Well now I'm not noticing my knee at all thanks to my new swollen eye and nose bandage. They got all the cancer in the first slice. Took a second slice just to be sure and stitched me up and have quite a large bandage. He said the stitches come out in a week and within a month should look pretty good. Went home ate, took meds and fell asleep. Woke to a LOT of pain and then read "no chewing...keep head elevated..." yikes. So now I am icing my nose and freezing! I think it will be more comfortable when I get to take off the pressure bandage tomorrow.
Ouch! Frozen nose!!! (((((hugs))))) Glad to hear that they got all of the cancer in the first slice. YAY!!! Now for a speedy recovery.
Thanks again BJ. Just starting to get used to all this now. Should have a better week, but staying out the public, my husband got some skewed looks today when we went grocery shopping as my bruise under the eye is worse and the nose bandaged. Ha ha.
TKR both knees
KayeKaye, this reminds me of when my hubby had neurosurgery on the back of his neck and had to wear a steel halo. When people would ask him what happened, he would tell them that we were horsing around in bed and that I pushed him out and broke his neck!! :rotfl: I had a very had time keeping a straight face when he told this---a lot of people walked away shaking their heads and never knowing the difference.
Oh Kayekaye, you poor girl!:console2: I just got caught on your thread, and boy you have been through the wringer my friend!:console2: My mom had to have the same thing done to her nose and they had to do a skin graph from her forehead to reshape her nose, they did a really great job! I hope your pain level is getting better! (((((HUGS)))))
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