Lol, I know of someone else who's supposed caretaker did the exact same thing. What bad timing for the second shot! She ended up caring for him instead of getting the help she needed.
I came here to respond to your questions about MLD from another thread.. as
@Mojo333 stated earlier to you, elevation has a lot to do with getting things moving, fluid wise. But you can also stimulate your lymph nodes that are located in your abdominal around and in your groin area.
Here's the sequence:
Take deep breaths.. deep, as in breathing in to a count of 3 or 4, whatever is best for you. hold it for another count of 3-4, then blow out completely, still using the count that's comfortable for you. A series of at least 6 of these could help get your excess swelling to move. To ensure you are taking proper deep breaths, place your hand on your naval and watch while taking in your breath, if doing this properly you should see your hand move up.
Then, as you slowly breath out, to the same count of either 3, 4 or 5 gently press down and slightly upwards with the palm of your hand.
Do this whenever you feel up to it during the day or night. The more supine that you can get in the recliner or bed, the more effective this can be.. you have lymph nodes located in your groin and sitting up too much can cause a restriction of the lymph flow.
You can, after the breathing, place your hands lightly on your upper thigh, right where the crease is in your groin and lightly stroke upwards towards your naval.
I did this quite a bit post op and while it takes a while for the body to wake up and respond, it will and it will help get the swelling moving.
The reason this can help is because many of our lymph nodes are located in our abdomen. Our breathing combined with moderate pressure over our naval can help to "prime" our lymph system.
Additional notes: you can reach down to your knee and lightly stroke upwards your groin after doing the steps above. Then lastly, gently pump the back of your knee in a rolling, upward motion towards the trunk of your body, using all 4 fingers of your hand and NO fingertips pressing in..
This can be effective if done daily.. use light pressure, no deep pushing. This isn't a no pain no gain thing.
I hope this helps!!