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    • msart
      msart reacted to Phoebie's post in the thread THR Sleep walker with Like Like.
      Ahh, that's great news. Obviously still too many trips. I do think the brain is triggered to pee as soon as we wake and the hip wakes us...
    • msart
      msart replied to the thread THR It's done (finally)!.
      @daisyduck0801 gardening!! I can’t wait to get back. I have not tackled anything big yet. I did about a month ago went out and weeded a...
    • msart
      msart reacted to daisyduck0801's post in the thread THR It's done (finally)! with Like Like.
      Hey Hippy. So today we completed our 6th week of recovery. (We're going into our 7th week). Dec. 10 to Dec. 31 = 21 days Jan. 1 to...
    • msart
      msart reacted to Oliver7598's post in the thread THR TRHR Recovery with Like Like.
      Hip doing OK. Some pain once in a while. Right leg still weak compared to left. i’ve been taking water aerobics classes, which really...
    • msart
      msart replied to the thread THR It's done (finally)!.
      @daisyduck0801-no your not being unreasonable,he SHOULD have watched you walk. Also-agreed that your recovery is super early and...
    • msart
      msart reacted to benne68's post in the thread THR It's done (finally)! with Like Like.
      No, you are not being unreasonable. I agree with you that the fact that he didn't watch you walk before making such a statement is...
    • msart
      msart reacted to 2nd Hippy's post in the thread THR It's done (finally)! with Like Like.
      @daisyduck0801 , Oh My, I can totally agree with what you're saying. It isn't fair to pronounce your gait is likely causing your...
    • msart
      msart reacted to daisyduck0801's post in the thread THR It's done (finally)! with Like Like.
      Good morning all fellow hippies! Sitting at my kitchen table after breakfast watching snow fall (in the Deep South, can't believe it)...
    • msart
      @ClownMagnet -oh you’re making me so warm inside!! lol I just love the beach. Please toast away!!! So far so good here in north...
    • msart
      msart reacted to ClownMagnet's post in the thread THR THR Posterior - Slowly Healing with Wow Wow.
      I’m thinking about y’all freezing your glutes off in Louisiana, feeling great sympathy from a lounger next to the pool here in Costa...
    • msart
      msart reacted to daisyduck0801's post in the thread THR THR Posterior - Slowly Healing with Like Like.
      So far, no new aches or pain arising with the snow. (Just still have the usual). And tonight is supposed to be worse! Snow stops this...
    • msart
      @Noxus -OMG you can?? Amazing!! That is so encouraging. I know at this point to just keep practicing. I can definitely now tell it’s...
    • msart
      msart reacted to Noxus's post in the thread THR THR Posterior - Slowly Healing with Love Love.
      Gentle stretching and letting the ROM improve naturally worked really well for me and allowed me to just get limber gradually. I can...
    • msart
      msart reacted to benne68's post in the thread Revision THR No Progress 2nd THR with Like Like.
      No need to apologize, @msart! It's fine that you responded to her post! We just try to keep posts specific to a member's...
    • msart
      @daisyduck0801 -i think yall got SNOW!! It missed us but it is still so cold. It’s such a rarity for snow in the south & certainly way...
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