THR Struggle has been real!!!


Jul 17, 2019
United States United States
@Mojo333 Thank you for getting me here!!! I had both hips done four weeks apart..May 14 was my left and it has been healing wonderfully when I returned for my 2 week postop OS was impressed and scheduled the right two weeks later on June 10th unfortnately this hip has not been so nice to me lol. My hospital stay was extended out to four days with the left I was home after 2 days..I was catherized due to the left hip being 4 weeks out and the spinal fusion in my lower back for my comfort unfortunately I winded up with a UA and infection in my incinsion..I was not feeling well about 3 days after i got home. I went to my Primary and I ws running fever she measured my leg and it was 4 inches larger than left!!! I also gained 10 pounds in about 8 days...they weighed me prior to surgery...I told my doctor there is no way I had ate like a bird it was all swelling!!! I had a UA that evening my incision started to drain I tried not to excited but after the second day I became more lethargic and winded up in the ER. The doctor cultured the infection and one of the bacteria germs was also in the urine culture...which happened to be done that day.. it took a few days prior to my doctor visit...I ws loaded up on antiobiotics for 10 days....then last week I winded back up in the OS office!! I had a red streak in abdomen area heading right towards the infection turned out that I was now having a fungal infection! I have been nursing it the past 6 days...I came across this site and it has helped me tremendously...I am not alone in this struggle to lead a mire active life!!! I have degentrive disc disease and a lumbar fusion was done in 2007 then in 2011 I had a cervical fusion...My gait wore down my hips and OA the MRI showed large bone cyst in middle of right femur and spurs and left had the spurs and cysts around ball area. I am experiencing alot of pain top of my thigh down to knee
the swelling on right has went down significantly the tightness when trying to march and my toes are numb.
I saw pain mgt today he ordered a lidocaine patch and also something to help me sleep
My left side I am experiencing soreness and throbbing but I am using this side a lot more but all my pain I had in groin area is gone!
Think I have said enough for my first posting..time to make some more coffee been up since 2 am ugh!
Hi, glad to see you have your recovery thread started and for all your troubles...bless your heart!
I do hope they have this infection under control and I'm sure it has caused you much anxiety on top of the additional treatment.
Do check out these recovery articles...
Hip Recovery: The Guidelines
1. Don’t worry: Your body will heal all by itself. Relax, let it, don't try and hurry it, don’t worry about any symptoms now, they are almost certainly temporary
2. Control discomfort
take your pain meds by prescription schedule (not when pain starts!)​
3. Do what you want to do BUT
a. If it hurts, don't do it and don't allow anyone - especially a physical therapist - to do it to you
b. If your leg swells more or gets stiffer in the 24 hours after doing it, don't do it again.​
4. PT or exercise can be useful BUT take note of these
5. At week 4 and after you should follow this
6. Access to these pages on the website

BIG TIP: Hips actually don't need any exercise to get better. They do a pretty good job of it all on their own if given half a chance. Trouble is, people don't give them a chance and end up with all sorts of aches and pains and sore spots. All they need is the best therapy which is walking and even then not to excess.

We try to keep the forum a positive and safe place for our members to talk about their questions or concerns and to report successes with their joint replacement surgery.

While members may create as many threads as they like in a majority of BoneSmart's forums, we ask that each member have only one recovery thread. This policy makes it easier to go back and review history before providing advice.

