TKR RTKR followed by Revision . Now LTKR giving trouble.

Great Report! Have a wonderful cruise and enjoy the snorkeling.

Great news!:happydance: I am so glad that Dr. Maale was able to help you! He saved my leg and I will forever be grateful to him for all he has done! Life is so much better now isn't it?!!:friends:
YIKES: People I need to submit a prayer request
127 days post op from horrid revision surgery. Everything seemed to be moving right along until the past week maybe longer. CALF PAIN!!!!!! KNOCKING sensation, pain and sounds not getting better with quad strengthening. My gait seems to be getting off a little. I thought with quad strengthening the clicking/knocking of the new joint would go away. DOES IT? WILL IT? Does anyone else have the knocking issue? I have placed a call to my OS to discuss these issues and the pain that seems to be returning. Last time around, the knocking was a sign of a failed knee implant (maybe I'm just panicing from PTSD). Nothing seems to help it feel better. Knee swelling is still at 49cm circumference (not increasing any since last visit with OS). I'm scared people. It's not like I can hop in the car and get to OS office in the drop of a hat. It either requires 350 mile road trip or a plane flight. Sorry for the ramble, I'm scared.
Positive thought and prayers your way, hope the OS calls you soon.
Thinking of you, I hope you get an answer soon and everything is OK. Take care.

Don't panic! Have you talked to the OS yet? I have had some issues with my gait and I am finally getting it worked out!

You are 4 months out from a revision on a leg that has had a lot of trauma. I will be praying for you.

4 months though, is a short amount of time for a replacement to heal, let alone a revision.
Let us know what he says. If Amy is on the line or even Dr. Maale, tell them Sonja says "Hello!" :)
I spoke with OS this morning and all is ok. He seems to think calf issue and pain is a scar tissue issue. Knocking he seems to still think will go away when swelling goes down some and patella can track properly. Increase soft tissue mobes (massage) at PT. RX for PT runs out on 1/23 and he will order it for STM since I really don't need more PT right now. I can do all exercises at home and told him so. The calf is going to be getting heating pad treatments several times per day. He said this should help loosen scar tissue before it matures. We are going with the wait and see tactic for now. Follow up still for March unless problems persist. Fingers crossed this hurdle goes away quickly. He reminded me that I'm on track for 4 months post op after all the trauma and infection. Thanks again for the thoughts n prayers

I had a feeling that it would be about some patella tracking issues. I am now at 2 1/2 years after my revision, having deep tissue massage to break up scar tissue. If my Physical Therapist would have focused less on wanting the patella removed, and found ways to get it tracking instead, I would not be facing this now.

Dr. Maale, as I found out recently by requesting copies of PT notes, told them to get busy with ultrasound. They never used it on me. I am glad that they are going to address your problems early; remember, even a first replacement takes up to a year to fully recover.
@mommabarefoot .... how are things going for you? If you get a chance to provide an update, it would be great. I hope you're feeling better.
Sorry for the delay in update all. Cruise was AWESOME, snorkeling was a little difficult as leg tired quickly with fins on. Joint loved the warm weather, no aches or major pains. Returned home with a fx tailbone (didn't fall on my knee though). Followed up with Dr Maale, 6 months post TKR, he's amazed at where I'm at at this stage. He still says, he never thought I would have this much use of leg ever. The knee n thigh is still pretty swollen, knee measures 50 cm in circumference and thigh goes up n down. He said maybe another year and it could possibly go down. He's amazed and happy n so am I. This cooler wet weather is causing soe pretty high discomfort, but in time it should get better. Let's pray. I still can't kneel on it or climb stairs (one leg after the other) so I just do it like a crab. Husband n I will be flying back to the Caribbean in August for some more down time (I had NO noticeable pain there). I plan to spend a few weeks in the Keys also. After a year of hell, I'm pampering myself. I go back to Maale in September for follow up, unless I need something sooner. We will be discussing him doing the original replacement on the left knee. No sense in going to anyone else. Took meds so off to some rest I hope. Thanks for everyones support

PS: patella tracking is the knocking issue. It might go away in time, or it might not. I can deal with it though.
And no more op pt...yeahhh. We did change up the last month to only graston, ultrasound and soft tissue n it helped.
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What a wonderful report, thanks for updating us. Fantastic you have your life back.
I am so happy to hear about all of your great news! You deserve it my friend! "Keep on keeping on!"
Rough couple of days :-(
It seems I'm having some pain increase, which is to be expected. What's bad is my left knee (no operated one) has reared its ugly pain head. Again, to be expected I guess. I've been told to be patient, I'm having a difficult time doing this. I need to put out a prayer request for both knees. I need them to settle down, especially the left. I'm terrified of the thought of any type of surgery on it. I'm still moving around, slightly. Any suggestions from people whom have had one knee go south, then when it's finally repaired and partially healed, the other tips the bucket. I'm scared beyond measure right now.
Sorry your other knee is going south, nana moon 27 is having her other knee done after a revision.

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LTKR Sept 13 2011
Revision April 15 2014
Calling Dr Maale today to discuss left knee. I'm terrified as I don't want any other Dr touching me. Please pray he says he'll do an original replacemen and for some pain relief. Luv to all
Scheduled appt with Dr Maale for 4/23/15 to check left knee. It's becoming increasingly more painful, locks up, gives way, it's just trashed. This will be my first roadtrip to Plano since August 2014. Decided I wanted to have some non rushed alone time, so I'm not flying. Hubs thinks I've gone crazy, but I can do it. It's only 4.5-5 hrs from my home. The revised knee is coming right along. Will post more as soon as I know what's up. I'm terrified, but have endless faith in Maale. Hope everyone's well
Have a safe drive, enjoy your alone time. Hope they can take care of your left knee soon.
Thank you for your posts!! I had my revision in Feb. and have been stressed as this seems to be so much slower in healing. With me being in Washington going to Texas is going to take some planning but now reading your posts I need to be patient and take it easier!! Thanks again!!!

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