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Revision April 2017 / Fed Up

Thanks for the xray. Your right hip looks fine.

As for Gregson, I met him briefly at a conference and have heard him give a paper.
Hi @Crisps.

I see you've decided to have the plate taken out. I've read through your thread but can't see confirmation that your trochanter has healed. Perhaps I'm missing something? If it hasn't, will you have a new plate inserted?

Curious because I had a trochanteric osteotomy in 2014 with no fixation of the greater trochanter, and the bone failed to heal as expected. I won't go into detail because I don't want to de-rail your thread, but I have an 8mm gap between the trochanter and femur.

Hope things work out well for you.
Aww, Crisps
I'm sorry for all of your pain and suffering.
Hopefully you're able to get that plate out soon and begin healing.
Prayers for comfort as you wait. :prayer:
Hope your week is peaceful.
Hey Crisps, how is you hip and your poor nerves, if you have any left?
I've thought of you often.
Hopefully you are trying to stay positive ....
:console2:rooting for you!
Hi @Crisps
How is it going for you?
Wondering if you're scheduled to have the plate removed...
Give us an update when you're able. We'd love to support you through all.
Hope your weekend is good.
Hi All

Been a mad few weeks, but thought I would drop you an update. Surgery had been scheduled , then I had massive change of mind, as the plate was no longer causing me added pain. Great chat with consultant and we both agreed to again, wait and see if it settles long term, if not just ring him back up and I will be listed again.

So I am busy walking in the swimming pool, building up strength and stanima after spending so long sitting and resting. Things are still going ok . Even braver this week I have dropped a 10mg of morphine in the mornings, again going well.

Sorry I have not supported anyone for a while, been a bit selfish concentrating on me, but feel I can now offer some support to others in the forum now .
Hi Helenium,
Sorry I have not replied to you sooner, but been off line, concentrating on me. No we don't know if the trochanter has healed, and that's the fear that if the plate is taken out, it could mean the trochanter could migrate. However all problems have now settled, the other screw doing their job. So now I am working towards going back to work. Been nearly a year off. I hope you are well Can they do anything about the gap you have and has this meant your very weak mobility wise. .?
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Hi @Crisps

I've been wondering how you are. So pleased to hear the hip has settled down for you and I do hope you'll be able to get back to work as planned.

When my trochanter failed to heal I was told I wouldn't notice any difference. I had a different surgeon for my other hip revision and he was of the same opinion. I asked why there was no fixation and was told that the plates/screws bring along their own set of problems because of the strong muscle forces acting in the area. I'm told that it's muscles that are holding the trochanter in place. I don't know when the trochanter moved away from my femur, but it has stayed in about the same position for the last 2 years. I say 'about' because each x-ray is taken from a slightly different angle, but they look very similar.

The reality - that hip/leg is weaker (and more problematic), but I have much greater mobility in that hip! I get around fine in the house but outdoors, any distance, I need to use a stick to support that side. Same for a number of stairs or steps, need to use a stick or handrail. Whether it's all because of the non-union, I don't know. I had been subluxating for years (awful pain, misdiagnosed as referred spinal pain) and had extensive muscle damage. As well as the osteotomy at revision, the femur was fractured to enable removal of the stem. So I have cerclage wires holding the femur together and I'm fairly certain that they cause me problems at times. That hip/leg has been through a lot of trauma.

There is certainly no intention for anything to be done about the non-union at this time. However, having lurked on this site for many months, I have more idea what to be looking for on my x-rays and what questions to ask. Looking at my x-ray at my last review, I pushed (and pushed) to get a definitive reply as to whether the stem is loose. I'm told it's not as good a fit as he would like, so I think that another revision could be in my future. That could take care of a migrating trochanter and cerclage wires. My next review is in 3 years, and in the meantime I take each day as it comes.

I've certainly de-railed your thread this time, but hopefully this will be of use to others. Any questions anyone, please ask.
Interesting sharing our experiences, as it so helps information is power, enables us to ask more questions, things we had not thought of. Did you have your surgery in the UK
Hi @Crisps
Yes, all surgery done on NHS in UK. Had private second opinion in 2013, then switched NHS hospitals for the revisions.
Hi Well can't believe it but we have come to Cyprus with our children and grandchildren, after making the decision not to have the plate removed, three days in and it's gone again. Catching my muscle making it difficult to walk sit or stand. Clearly made the wrong decision. Frantic phone to let surgeon know, as an SOS patient, as we both had come to the decision to hold off, as at pre-operation in April it had settled down.

I think combination of returning to work, part time and on reduced hours then coming away has tipped me over the edge again.

This time because I know what is happening, it's not as scary but means I grounded in the villa for two weeks, however a good sun bed and book will no doubt keep me happy.

These hips certainly challenged us at times. Sometimes it's hard making decisions as I properly just felt I could not stand another operation back in April which would have been the 12 months since this one went in.

Not sure if I am only suppose to post in the April recovery forum so just tagged this on the end of my older posts.
Not sure if I am only suppose to post in the April recovery forum , so just tagged this on the end of my older posts.
Posting on your thread is perfect. We have all your history in one place.

So sorry you are suffering and grounded on your holiday! Just not fair. I hope you don't have to wait long to get this sorted. Please try to enjoy your time with your family. Sounds wonderful!
Thank you Jaycey. We have hired a car so can bunny hop to the restaurants so we went for lovely meal tonight. Purchased lots of pool stuff so I can get in the water which always helps. Indeed my fingers are crossed they have me in quickly as promised if it went again xxx
I'm so sorry @Crisps
I sure hope you aren't in a lot of pain.
Missing out on your vacay is enough. I hope you're not physically suffering also.
It sounds like you'll be getting a lot of R&R with your book in the sunshine.
I hope you enjoy that time. Keep us posted. We're here for you...
Struggling tonight the pain is awful , feels like every nerve ending is angry , down both legs and my back. Can't sleep , so on iPad sitting outside while we on holiday in Cyprus. I can't take any more meds, so just hoping the last lot taken half hour a go kick in soon. :hairpulling:
I'm sorry you're struggling.
Hopefully the pain has let up since you last posted.
Wondering if you're able to enjoy vacation at all? Hopefully so.
Wishing you brighter days.

thank you , yes finally got to sleep about 4am . We fly home on Tuesday late on , so will get on to the hospital first thing Wednesday morning. I have contacted them from here and really really hope there is a letter waiting for me with operation slot, but I might be expecting to much , but our fingers and toes are crossed .
I am due back in work, still on phased return , but no choice but to tell them yet again I will be off.

Day time hours help with distraction, watching the grandchildren in the pool .

Again thank you for helping me, with your thoughtfulness .
:fingersx: for you too, @Crisps !
Hate that you are hurting so, but I suppose being in a beautiful place with beautiful grandchildren is some distraction.
Sending best wishes for an expedited surgery!:)
Fingers crossed for me please; flying home this evening and really really hope operation letter waiting on my mat, otherwise it will be desperate phone calls in the morning . Or presenting at A & E as can't stand this pain a minute longer than the 8 hrs till we get home.

Interesting at Cyprus airport , because I said I could not walk without my crutches, I had a real frisk over, she even looked down my knickers , front and back , not in a private room, but where everyone stands to walk through security

Will up date you tomorrow. Night for now xxxx
Oh for heavens sake with the frisking. Tell them you're in too much pain to blow something up.

I hope you have a letter. Sorry you are in pain, Crisps.

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