@cornishgal had hers done one week apart. Isn't that wild?
Brave ones you are.
Lots of great support here.
Wow you have been through he mill @Aline, but sounds like you are on the road to recovery, my bilateral buddy. This site will be helpful and we are all here to support you :console2: As I said on my thread, I think you are incredibly brave to do them back to back. My OS said hips are like kids or pets, you can treat them the same, but get different results.
It’s 3am here on the west coast, and I’m having a bit of insomnia. I’m going to do a squirt of rescue spray and try and get some shuteye, will check in with you again when I get up. :sleep:
Thank you @Mojo333 I was actually drawn unto this forum based on the topics above and read every bit of information..what a relief it was to see I am not doing too bad in my recovery!!! After reading several threads I decided to join and share my road to recovery maybe my experiences will help someone else to know they are not alone AND what a great benifit to me that I can communicate to others that understand the pain or challenges I have and am facing exh day!!! I only wished I found this earlier...even though my family and wonderful friends love me....thier patience has went above and beyond...very fortunate
I live by myself and they take turns checking on me everyday..I also worked 2 jobs...fulltime accounting in downtown Cincinnati and part time serving at a small restaurant...not sure if I will return to serving...that decision is indefinite for many many months down the road!! As far as my accounting position downtown Cinti have to tell ya I am a bit overwhelmed thinking about the travel part...prior to surgeries I was taking a bus both ways..I live in Northern Ky about 15 minutes from Cinti OH
The last 3 months prior I was paying to Uber...just couldnt take the bouncy rides on bus...then walking 2 blocks to get to my building and up to 8th floor!!! When the REDS would play daytime game....ohhh boyyy it would take me close to 6pm to get home..that would be leaving by 4pm from office!!!
I know I am getting to feel much better my mind has ooened up and now im thinking about going back to work!!! 2 weeks ago i was so sick and working was not even in my vocubulary!!! Taking a shower getting dressed and trying to eat PT was my full time job!!!
It is truly amazing how much your body heals from day to day! That was a big advantage I had going through the second one...not as smooth but I feel good today...I have overdone previously...I found out about that real quick!!!!
Slow and steady gets you there much quicker
Aline you might be able to work at home for a while until you feel more like traveling to the office. Talk to your boss about it.
You are brave to be doing all you are. So glad you have caring friends to check on you.
Welcome to Bonesmart you have increased your family!
Wow, to do a second one in 4 weeks, blows my mind, I’m 6 weeks out on 1 and I’m still recovering. Any idea what caused the in infection? Cause of fungal infection? I can’t believe you are thinking about going back to work. My heart goes out to you. God bless you and a speedy recovery.
Hello @Aline Happy to see you have joined us here. There are some serious smarties here. I have learned more here than anywhere and I do research for a living!

Love your part of the country. Lived in Cincinnati my first job out of college. The Kentucky side is gorgeous! So glad you have supportive friends and can rotate the job of caregivers. My home team is very weary. If funds were unlimited, I would have stollen myself away to a cosy cottage with a lake view all by myself.

My heart goes out to you with your recent infection struggles. Hope your recovery continues smoothly from here on out and that you emerge with new found energy for all the things you love. ❤️
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Welcome to BoneSmart. Thanks for joining us! I'm so sorry you've had such a rough start with your second surgery. My heart goes out to you in suffering set-backs so early on. Thankfully it hasn't dampened your mood.

I hope you don't have to worry about returning to work anytime soon, especially with your bi-lateral status.
It's recommended you begin a Phased Return at twelve weeks, if you have the time to do so. Many don't for various reasons, which is understandable. Following is an article explaining a phased return -

I find bilaterals so courageous. Those of you that choose to have THR's done within a week or several weeks of the the other are extremely brave. I can't imagine going back that soon. Takes a special kind of strength and determination, at least in my opinion.

Following you'll find the bilateral threads in case you're interested in reading others stories -

