THR Schaargi Hip #2 Nov. 2

If you could use the daily encouragement, you aren't bothering anyone @Schaargi , we are here to keep your nose to the grindstone! :heehee: I'm a retired supervisor and manager, I'm good at telling other people to work! :rotfl:
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Gotta love that FCBayern, :heehee:
He’ll be watching you :skep:
Have a wonderful week, Schaargi and stop by as you wish. We’re always here. :)
Yo @FCBayern and @Mojo333!:happyfeet:

Finished days 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 exercises! Thanks for encouraging me. I wanted to skip them yesterday but knew I would be posting, so you made me do them.

It's been a pretty good week. I'm continuing to see tiny improvements in strength. I increased the number of reps from 10 to 12 because I wanted to challenge myself. No repercussions (from overdoing it) so I am good!
Good to hear you are staying diligent and seeing improvement.
Hope the weather has been cooperating some do you've been able to get out and do do some walking in the fresh air.
Have a great day, @Schaargi :SUNsmile:
Hi There @Schaargi!
Glad to have joined you on the healing side and grateful for all that you've posted re: the easy/hard parts of recovery. Congrats on reaching out for accountability - that's a bugbear for me too.
So far, so good over here, learning to navigate with the walker, the (grrrr...) potty chair, and taking my first post-op shower. I'm staying present and through yours and other's eyes, looking forward to seeing what life will be like a month, three or five out. :fingersx::thumb:
Thanks again for leading the way!
I'm at 5 months and I know weird little aches and pains pop up periodically after surgery. I'm still having random pains, most notably in my hip flexors toward the inside of my leg.

I also have many aches and pains that I don't think are directly related to my surgery but might have resulted from my relative inactivity over the past months. My shoulder, my lateral back muscles, a lot of parts are hurting. Does that make sense? I'm 56 and I feel like I'm 80.

As a footnote, I did all my PT exercises for the past week, so I'm on a streak! :yes!:
Your body is readjusting to your new hip and gait. If you’ve gone from being relatively sedentary due to pain and lack of flexibility, I’m sure your body is adjusting to the increased mobility also. I wonder if your shoulder and back muscles were irritated through the use of an assistive device? Not sure how long you used one...Many of us also dismiss the idea of an aging body which can bring on more aches and pains at times. While 56 isn’t that old, it’s not 20 or 30. Make any sense? At only five months post op you still have many months of improvement to come and I’m guessing you’ll increasingly enjoy those benefits as your body continues to recover from this major surgery. Hang in’re doing well.
Have a good week!
As a footnote, I did all my PT exercises for the past week, so I'm on a streak! :yes!:
Oh yes, they call her the

Streak:heehee: for some reason, this reminded me of the old song... If you remember it.:loll:
I agree with Layla, assisted devices and/or increased mobility may be affecting your shoulder and back.
Also, not exactly sure what PT exercises you are doing but if they involve alot of leg lifts and the like, and your core muscles are might be compensating with other muscles. Do you think this is possible?
This is where a good therapist is helpful as they correct our " form"
I know you want to be diligent with the exercises, but fewer done better may be the ticket.
Oh yes, they call her the Streak:heehee: for some reason, this reminded me of the old song... If you remember it.:loll:

Ba ha ha ha ha ha! I remember that. Thinking back, what a weird trend, huh? :bolt:

Thanks, everyone for all the ideas. I had been increasingly sedentary for almost a year before my surgery, although I was lifting weights, practicing modified yoga and swimming. My activity definitely took a dive when our city locked down with COVID. Options for meaningful exercise dwindled.

So I think that part of my aches and pains are due to the supporting muscles (back, shoulders, core muscles) atrophy-ing. Hopefully, gentle yoga will help with that. The yoga I practice is not all stretching. It's a full body program with meditation thrown in.

The only pain I can relate to my exercises (including walking) is my hip flexor and the muscle that attaches from front to back by my sacrum (can't remember the name of it).

I'm only walking 30 minutes a day at a slow pace with my 88 year old mom. I will back off on any front leg lifting and see what happens. Getting old is for the birds!:chuck:
Hi, @Schaargi,

Congrats on doing your exercises and looking for accountability. I have a funny story to share.

A friend who is an ER nurse made me a recovery gift of a cute little vase filled with slips of paper with encouraging, affirmative sayings. She told me to pull one every day and then when the vase is empty, to go for a walk and fill it with flowers I find on my walk. So nice!

I keep the vase next to my exercise area (the chaise portion of my couch) and reward myself every day when I complete my exercises by pulling a slip and reading it. They are so encouraging and make me smile. I have resisted the temptation to read ahead.

Today when I reached for the vase, it was strangely full. My pile of 13 already read encouragements was gone. Oh no! I suspect my dear husband “cleaned up” and put them all back in the vase. I had to read them all just to pull out the ones I’d already read. And I could only remember reading about 8 of them!

I texted my ER nurse friend and asked her if this was a set back. She replied, “Yes.” :)
Hey @Schaargi!

Given everything, it sounds like you are doing great. I also find it difficult to do my workouts without the discipline of the gym -- and this must really be more difficult there, in real winter. Covid sure doesn't help anything anywhere anyhow.

Hmm boring exercises ... if you can batch them up into alternating workouts so that it's not exactly the same each day, that might help. Sending best wishes for your continued recovery. :SUNsmile::snow::plugging-in-xmas-tree-smiley-emoticon:
Hi @cstinchcomb!

Nice to "see" you! I hope you are doing well!

My PT has separated my home exercises, so that they alternate days, and I have one day off per week (mandatory). I'm actually doing pretty well with them, chunking it week-by-week instead of looking ahead at probably having to do them every day for at least the next 6 months. It also helps to post my success every week here and get little cheers from other members.

This forum helps so much; I feel like I'm not alone.

Thanks for checking in!
This week I backed off of my exercises and even most of my walking to see if my leg and back pains would subside. If anything, my pain got a little worse, so I don't thing I'm aggravating my leg and back with overdoing it.

Today I did only the exercises that didn't involve my hip flexors or abductors. I want to see how I feel tomorrow and Tuesday after doing that.

It was exceedingly difficult for me to stop doing my exercises and walking. I worry that I won't ever get enough strength back to be able to get back to my life.

Thanks for listening! Until next week....
Did you ever find a massage therapist ? I'll dig around a little more in my Colorado network if you think it'd be helpful . Hugs.

Darn covid. Massage really isn't safe right now . Have you tried any foam rolling ?

Truly wishing for the best, and sooner rather than later .

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