Stop back often, the support here is second to none. I look forward to following your journey.
@Marvin L the upside of having right done 4 weeks later it actually gave my left side time to recover as the first 3 weeks I was in bed legs elevated and ice due to the infections I endured too sick to do anything but ankle lifts and when i would get up to shower or eat i would sneek in marches and side to sides lol
The bacteria germs i contracted in my urine are mostly found in hospital settings and since I was catherized for 2 days my doc said more than likely that is how i got UTI
One of germs showed up in my wound infection on culture...My personal opinion...I think when i was in hospital pulling up those beautiful gowns we get it was transferred somehow or im not a doctor if bacteria was in my system it went right to the wound
I was on several antibiotics and OS said it wiped out all my good and the bad we have and that is how i winded up with fungal infection
Its been about 3 weeks and with my recovery 3 weeks alot changes so it has put me behind
@Aline if you are wondering why I changed the bilateral prefix on your thread title it is because technically you did not have BTHR. Bilateral means you had both hips replaced in one operation as Mojo did. You certainly get the trophy for a quick return for the second one!
Hi @Aline,
I am with you in spirit my hip buddy recovery is a winding road @Mojo333 diagram on her thread and mine demonstrates that, but bless you you had a road block in there as well .
I had two hips fixed within a week with each other. The first hip fixed was my left and is great hasn’t played me up at all apart from a bit of stiffness the second had been full of aches pains and just doesn’t want to settle mind you I think I tried to push myself a bit too much by walking without my crutches last week ....lesson learnt !
I hope your recovery eases soon , you have been very brave and I am sending you healing vibes from across the pond .
@cornishgal @Layla @Jaycey thanks for your posts...I guess I should have stated when going back to work it will be on part time basis..I am fortunate to work for a company that is willing to be flexible to a certain degree
I read the phase back to work thank you I had planned on at least three weeks of phasing in and the ice packs as well as a step stool to rest my desk actually moves up and down so I will have the ability to stand if I need
I have been active today...hope I didn’t cross over to uhoh overdid myself...drove to bank and grocery..which are within 2 mile radius..Spent a few hours with my 1 year old granddaughter she brings me such joy..Now I’m in my recliner feet up and is raining good time for a nap..been up since 2 am.
Glad you got out to run errands and squeeze in some fun with the granddaughter!
Ice and a nap, sounds like a good idea on a rainy afternoon, especially after the activity of the day.
Enjoy! :ice: :sleep:
@Aline, bless you for your positive outlook after the road you’ve been on. I’m sure it’s been scary! I bet your granddaughter is good medicine. I am as impressed as everyone else that you’re bouncing back from two surgeries and the infectious. I hope you will be extra gentle with yourself. The forum is definitely a godsend for finding people who understand the ups and downs. It’s a napping day here too!
I'll bet after the past few weeks you are ready to stabilize and actually start your recovery without all the bumps in the road! Sometimes after I have been terribly ill, or gone through some sort of trauma, and I start feeling better I am filled with such gratitude and a feeling of euphoria that I may actually be able to get back to living my life without all the pain and stress. It sounds like you are starting to feel that same way---planning ahead to a phased return to work, running a few errands, enjoying your granddaughter....I admire how positive you are. Be sure to continue pacing yourself, and practicing lots of self care. :loveshwr:
It’s been a different last 3 days since I was here Even though I have been doing errands in moderation a few hours in morning out of house.. My left hip has become sore throbs at times...I have begun to not use the cane in the home when moving right side is a bit uncomfortable but after 10 steps I seem to walk with less discomfort..I am depending on my left to be my strong leg and it’s about 9 weeks old.. my right is 5 weeks old. I attempted this afternoon to lay on my left side to nap..bit uncomfortable I had the pillow in between legs is it too early? I surely would like to sleep in my bed the recliner has been wonderful but my back spasms due to the hardware from a fusion.
I also have been running a low grade fever 99.6 all signs of UA and my incision has healed from infection three weeks ago..nausea
Hope everyone else has been having a good week
@jwadds I am so sorry not sure how my post winded up on your thread...I was going to check in with you after I posted..ohhh geezzz...Haven’t been feelin Well today
@Aline :console2:
I'm so sorry you are feeling puny...that's what we call it in southern vernacular:giggle:

It does get wearying and your body is trying to heal from all of this trauma best it can.
Seemed like I was always struggling with a way to get comfortable :blackcloud:
Folks would
I thought, yes okay, easier said than done.
Hopefully all temporary and I am sending you tons of good wishes that the weekend will be easier.
Keep the faith friend..
This too shall pass.:loveshwr:
Will try to get your post copied worries.

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